
Karma: Infinite Shegama

The world of Arkadia was once a thriving paradise, filled with lush forests, sparkling oceans, and majestic mountains. But everything changed when the immortals invaded The world was ravaged by this immortal invaders, these immortal alien beings brought destruction and chaos, threatening to wipe out all life on Earth. In a desperate bid to protect what was left, of their world, the people of Arkadia banded together and made the ultimate sacrifice. They used their combined power to create the Omnislayer bloodline A warriors that could defeat the immortals and save world. Through countless battles and sacrifices, the Omnislayers succeeded in defeating the Invaders and restoring peace to Arkadia. But their victory came at a cost. the Omnislayers sacrificed alot to defeat the Enemy and restore peace. But now, stirring within a young man is that threat reborn after many years past, granting him unimaginable power and a dangerous destiny. As he grapples with his newfound abilities and the looming threat of darkness, he must choose whether to save the world or succumb to the beast within. The fate of Arkadia hangs in the balance as he faces epic battles, ancient mysteries, and the ultimate choice between salvation He must learn to control his powers, to harness his powers for good. But as the forces of darkness gather against him, he must also confront the ultimate truth – that within him lies the power to either save the world or destroy it. And only by embracing his destiny as the Thirteenth Bearer can he hope to survive the coming storm.

umukoro_prosper · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Lilith vs Adrian

Moments back in the confinement room, things aren't the way it once was. The place is a sheer shadow of what it looks like, with Josh and Ella breathing heavily, kneeling a few distances away from a proud-looking Lilith. Their appearance shows the extent of the battle they had been through.

"Is that supposed to hurt me?" Lilith asked, while a claw mark on her chest healed up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Josh hissed, "I hate these damn vampires," and Ella couldn't agree more, seeing the wound she inflicted on Lilith with her shapeshifted form heal up like nothing.

"You don't get distracted when in battle," a torrent of wind blades flew over to their direction as both of them rolled over to the side to evade it. Unfortunately for Josh, Lilith seemed to have anticipated his move and appeared behind him, grabbing his head as she flung him against the wall at the other end.

She was about to dash over, but a sudden attack made her halt and change her steps, appearing in another location as a powerful fireball landed on where she once stood.

"It took you so long; I thought you were going to chicken out and watch me bully them some more," Lilith said, facing the new attacker.

The new attacker is none other than Adrian. His clothes were singed and charred from the attack he just made out of impulse, but he still stood tall and proud, his features both calm and confused. He kept staring at his palm as if to check if he was the one who made that attack just now.

"I don't care what your business with each other is; I just want to go home," he said in a deep, resonant voice. "I don't want to get caught in all this. First, a vampire, and now, strange people with oppressive air around them, and you controlling wind as if I'm in a movie or something."

Lilith laughed, her voice cruel and mocking. "You think you're in a movie? You are a fool. This is more reality than the lie you've been living all your life."

Adrian's eyes narrowed; he wanted to argue but felt no words coming out of his mouth. He couldn't refute because the hard truth that had hit him in just a few hours is enough to make one go crazy for a lifetime. Vampires, and that crazy lady conjuring things out of thin air. None of this is possible in reality except in movies and dreams.

But the most pressing thing disturbing him at the moment is the uncontrollable urge to fight this Lady before him. Confusion was evident on Adrian's face, but Lilith seemed unperturbed. "You feel it, don't you?" she said, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "The need to fight, to dominate, to conquer, to destroy everything before you."

"That's power, a gift. The gift of conquest. And you are caught up in it, whether you like it or not. You are set to bring everything before you to its knees and then to ash."

Seeing me display strength triggered the power sealed inside of you," she continued.

Adrian shook his head, trying to clear the cobwebs from his mind. "No," he said, his voice firm. "I am not like you. I am not a conqueror. I will not let you manipulate me into becoming..." He didn't have the opportunity to complete his speech as he seemed to have lost control or was struggling to remain in control.

The markings on his hands glowed brightly as they slowly began to spread up his arm, fiery golden veins accompanying the markings as they pulsed with power.

A deafening roar escaped Adrian's mouth as he unleashed a powerful blast of fire at Lilith.

Lilith raised her hand, and the blast of fire hit a wall of wind that seemed to absorb the force of the blast. She regarded Adrian with amusement, as if she was watching a child try to throw a tantrum. "Is that all you have?" she asked, her voice taunting.

"I am impressed by the amount of power you wield, but you have no control over it. I, on the other hand, have been honing my power for centuries. You are nothing more than a child, flailing about with no real understanding of what you are doing."

The words seemed to trigger anger in Adrian as he lost all form of resistance and struggle, allowing the course of effect to play the hands of fate. Another blast of fire flew toward Lilith, who gracefully evaded it and countered with a powerful gust of wind that sent Adrian flying into the wall.

Mid-air, Adrian made a maneuver move, landing on his feet as he skidded backwards for a while but quickly shot forward with a burst of flame shooting off from his feet as he unleashed a barrage of fire.

But Lilith was already on the move, twisting and turning through the air like a dancer.

Her hands came together in front of her as she unleashed a focused blast of air that sliced through the flames and hit Adrian squarely in the chest, knocking him to the ground.

Adrian hit the ground with a thud, the air knocked out of him, as he grasped quickly to get back on his feet.

Anger evident in his eyes as they seemed to take on the shade of glowing magma for a few seconds.

Josh and Ella, who had retreated to the side, didn't know how to best assess the situation. "I don't know if that thing is on our side or just wanting to take out the bigger threat first," Josh pointed with his chin at the fighting Adrian engaged in battle against Lilith, "but we can't let this witch win; we can deal with that later."

Ella agreed, and both charged into the battle.

"You kids should just watch." Lilith, who had noticed them from the side, said as she whipped a powerful gust of wind towards their direction, creating a little tornado that swept towards them, destroying everything in its path.

From furniture to anything that wasn't rooted to the ground, and as if that wasn't enough, Adrian seemed to be angered by their intrusion into his battle as he, too, sent a beam of flames hurtling their way.

Both attacks met and blasted the duo against the wall, knocking them out cold, while both figures stood ready for another round.

As the two figures faced off, the air around them crackled with tension. They were both powerful, both skilled. But there was something about the way they fought that was different.

Lilith's movements were graceful, fluid, almost like a dance. She moved with a sense of confidence and ease, as if she knew exactly what her opponent would do before he did it. She was quick, but her power was undeniable.

Adrian, on the other hand, fought with a ferocity and intensity that was hard to match. His movements were more aggressive, almost reckless, but they had a certain wild beauty.

The two combatants circled each other, their eyes locked. Adrian circled around the room, picking up speed, while Lilith stayed at the center watching him intently with an uninterested look.

Suddenly, Adrian changed his movement, dashing towards Lilith as he threw out his arms covered and burning with intense flame, unleashing a powerful punch aimed at Lilith.

The tension was palpable as everything seemed to undergo a slow-motion effect.

When it looked like Adrian's attack was to overpower Lilith if it connected, her figure disappeared from their spot, appearing beside Adrian with lightning speed, throwing a crescent kick powered with wind.

Adrian had to disengage the attack, making a last-minute maneuver, doing a full front flip, crossing his hands at the trajectory of the kick that connected, shattering cracks of elements.

The impact of the two blows sent out a shockwave of elemental energy, sending dust and debris flying. The air around them crackled with energy, the air itself seeming to vibrate with tension.

The two combatants leaped back, their eyes locked on each other, their breathing heavy.

Lilith smiled, her eyes glinting. "You are stronger than I thought. I must say, I'm impressed. Most men would have been defeated by now."

Adrian's expression darkened. "I'm not most men." Adrian roared as he charged in once more.

The room crackled with energy as the two opponents squared off, their eyes locked in a deadly dance of determination.

Adrian unleashed a burst of flames from his fingertips, the fire crackling and erupting in a brilliant display of power.

Lilith smiled serenely, effortlessly bending the air around her to create a barrier that deflected the flames away.

She floated gracefully through the air, her movements fluid and effortless as she taunted Adrian with her superior use of air.

"Is that all you've got, little fire man?" Lilith sneered, her voice dripping with mockery.

Adrian gritted his teeth, his fists clenched as he concentrated on channeling his fire energy to the highest level.

With a fierce cry, he sent a torrent of flames hurtling towards Lilith, the intense heat licking at her skin.

But the other was too quick, too nimble. With a swift movement of her hands, she created a swirling vortex of air that extinguished the flames before they could even touch her.

She danced around Adrian, her movements like a graceful ballet of destruction, her eyes glinting with manic delight.

Sensing his frustration, her smile widened as she pushed Adrian to the brink of defeat.

When it seemed like all hope was lost, Adrian's eyes blazed with fiery determination. With a roar of defiance, he unleashed a savage inferno that engulfed Lilith in a scorching blaze of fire.

For a moment, the room was filled with the roaring flames and the sound of their battle.

When everything cleared, Lilith emerged from the ashes, her face a mask of surprise and fury. Adrian stood before her, his chest heaving, his eyes blazing with newfound confidence.

"You may have underestimated me," Adrian growled, his voice a low, menacing growl. "But never underestimate the fire inside of me pushed to his limit."

And with that, Adrian unleashed a final, devastating attack that sent Lilith crashing to the ground in defeat.

Adrian wanted to charge over for a finishing blow but was sent flying as by someone from the group that had just appeared.