
Kannoya Academy (remake) (Eng Ver)

In a country named Panja, there's a dangerous 15 years old girl who has such a huge magic that she couldn't control. A lot of people got injured or even died because of her magic. Unpurposely, she stabbed and slashed people arround her. Until one day she met a girl from an Academy that help her with her magic problems. She learned a lot of meaningful things from that girl. But the problem of her magic wasn't solved yet. Will she be able to control her magic forever, or will she be just the same like before and the theories and meaningful things she learned will be useless? Let's see! If I got so many grammatical mistakes, I'm so sorry since English wasn't my first language, and I hope by writting this book I'll be able to learn English more, thank you~

Mikhalexa123 · แฟนตาซี
73 Chs

Leaving or living?

When Denzel was back to the dorm, Ms. Sheva was standing in the lobby and said to Denzel,

"Call the others."

Denzel knew what's exactly happened. The meeting result, but he didn't know the result yet. Denzel used his magic and a hologram screen appeared in front of him and contacted all of his friends.

After receiving Denzel's message, everyone headed to the lobby.

"Listen here, kids.... this is for your safety." Ms. Sheva said seriously. Kurosa sweated and thought,

"I think she'll never let Yukina live here?"

"Since Akira Yukina was in uncontrollable condition, we need to take care of her really carefully if you really want Yukina to stay here." Ms. Sheva said.

"Hm? She give us a chance?" Kurosa thought in confusion.

Kurosa decided to ask,

"Ms. Sheva.... um.... why did you let Yukina here?"

"Why? You're the one who insisted isn't you?" Ms. Sheva asked in a scary tone.

"Eeeeekkkkk...." Kurosa was shocked.

"But Kurosa got the point. You know that Yukina was dangerous, but why did you as a teacher let her live with us?" A boy with dark blue hair asked.

"Well, actually.... letting her living here or leaving here will has the same result to us all." Ms. Sheva answered.

The dark blue haired boy was confused and asked,

"What do you mean, ms. Sheva?"

Ms. Sheva sat on the couch and started to talking,

"Let's see. If we let her living here, there's a big chance that she could kill you with her magic. But if we let her leaving, doesn't that mean she will kill the others with her magic? If someday you met her, you could've killed as well. Letting her stay will make you more cautious and in that way your chance to get killed are less. We'll let her stay until she's in controllable condition." Ms. Sheva said.

"You're right..." the dark blue haired boy said.

"Okay, that's all what I want to say. It's still up to you to let her live here or not." Ms. Sheva said.

"Of course, it's better if she live here!" Kurosa answered immediately.

"But wait, Kurosa. We need to think about it. What if one of us accidentally got killed by her? And could you expect her that she kills without any intention to do so? Then what's the prove?" The dark blue haired boy asked.

"But we couldn't let her suffer from killing innocent people outside there! We didn't know what happened to her and we need to help her!" Kurosa answered.

"You're not answering the question!" The dark blue haired boy yelled at Kurosa. Kurosa stayed silent. Asuka, the girl with black hair and blue tips, stood in front of Kurosa and said,

"Rheinalth, I could say that Yukina didn't have any intention to kill at all as well as Kurosa. I could feel it from her expression that avoiding us all the way by giving no expression to anyone so that the others will got bored and leave her anyway. Maybe this won't satisfy you but that's my prove."

"Feelings could've change anytime and anywhere. That couldn't be count as a prove, Asuka." A boy with light blue hair said.

"It's true, a feeling of empathy could bring us to an ultimate despair, such as dead. Just because you feel pity to someone, how sad...." a boy with ginger hair said.

"But since we didn't know anything about her, it's better for us to not intervene." A boy with brown hair and dark skin said.

"I got a question, why did you really want her to leave?" Asuka asked.

"Well I got a question too, why did you really want her to stay?" Rheinalth, the dark blue haired boy asked.

"Didn't you know....?" Kurosa suddenly spoke up again.

"Didn't you know, if she was suffering? What if letting her leave will make her more suffering? Killing innocent people without her intention? She was in a big despair! She doesn't even care if she died, you know? Letting her leave will make her more suffering than ever! That's why.... that's why.... why didn't you understand?" Kurosa said with some tears. Immediately, Asuka whipped out Kurosa's tears and said,

"Calm down, Kurosa..."

"As all I see, it's just because of empathy. Nothing else." A girl with blonde hair and red hairline said.

"I feel so too, Kurosa. She was in a big despair. She thought of herself as a parasite or a virus in this world that kill many people, that's why she didn't care if she died, but she couldn't. Since her magic always protect her no matter what, she couldn't die. If you're asking how could I know the magic protecting her not attacking is since the magic only attack anyone nearby or anyone who touched her or anyone who make her insecure. You could see, when Kurosa and Ms. Ardeen was testing Yukina, the magic didn't attack them both. Indeed the magic was attacking us when one of us touched her but that's all." Aerum, the girl with white-blonde hair, said.

"Then, tell us about the bathroom incident." A boy with ginger hair said.

"About that..... I couldn't tell." Aerum answered.

"Why couldn't you tell? Is there something you're hiding? Or you just don't have any prove that she didn't have any intention to kill?" The ginger haired boy asked.

"If she got any intention to kill, she could've been killed us at the first place." Denzel answered.

"Well, she could play as a poor girl that actually the enemy's spy." The ginger haired boy said.

"But that's impossible." Denzel answered.

"How could that impossible?" The ginger haired boy asked.

"As an enemy, I won't send you a girl with asma that just activated her magic 4 years ago. And I won't even hire her as my subordinate. In fight, she's trully inexperienced since she was defeated by Kurosa that easily and since she couldn't even control her attack as her will." Denzel answered.

"Asma? And what's about the 4 years ago magic activated? That's impossible, don't bluffing arround." A girl with blonde hair and red hairline said.

"I'm not bluffing." Denzel said while showing them the test paper of Yukina's condition.

Everyone was shocked and immediately read the paper seriously.

"Is this even real? It seems real, no... it was real.... but how?" The girl with blonde hair and red hairline asked.

"I'm wondering too." Denzel answered.

"And about the wild attack, I could see it as defending attack, not attack. If she or her magic intent to attack and kill, when we're jumped back, they should've slash twice or more, not just once." Denzel said.

"So, do you guys done?" Ms. Sheva asked.

"Let's get some vote then." Denzel said while using his magic. A message was sent to his friends, there are three choice, stay or I'm okay with any answer or leave.

6 people choose stay 2 choose I'm okay with any answer and 5 answer leave. There are 13 students in a class since Kannoya Academy is not that popular.

"Then it's settled." Denzel said.

"Okay, I'll give it on your hands. I'll leave, goodluck." Ms. Sheva said while walking away from the dorm.

"And don't fight." Ms. Sheva said before she's leaving.

When ms. Sheva closed the door, Rheinalth, the dark blue haired boy, asked,

"Are you sure about this?"

"Why? There's 6 person that supported her. It's settled." Asuka answered.

"Not that..." Rheinalth answered.

"Then what?" Asuka asked.

"Letting her live here... what if all of your prediction was wrong and that could take us in danger?" Rheinalth asked.

"You think too much. Ask Kurosa then." Asuka said.

"I think we just need to face the reality together as always, it's not anyone fault if she was not like as we predicted. Just put it on me, it's my fault if she's a bad girl or a villain. I'm the one who brought her here." Kurosa answered.

"I see... you never think everything too much. Then, let's get going." Rheinalth said while leaving them.



"Guys, I got a good idea." Kurosa said.

"What is it?" Asuka asked.

"What if we teach Yukina after school everyday? Maybe that could help her with her magic issue. Let's ask the other to help too!" Kurosa said.

"I think that's a good idea, but I'm not sure if the others will agree." Asuka answered.

"If the others won't agree, I'll teach her alone!" Kurosa answered.

"A aah... wait.... I'm feel pity on Yukina if you're the one who teach her." Asuka said.

"Heeeek! Asukaaaaaa!" Kurosa cried like a child.

"Haha, just kidding. I'll help too. And I'm sure that Denzel, Ermin, Nera, Aerum, Alexa, and the other girls wanted to help, except for Alvina I'm not sure about her." Asuka answered.

"Yay! Then it was settled!" Kurosa cheered.

Kurosa told the others about it, and Asuka was right. Denzel, Ermin, Nera, Aerum, Alexa, Asuka, Kurosa, and surprisingly Osamu were the only one who want to help.