

Felix, a simple nurse from Earth was stuck in a landslide with his fellow passengers. During the event, he saved a child's life in exchange for his life. Drained of his blood, he fell into an eternal slumber, when suddenly he met a goddess. This goddess, impressed by his sacrifice, became his sponsor so that he can travel to another dimension and live freely. One day, he was reincarnated as a prince from Imperial Germany.... ----------------------------------- Hi! I am a newbie author so please forgive me for any mistakes hehe, also, no harem!!!!!!!!! Please checkout my original novel (Whale Fall) I promise you, it will definitely entertain you. I am also posting this on Sribblehub! 'Ey matey, wanna give me some coffeey? https://ko-fi.com/jimzzs

Income_Tax · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
33 Chs

The 'Contract'

"I am Idun, and I am here to offer you a contract."

Felix was suddenly pale.

Idun, the goddess before Felix, was now looking straight at him. She was still smiling softly at him but the atmosphere now was a bit intense. Her face was backed by an immaculate light from who knows where. There's also an imaginary wind blowing against the goddess's blond hair which makes it wave a lot. Her beauty at the same time intensified. Now, she is not a just a beautiful lady anymore, but rather a prim and proper dignified goddess. 

Going back, Idun offered Felix a contact. It might be a bit weird since why does a goddess like her, whose glory was immortalized as myths in Felix's old world, want to do with a mortal like him, which made him a bit skeptical. He was so skeptical of this to the point that he thinks about just standing up and immediately run, however he knew he will be caught almost immediately. Contracts are a bit of a taboo to Felix. He was once scammed by his best friend, yes, his best friend, to invest a 'bit' of the inheritance that he got from his mom. Since he trusted his best friend for he was with him for at least 20 years of his life, he gave his bestfriend some of the money. Little did he know that a clause in the contract that was hiddenly placed ensures that the whole inheritance will be given to the bestfriend.... So he developed a trauma in signing contracts.

Now, back to the goddess. He was a bit skeptical on escaping this place because you see, the place he is right now seems to be the goddess's own domain. The same energy that is glowing on the goddess's face seems to be the same energy that is glowing from everywhere else. He knew all this but he will still choose to run, you see, Felix is a follower of the quote, 'better die trying, than die doing nothing'. He then gets ready to stand up and sprint away when suddenly the goddess correct her mistake.

"Fufufu, you look so cute trying to run eyy fufu.. but don't worry, I will not give you a contract, I know you have a bit of a trauma against contracts, so other than a contract, I will give you my, *Drum rolls* sponsorship! It's good right?!" 

Felix was confused, but he was more confused on where the drum roll came from. How in the goddess's love did that happened. He looked around and he saw at the top of a branch in the huge apple tree, a dozen little birds with a marching drum strapped to their chest and with their tiny little wings clenching a stick each. He do not know how the birds have done it, but please don't ask. Safe to say he was flabbergasted. The goddess was laughing her lungs out due to how cute Felix looked trying to escape from the situation.

Felix was still a bit pale but was visibly relieved. He kept on thinking not to get angry on the goddess since... she is a goddess... who know what may happen to him on her whim.

"Don't think too badly of me, fufufu. I will not send you to hel on a whim. That's just not my thing, fufufu."

Felix was now fully relieved. He breathed hard in order to relief his nerves of the sudden tension. He was a bit glad since his goddess has a joking personality, which makes his dead life a bit more colorful. 

"I'm not joking, though."

Felix was now again distressed. He was trying to keep a smile on because of his nervousness, when-

"Fufufu, you are cute, don't worry it really is just a joke. It really is not my thing to send people to hel, fufufu"

Felix was relieved again, but he still tenses his nerves since the goddess might do something unexpected. Truly, this goddess will be the death of him... no wait, he is already dead. Is there death for the deads? or can a dead person be dead? Food for thought.

"Fufufu, don't worry, you won't be dead for a while longer."

"What do you mean by that goddess?"

Goddess Idun, smiled softly at him. 

"Due to your wonderful sacrifice for a child you did not even know personally, you were granted an opportunity to go to another world."

Felix, confused yet his face shows hints of excitement, asks the goddess for clarification.

"Wait... Another world? Like reincarnation and transmigration? just like those in anime and fanfictions??? It is real?"

"Yes my child. Those are real. Also, a god's or a goddess's sponsorship is needed if you want to go to another world. "

"Wait, why? Why did I deserve this?"

"Let's just say, your sacrifice touched my heart."

Felix, just like a child who was being handed by a candy, excitedly asks for more information.

"Goddess! If I will be reincarnated or transmigrated to another body, will it be an anime world or a new world?"

"The world you will reincarnate depends on what fate has in store for you."

Goddess Idun smiled mysteriously at Felix. Felix, on the other hand, was excited. Even if he does not know what world he will be living in the future, he can feel that it will definitely be not an ordinary one. However, before he proceed, there is one question that Felix is curious about.

"Goddess, I have a question. During my previous life on Earth, I was curious on a certain question and it really boggled my mind. Goddess, if anime worlds do exist, then how can people of Earth watch them or read them? Better yet, how does authors know how to write them?"

"You see, my child. Anime worlds existed even before those authors who you said to make them, made them. In our language or the higher dimension's language, we do not call it anime worlds, but rather, 'point worlds'. Over the course of your universe, there comes special worlds, this special worlds may need not be magical or mysterious, but rather, it is special because it collects ideas from different worlds into one singular world. We call this the 'line worlds' or 'hub' for short. The world settings of the 'point world' is sent into the 'line world'. That is why a line world is also called a collection of worlds, just like a line. Authors from your world, received the settings of an already existing worlds. They then infer on what will happen on the world, or sometimes, the world themselves will transfer the fate of the world straight to the author's mind. Your previous world is also an anime in another 'line world' don't you know? Take note that these worlds created by the authors are imperfect and most often than not, the plot is different from what was known."

"Ohhh, that's nice... wait.. then does that mean that I can be in an anime or a fanfiction right now?"

"Who knows, maybe a person might be reading this right now."

The Goddess Idun look immediately at somewhere. However, this look of the goddess transcends time and distance. She was looking at the point of space where Earth is located now. Yes, she was looking straight at you.



Anyways, Felix was curious on what the goddess might gift him with, since the law of fanfictions is 'if thou shalt travel, thou shalt receive'. So he asked the goddess straightforwardly.

"Goddess, may I know what gifts I will receive."

"I will give you 3 gifts, however, you need to train them more in order for you to be more stronger. For the first gift, you have already received it. It was the tea that you have drank. It's a tea made from 10 golden apples. Yes, the golden apples which give gods their longevity. It is most commonly mistaken that the golden apples bring gods their longevity, however it is not their lifespan that is increased but their mana. You see, mana is amazing, it grants those with high mana capacity an almost immortal life, and that is my gift for you, a high mana capacity."

Hearing this, Felix immediately drank the rest of the tea that was left a bit cold, however, it does not matter. He made sure to drink it to its very very last drop. 

"The second gift that I will grant you is the gift to evolve your eyes. Yes, I know the power your eyes, hold. You can see different colors of blood. I know that you became a nurse because you want to see more of the different colors of the blood and I know you already found out the meaning behind those colors. Going back, I will grant your eyes another ability, but you must find it out yourself, fufufu"

Yes, Felix knew that since the day he was born, he can see the different colors of different people's blood. He found out that the colors are a spectrum of the rainbow which means Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, indigo, violet. This means that the further left the blood of a person is, the more that someone does not deserve to die. This is also one of the reason on why he sacrificed himself for the child. He saw the child's blood as a pure red color, which means that, that precious child does not deserve to die. It is the first time he saw such color, it is the most vibrant and closest to red that he has seen.

"The third gift that I will give you is my apples. Every year, you will receive one apple from me. What you want to do with it is up to you. This golden apple of mine can heal wounds instantly no matter how deep it is. It can also revive someone who was dead for 2 minutes. Also, it can remove certain curses or 'bad' blessings on a person. It will also increase their mana capacity for a bit."

Felix was a bit relieved to hear that the last gift was an apple a year, it may definitely help keeps the doctor away, hehehe. It can help him whenever he was heavily injured or worse, bring him back to life if he died. 

"There's another request I have of you."

Felix, curious of the request his goddess will ask, knelt down in one knee with his head bowed down and his right arm in front of his chest akin to a knight's kneel.

"Yes, my goddess, I will definitely do whatever you want."

"Fufufufu, how chivalrous. Felix, I had seen your fate but I am forbidden to talk of it. If you may, please help get rid of the other child's curse within your world, however it will really be your decision in the end to do it since it requires a golden apple."

"I will try to do it my goddess."

Although curious, Felix didn't ask it anymore since fate works in mysterious ways, who knows, in the next moment, he may fall into the center of a volcano.

"Fufufu, alright my child, go now. I wish you luck and happiness on your next journey. Before that, do you have any request, though it is only applicable to your future life okay? I may convince fate depending on what you want."

Felix, then thought hard about what request he may ask for.... He thought about his previous life and thought about what he wanted to have during his previous life. What he wanted in his previous life the most was freedom. He was a nurse, but oftentimes he also has the urge to kill. If he saw a blood that was blue or indigo, he suddenly has the urge to kill them, however, he is bounded by his oath to uphold all life. In his future life, he wanted to be free.

"I want freedom my goddess."

"Alright, I will bargain with fate. Go now my child. Pray for me once in a while yeah?"

"See you later my goddess."

Felix suddenly felt dizzy. This dizziness was not the normal type of dizziness where he will feel a little bit light headed but this dizziness is the type that will leave you down in the floor, and down in the floor Felix goes... Felix fell and closed his eyes and fell into a deep and almost eternal slumber...

Sorry guys, it was a bit late... I made it a bit long to compensate hehe...  I also have lots of stuffs to do that's why it was a bit late.. Also, I need to refresh my memory of the YS world hehe. I will say this here and now. I HATE THE DESIGN OF ANIME TANYA!!!!!!!!!! MANGA TANYA FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Also, what types of explanation can you guys think of on why there are anime worlds in fanfictions when the author of said fiction is alive and well in Earth?

Income_Taxcreators' thoughts