
KAYA Rabai, Kauma, Jibana, Ribe and Kambe

Seven half Brothers are in the thick forest in the Jimbo of the Gifted, Kaya Kauma. They are looking for a special positive whispering sacred hardwood tree, in which, when you talk, it hears and implements. When you command, it delivers. When you wrongly swear, it punishes you. When you wear it, nothing can harm you and when it runs in your blood you have the strength of anything you desire.

Due to the recurring problems and sickness in all the homesteads of the late Charo wa Kahindi. The great renowned Old icon, the richest businessman and a great Warrior. A ritual ceremony of his Kigango was performed. His seven Sons had brought a curved sculpture representing their late Father's spirit and the Counsel of Elders of Kaya Kauma patterned the Kigango according to the powers that the deceased had, in an Art of his qualities, talents and capabilities. A sacrificial feast was carried out at the Shrine and the Kigango was planted at the center of his home compound.

That same night Charo wa Kahindi in a spiritual form visited his eldest son Chumbe Sinzia and took him across the Nine Kaya deep forests of Mijikenda. From Kaya Kauma, they collected herbal leaves from each Kaya and from a very different type of tree. Chumbe was very pleased and happy to be with his father. He asked many questions and all were satisfactorily answered as they hugged and laughed all throughout their way. When they came back home, his father mixed all the leaves together, and they made a medicinal solution. Charo drunk some, gave his son to drink of it, then they sprinkled some around the whole compound. He then directed his son to do the same to all the other members of the family wherever they were. Charo kissed his son on the forehead, walked a few steps away and disappeared in the warm thin air.

Chumbe Sinzia felt cleansed, healed and renewed. He could not sleep anymore that night. He remained awake till the first Cock crowd. Likewise, he then called all the family member and narrated the whole tour story to them. They all drunk the medicine in a warm fuzzier and got healed in a wonderful way.

Six Calabash Jars with the same medicine were prepared by Chumbe. The Jars were to be delivered to all their blood Relatives in their Father's homesteads. He ordered his five half brothers each to take one and directed them on how to use it. One was taken to the Jimbo of the Sailors, Kaya Jibana. One to the Jimbo of the great Hunters, Kaya Ribe. One to the Jimbo of the Just, Kaya Kambe. One in the Tana Valley Wantu wa Dzuu up River Zubaki tribe Pokomo and One to the Taita hills Saghalla land. Chumbe himself took the last Jar to his own Mother, The first wife of his Father in the Jimbo of the Wise, Kaya Rabai.