
Karitori: Kuragari

In this world there are Monsters, Cryptids, Demons whatever you seek to call them... But there are those who hunt these monsters and protect humanity; they are Reapers! Using their Scythes to cut through these beast like a wheat field! And Samuel Reyes is the newest one! Join Sam and his friends on this... adventure Karitori. NOTHING IS EVER AS IT SEEMS... Honestly you- ya just... skip Part 0 if you want to, it's not the best... and I mean... I am going to someday rewrite and fix this.

Raymond_Jensen · แฟนตาซี
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84 Chs

The Heroes Attack.

Part 2: Shinu De Nuevo.

Arc 8: Heart Shaped Prison.

"Peter, Gabriela, Louis, and Kenji aren't a threat to me, that leaves only five Kane, Able, Amelia, Carter, and Levente. This ends tonight."

*Cue Badass Opening*

(Syra wakes up on the other side of the forest, pinned down by fallen trees. She pushes the trees off of her and stands up.)

Syra: What happened back there? (She falls on her knees and starts screaming in pain. She looks down and sees a stick stuck deep inside her left leg.) Oh, what am I going to do now?! Mother! MOTHER!!! How am I supposed to beat him?! (She closes her eyes and when she opens them again, she is lying inside the same room Sam ended up when he died. Fate approaches her from behind and gives her a hug.) Mother?

Fate: Syra, I... I can't help you, but I can tell you one thing, at the end of this day only one brother shall remain standing, I guess you're just going to have to find out which one of them it is.

(Syra wakes back up in the burning forest.)

Syra: That's... that's not enough. That's not enough!!!

(Outside of the forest. Gabriela and Peter are tending to Kenji and his wounds.)

Peter: (He is sitting against a tree.) Do you think he'll live?

Gabriela: (She finishes wrapping the bandages around him.) It's unlikely, his legs got completely crushed, he lost a lot of blood, if he DOES by some divine miracle survive then he'll never walk again.

(Inside a dark abyss, the only bit of light coming from above it, but yet no light reach down it.)

Kenji: Where am I? It's cold in here.

"Kenji Ford, the Rogue Reaper, you know it's always nice to meet a new host, my last one was a bit edgy."

Kenji: Who are you?!

"Only your darkest thought, the side of yourself which you want to keep hidden from others. I, Mr. Ford, am Wrath."

Kenji: And what do you want?

"Oh to help you, tell me the name of the thing that angers you the most. Or wait!!! I know who it is... Kuragari. He not only mocked you, but put you in a near-death state. Admit it, you hate him, you can't hide it, I told the same to Sam about Dracula, now I'm moving on to you. Say it, you hate him."

Kenji: I... hate him.

"I couldn't hear that."

Kenji: I hate him!!!

"How much?"


(Back outside the forest, Gabriela and Peter stare in shock as Kenji's legs start healing back to normal.)

Peter: Did you do that?

Gabriela: I don't think so...

(Kenji's eyes spring open and his blue eyes turn blood red, and his hair turns into a pure black color. He stands up and throws on his coat.)

Kenji: (His voice sounds much deeper and sinister.) Where is Kuragari?

Gabriela: Just... through the forest.

(Kenji zooms back towards the village, Gabriela and Peter just stare on in shock.)

Peter: This doesn't look good.

(Carter and Amelia look at the village from a far away sniper vantage point, inside a fire lookout tower.)

Carter: You know, I don't think we've ever really had a conversation before.

Amelia: Yeah, I don't think so either.

Carter: Who knows, maybe in another timeline, we're the best of friends.

Amelia: Hmm, probably.

Carter: (He notices movement among the tree line and looks down the sight. He sees several armed men and woman walk through the forest, coming from all angles all walking towards the village.) Gotta be a few hundred of them...

Amelia: What is it?

Carter: Either allies or foes, can't tell. Go ask them.

Amelia: (She stands up from her seat and readies her weapons.) Will do.

(Meanwhile, Kane, Able, and Annah are running around the back of the village.)

Kane: Where the fuck is Azrael when you need him?!

(Annah suddenly stops dead in her tracks, the rest turn around to look at her.)

Able: (He leans against a tree, out of breath and sweating heavily.) Annah, is something wrong?

Annah: No, but you three go on without me.

Kane: Come on, we're almost at the end, you just need to hold on for a bit longer, I'm talking to you too Able.

Able: *Coughing* I'll be fine!!!

Annah: I'll be fine too, just go without me, I've got something to do.

Kane: Annah... be safe, alright?

Annah: I will.

(Kane and Levente run off further, Able musters his strength, gives Annah a small nod and follows behind them.)

Annah: You can come out now. They're not here.

(Tomogui drops down behind Annah and lunges at her, but she dodges it at the last second.)

Tomogui: (She turns around and faces Annah.) Annah Zitalia.

Annah: I know you?

Tomogui: No, but I know you. You're the slave girl that has a crush on my beloved. And I can see that blush on your face, quit trying to hide it! The name's Tomogui Helm.

Annah: Well, Tomogui. I don't want this fight. (She walks past Tomogui.) So leave me alone.

Tomogui: (She grabs Annah's right arm.) But I do, Vampire Girl.

(She digs her claws into Annah's arm and throws her away.)

Tomogui: C'mon, Ghoul vs. Vampire! For the heart of the man they love!!! (She hears silence coming from Annah's location.) Did I kill you already?

(She walks over to Annah and lifts the rubble off of her.)

Tomogui: You gotta be kidding, dead already? (She starts walking away from Annah's body.) Well that's disappointing...

Annah: *Whispering* Hey... (Tomogui turns around to look Annah.) Clear Crystal, Volley Blast.

(Tomogui is blasted by several thin shards of Clear Crystal, sending her flying backwards, she jumps out of the way of the blast and leaps at Annah, but she forms a sword made of Clear Crystal and hits her in the face.)

(Tomogui is hit against a tree, but she jumps off of it, Annah blocks her attacks with a Crystal Shield.)

(Annah bashes Tomogui away with the shield and throws the shield at her.)

Tomogui: (She regains her balance.) You're holding back! A Vampire is a machine of bloodlust, who kills their enemy through any means possible, come on! Show me your rage!!!

Annah: I'm not here to kill you, I just want to talk with Sam!

Tomogui: By all means, I understand. I just don't want him to feel any more heartbreak!

Annah: And you're trying to kill the woman who's known him for 5 years?! Don't you think there's a flaw in your logic right there?

Tomogui: (She walks towards Annah.) Fine if you want to talk to him, then I'll take you there. (Annah readies to fire Clear Crystal at her, but she retracts her claws.) See, not a threat.

Annah: I'm keeping my eyes on you.

Tomogui: Relax... if I wanted to kill you... (She gives Annah a hug.) I wouldn't make it too obvious...

(Tomogui stabs Annah in the stomach with a small silver pocket knife. Annah tries to hold back her pain, she forms a Clear Crystal shard in her hand and stabs Tomogui in the back. Tomogui bites Annah in the shoulder, breaking her right clavicle. Annah's screams of pain echo throughout the entire forest.)

5 Years Ago...

(Inside the old hotel room they stayed in.)

Annah: Sam, tell me; why do you hate Dracula so much?

Sam: He... or one of his goons killed my fiancé, my adopted son, and tore my entire life apart. In that moment, I knew that Vampires were... "Impure" and needed to be exterminate. Or who knows... maybe I'm in the wrong here, maybe I'm just a fool fighting for revenge.

Annah: Oh... but, what would you do if someone you loved was a Vampire?

Sam: (He looks into Annah's eyes.) I would... (He thinks for a second.) I would protect them no matter what the cost.

Present Day.

(Annah's eyes transition from her Mud Brown color to a Fiery Orange color, as the words "I love you" run through her head. Her Vampiric thoughts run wild, she bites into Tomogui throat with her sharp fangs and drives one of her claws made of Clear Crystal into Tomogui's chest.)

Tomogui: (As Annah removes the claw from her chest, ripping out her heart. She rests her head on Annah's shoulder.) I... only wanted to be loved by someone.

(Annah licks the blood off of the crystal Clear and dashes through the forest.)

(Meanwhile, Amelia sneaks up on the Armed Forces, she stalks them through the trees and when she finally sees an opening she grabs one of the lone men, she brings a knife up to his throat and covers his mouth.)

Amelia: Try to scream and I'll make sure it's a closed casket. Why are you here?

The man: We're just here under Kuragari's orders, we're his backup squadron.

Amelia: Oh you've gotta be shitting me. Carter you catch that?

Carter: (Over the earpiece.) Loud and clear. Give me your orders.

Amelia: Your "orders" are to-... (She spots something flying above them, speeding through the tree line.) What the hell?

Carter: What's the matter?

Amelia: (She brings the blade closer to the man's throat.) Are they yours?

The man: I don't know who they are, all our forces are on the ground...

Amelia: Then who are they?

(Zooming through the trees from all angles towards the village, hundreds of Reapers all coming together to bring down Kuragari, once and for all.)

Leader of the Reapers: (He and all his troops are wearing a black cape with the Reaper Coat of Arms on their back. He turns his head to his lieutenant.) (His voice is deep and he speaks in a serious mannerism.) Make sure all our troops are safely away from the fire. On my orders, deploy the canon fire on him.

His Lieutenant: (He speeds away from the Leader.) Yes sir!!!

Leader: Louis Martin... you better keep by our bargain, our soldiers, for Kuragari's head.

(Kuragari sits outside the church, tossing a few rocks and twiddling his thumbs.)

(Kane, Able, and Levente watch him from a distance.)

Kane: What's he been doing this whole time?

Levente: Well... absolutely nothing.

Kane: Go talk to him then, it is your turn after all.

Levente: Right. (He starts walking down the cliff.) Azrael better show up. Yo!!! Kuragari!!!

Kuragari: Levente, my old friend. Why did Kane send you of all people here?

Levente: Eh... probably because I'm expendable, that or I'm a masochist who loves getting his ass kicked.

Kuragari: (He stands up from his seat, Black Scythe in hand.) What's your reason, Levente?

Levente: Haha... I'm just distracting you, you dickwaffle! Now!!! (Absolutely nothing happens.) *Clears throat.* NOW!!! Oh, c'mon!!!

Kuragari: Can I kill you now?

Levente: (Kuragari starts approaching him.) Shit!!! Where the hell are you?!!!

Kuragari: You know, I think there's a Disturbed song called "The Best Ones Lie." Oh if that doesn't summarize you situation right now!!! (Levente draws his sword and points it at Kuragari. Kuragari teleports in front of him.)

Kuragari: Come on, Levente. You got this far, in fact, I'll give you a free hit. (He grabs hold of Levente blade and brings it up to his right eye and slashes it with the point of the blade.) My. Turn.

(Kuragari punches Levente in the gut, sending him flying into one of the buildings.)

Kuragari: You know, this town was built by a monster sympathizer, it was made to be far from society. Unfortunately it crumbled because of it's own economy, all the monsters that lived here were forced back to the underground. Tell me, does Kane realize he's destroying this important piece of history.

Levente: (He bursts from the rubble of the fallen building.) Oh, ENOUGH with the generic villain bullshit!!! And plus... I'm just distracting you, ya dickwaffle!!!

(The sky starts rumbling with the sound of thunder, the sky closes with dark clouds and the rain starts gently falling down. A golden strike of lightning hits the ground right behind Kuragari. He turns around and sees Azrael standing in armor behind him. The metal of the amour surrounds his entire body, with only the joints being slightly exposed for extra movement capability. The steel of the armor is a heavenly mix of White Steel and Gold. A red piece of cloth covers his chest area, baring the emblem of Heaven's army, two swords crossed with wings growing off of their hilts, giving off a ray of light, with an all seeing eye beneath them. He holds his Spear in his right hand, it is nearly 170cm long, the silver blade of the spear has gold engravings of all his victories and battles across time on it, the shaft of the spear is made of a golden material with a different texture to them for better grip, and the shoe of the spear has a secondary smaller blade at its tip. The name of this legendary weapon is "The Right Hand of God.")

Azrael: Samuel Roy Kuragari!

Kuragari: Heaven-sent Spear, Azrael, First Son of God. Don't you have an angry green man with a shield to annoy, I mean I heard Rise of The Shield Hero Season 2 is coming out soon.

Azrael: For committing sins against Humanity, I have been ordered to arrest you and take you to Heaven where you shall then be executed.

Kuragari: Listen, Red Right Hand, I'm not interested in you right now, we can settle this later!!! So hit the road, Jack!!!

Azrael: I recommend that you take this seriously!

Kuragari: No, fuck you!!! (He turns back to Levente.) Now, where were we, Levente?

(Azrael spins his spear around and slams it into the ground, the ammo from the Reaper's canons fire into the air and all explode, almost like fireworks being set off. Kuragari looks at the explosions and claps his hands as he laughs.)

(From outside the forest, Louis stands and looks in confusion at the explosions being set off.)

Louis: Did they set off the canons already?

(Annah's bloodlust fades for a second as she admires the "fireworks".)

(Standing on top of the tree branches, the Leader of the Reapers looks at the explosions and frustration grows on his face.)

Leader: Dammit, I told to imbeciles to wait for my order!!!

Lieutenant: Sir, I... don't think this is their doing.

Leader: Well then who's is it?!

(Suddenly the Reapers are fired upon by Kuragari's backup unit. Back inside the forest the explosions stop and Azrael takes his Spear out of the ground.)

Kuragari: Haha, well Mr. Isekai Protagonist. (He summons the Black Scythe in its katana form in his hand.) Let's dance. (He unsheathes the blade and throws the scarab on the ground.) I'll let you know, I'm fluent in 500 ways of kicking your ass!

(Kuragari and Azrael stand and look at each other for a few seconds, before they charge at each other. Azrael strikes first, but Kuragari deflects both of his swings perfectly, Azrael follows with a sweep attack, Kuragari jumps upwards, dodging the attack. Azrael grabs one of Kuragari's legs while he's in the air, Kuragari mutters "oh no" before Azrael slams him into the ground multiple times and throws him through the church building, making it crumble and fall to the ground.)

Kuragari: (Slowly standing up from the debris, out of breath.) *Slightly laughing* You destroyed a church, you monster! What would daddy say?!

(Kuragari sends several waves of blackfire towards Azrael using the Scythe, he dodges and blocks all of them, but the last vertical wave of fire sends out a shockwave which knocks Azrael backwards. Kuragari rushes at Azrael and impales the blade into his left shoulder, Azrael follows by driving the Spear into Kuragari's abdomen. The two pull out their weapons, burning with fire, and crackling with lightning they explode into a dance of blades, both of them trying to get a hit in, but the other one blocking or dodging their attack.)

Kane: (Him and Able are on the complete other side of the forest.) What the fuck... (He turns his head towards the resting Able.) You feel that sheer amount of raw Magica too right?!

Able: (Lying against a tree.) Yes... yes I do.

Kane: (Him and Able hear someone walking through the bushes.) Is someone there? (Several of Kuragari's reinforcements emerge out of the shadows all of them carrying weapons, he wraps his Kunai around his left arm and keeps several other throwable ones in his right.) Let me handle this, Able.

Able: (He stands up and summons Excalibur in his hands.) No... we do this together, brother.

(Kane and Able both rush towards their opponents, weapons in hand. Back at the fight Kuragari jumps backwards and kicks up the dirt around him in a circular motion, he then uses a wind-based Elementa to send the dirt flying at Azrael. When the dust settle Azrael brushes the dirt and mud off of his armor and Kuragari is no where to be found.)

Azrael: Hiding will not work!!!

Kuragari: (His voice echoes through the village, but yet he's nowhere to be seen.) Well it did for the shinobi!!!

Azrael: Show yourself!!!

Kuragari: Fine!!!

(Kuragari appears to Azrael's left, he dashes past him and slashes him in the face, leaving a large scar on the left side of Azrael's jaw. He disappears again, only to reappear behind Azrael and slice him in the back. He keeps doing so, slicing Azrael in the armor's weak points.)

Azrael: Dirty tricks!!!

(Azrael lets out a large blast of electricity that surrounds him, when Kuragari appears again above him, he is stunned by the electricity and is suspended in the air by it. Azrael grabs his right arm and impales Kuragari on the spear, driving it through his chest completely. He knocks Azrael away using the Scythe's telekinetic ability. Kuragari lands on his feet and starts pulling the Scythe out of his chest, as he pulls it out, lightning starts running through his body shocking him. He uses all of his strength and finally yanks the blade out.)

Kuragari: (He throws the spear on the ground.) *Sarcastically* Gotta say, you had me on the ropes there for a minute.

Azrael: (He pulls the Scythe out of his arm.) I sense mockery!

Kuragari: Yeah, it's called sarcasm, asshole!!!

Azrael: Language!!!

Kuragari: Fuck you!

(They charge at each other again, this time both of them unarmed. Kuragari has the upper-hand, he lands hit after hit. He kicks Azrael in the knees and as he falls down, he hits him in the back with a elbow strike. Azrael lies on the ground and Kuragari summons the Scythe in his hand.)

Kuragari: (He raises the sword over his head.) Time to cut ya in half!!! (Before the blade hits Azrael he is fired upon by the Reapers.) Oh, fucking COME ON!!! (He readies his blade, but suddenly he sees a berserk Annah running through the forest and murdering everyone in front of her in brutal fashion as she laughs maniacally. He drops his guard for a second.) Annah...?

(Suddenly Kuragari is impaled by the spear from behind.)

Azrael: We should talk for a minute!!!

(Both Azrael and Kuragari stop moving, as if time for them has frozen, while it continues for everyone else.)

(Kane and Able have cleared out the attack enemies. Able is getting weaker by the minute.)

Able: Hey, Kane. What's the time?

Kane: (He looks at his wristwatch.) 2:30AM...

Able: Good... (He starts slowly walking.) I still got an hour left in me... (He falls on his knees.) Maybe an hour and a half...

Kane: (He helps Able up.) No, you haven't got anything left in you. Just look at you man!

Able: I'll be fine, trust me...

(Inside a garden trapped within a birdcage with a setting sun on the horizon. Kuragari picks a rose and throws it into a small pond, it drifts aimlessly until it sinks to the bottom.)

Kuragari: And we are in...?

Azrael: (He sits next to the pond, skimming stones on it. He is wearing his casual clothing again.) It has many names, Fate's Garden, the Garden of Eden although a small version of it, and so on. But mainly it is a place of Peace... and is that what you seek the most, what you most desire, your... fantasy?

Kuragari: (He reaches his hand out of the birdcage.) Trust me, if I were to tell you my fantasy... then you'd be so disgusted that you'd just straight murder me. (He turns to Azrael and notices him staring into the pond.) What? You love your face so much?

Azrael: Looking into this pond, shows you what you love the most. Take a look. (Kuragari walks towards the pond and stares into it.) What do you see?

Kuragari: (He sees a calm and beautiful life with Annah, a small family and a peaceful life for everyone and everything, but the rose drifts by and destroys this image.) I don't see anything... you better get to the point of us being here, or else I'm burning this entire place down.

Azrael: (He stands up and places his hand on Kuragari's right shoulder.) I came to show you the error of your ways.

Kuragari: (He takes Azrael's hand off of his shoulder.) Error of my ways?

Azrael: Yes. (The door of the birdcage opens and Azrael walks towards it.) Follow me.

(Kuragari is hesitant at first, but eventually follows Azrael through the abyss. At the end of the abyss they end up at 10 year old Sam sitting in that corner of his house, covered in blood, starving and unsure of his future.)

Kuragari: (He looks around the house and grabs Azrael by the collar of his shirt.) How are we here?!!!

Azrael: Your memories, Samuel. Every single moment of your life, good or bad, we can look back at them right now. But I have chosen a few specific ones for us to look at, to study how you became what you are now.

Kuragari: Listen... I don't want to watch a character study right now. Take me back to reality so I can murder you!

Azrael: (He completely ignores Kuragari and walks towards the 10 year old Sam, crouching down besides him.) Look at you, Samuel. Just a child, so ignorant and innocent, before this day you were unaware of the horrors of the world. But now... (He stands up again.) you've embraced them.

(Azrael walks through the front door of the house, Kuragari looks at his 10 year old self for a second before following him again. This time they end up the exact moment before Sam was struck by the truck on the day he became a Reaper. Sam and Isabel are frozen in place, but the snow still falls down gently onto the terrain.)

Azrael: The day that changed your life, forever. You remember it, correct?

Kuragari: (Looking at Isabel who he pushed out of the way to save.) Like it was yesterday.

Azrael: (Looking at Sam.) Everyone has their final day, but this was not yours. Do you know why?

Kuragari: (He catches a snowflake in his hand.) Because that's just the way the Universe is. Bad things happen to good people. Good things happen to bad people. It's the nature of Fate. No matter how hard you fight back, Fate wins, Nature wins, Time wins.

Azrael: What about destiny?

Kuragari: Pretty much the same, only difference is one slits your throat and the other shoots you in the head. Next memory.

(Everything turns black again and when it fades back in it's the night that sent Sam down his dark path, he sits on his knees holding Isabel in his arms.)

Azrael: And here it is, the day that made you who you are now. You consider this your fault, if I stand corrected?

Kuragari: Yes, you are right. (He looks into Isabel's eyes.) Maybe if I didn't hunt that fucker of a moth then I would've been here to protect her from that Vampire.

Azrael: And you punished thousand for the sin of one?

Kuragari: I punished millions for the sin of one. I sometimes see the faces of those I hurt, haunting me. Because I lost my paradise, I burnt theirs to the ground... do I regret it...?

Azrael: Do you?

Kuragari: Perhaps.

(It fades to black again and when light returns. May 1st 2013, 22 year old Sam is tied against a wall, his hair long and his shirt torn off, revealing a massive scar all long his chest. The decapitated head of a woman with long black hair and green eyes lies in front of him, Sam screams at the top of his lungs, he uses sheer force to break free from the rope binding him to the wall. He makes his way through the door, the Vampires in the room all stand up and prepare to attack him.)

Sam: You should have murdered me when you had the chance...

(One of the Vampires rushes him, but Sam grabs him by the throat, crushes his windpipe and rips his head clean off. The blood splattering all over his face, he tosses the Vampire out of the window and kicks the head of the Vampire to the rest of them as summons the Rogue Scythe in his hand. The Vampires stare in horror as Sam walks towards the door, grabs the keys, locks it, breaks off the handle and throws the keys down the drain. He gestures at them to come at him, they all rush him at once. He hacks and slashes all of them, his dead silence turning into laughter and finally into screams of agony, tears mixing with the blood on his face. He brutalizes all of them, even those begging for mercy, cutting down everything in his path, like a farmer Reaping his crops. His Magica "overloads" and his Grimm Fire sets fire to the entire cabin and the surrounding California forest, he isn't bothered by the fire at all, he continues on his rampage, even if most of them are already dead. When the cabin burns down entirely, burning the bodies of all the Vampires, he drops his Scythe and starts walking away from the fire. He throws on a long black coat with armor along it's arms and the shoulders.)

(Azrael and Kuragari stand among the burnt corpses.)

Azrael: The moment that you truly... "snapped." Your second loved one, Cryla Von Baron raped and murdered by Vampires. Your adopted son, tortured and killed slowly... both right in front of you. Tell me, how does this make you feel?

Kuragari: Like I'm getting tired of your shit, take me back to real life so I can kill you and go take a nap.

Azrael: Not quite yet, we still have one memory to visit...

Kuragari: No, I said, take us back.

Azrael: Unfortunately, I cannot stop it.

Kuragari: (He pushes Azrael against a stone wall.) What do you mean you-...

(Everything fades to black again, it takes what feels like hours to fade back in. When it comes back they're standing inside a bamboo forest. Kuragari takes his hands off of Azrael.)

Kuragari: (Looking around the forest.) Where are we?

Azrael: I thought you'd know...

Kuragari: I don't, I've never been here. (He sees a small building with light brown walls and a blue door and roof. A group of people are standing in front of it, he walks over to them and looks at their faces from under the hoods they're wearing.) Annah? Kane? Louis? Peter? If... these are MY memories, then where am I?

Azrael: I... do not know.

Kuragari: (He walks towards Azrael.) Are you toying with me here?!

Azrael: There is no need to be aggressive.

Kuragari: Aggressive?! You're the son of a bitch who impaled me in the back!!! In fact you're so aggressive that there are two of you!!! Wait there are two of you?!

(Azrael turns around and sees himself dressed in his battle armor walking towards the group who are struggling to get the door open. He kicks the door open for them and they walk into the building. Even Azrael is stunned by this, his jaw drops open and his eyes open widely.)

Azrael: I have no memory of this place.

(Everything fades again, when it comes back they stand watching as Annah runs towards someone crawling away from an exploded and burning boat. She picks the person up, but it starts fading away again.)

Kuragari: No! No! What's going on?!

(The memories fade in and out, they glimpse by for milliseconds, somethings Kuragari remembers, some he knows nothing of. He uses all of his reality-cutting power and slams the Scythe into the ground, it sends them flying back into the garden. The words "Purge" and "Reset" are engraved into their minds.)

Kuragari: (He gains his balance and holds onto his head.) What did we just see?

Azrael: (He stands up and catches his breath.) Only Eve knows. (He walks over to Kuragari and puts his hands on both his arms.) Listen, Samuel...

Kuragari: I know what you're going to say, "the world is cruel, but there is value in Humanity." Blah, blah, blah, so on, so forth. But you're wrong... Humanity is cruel, Fate is cruel, but the world, isn't cruel, nor is it compassionate, you're not supposed to love it, you're not supposed to hate it. You're supposed to respect it.

Azrael: I know but, what would Isabel say? She'd say to love Humanity, regardless of what it did to you. She'd say to settle down, and stop your reign of terror. She'd say, "go take a nap, everything will be fine in the morning, I'll make you something special to eat in the morning..." She'd say; you'd make one hell of a soldier for Heaven's army.

Kuragari: (He hangs his head.) "What would Isabel say?" (He raises his head again.) You know, she said those exact words to me one night, to go take a nap. And you know what? How dare you speak through her words. You can't change my nature, haven't I already stated that? But, also... fuck you. Fuck Fate! Fuck Humanity!! And FUCK THIS GARDEN!!!!

(The entire Garden is set ablaze and Kuragari takes Azrael's hands off of him and kicks him into the fire. Back in reality Azrael and Kuragari break free from their suspended state. Kuragari's eyes turn towards Azrael as he tries to kill him by driving the spear across his entire body, he cleaves Kuragari in half from the stomach upwards, he throws him to the side and readies the Spear.)

(Kuragari's corpse rolls along the ground for a couple of minutes, everyone stares on as the sense of hope and finality falls on the forest. The rain stops falling and Kuragari doesn't move. But just as everyone breathes a sigh of relief... Kuragari stands up and his body begins connecting itself together again, the rain pouring downing harder than ever, the thunder striking the entire village and the fire fully engulfing the entire forest. They were frozen in place for a full 30 minutes as the Reapers fought against Kuragari's backup. The Final Attack begins now...)

(End of Chapter 70.)