
Episode 1

(The episode opens in a basement)

(There is a man who has short spiky brown hair, wearing a white lab coat, red shirt, blue jeans named Dr. Mar)

(Dr. Mar pulled a metallic head out of a tube full of green liquid)

Dr. Mar (smiles): The robot is almost done.

Another man (with clippers holding a microchip): Good, I have this. Ready?

(The other man has short spiky red hair, wearing a white lab coat, yellow shirt, blue jeans named Gu)

Dr. Mar (smiles): Perfect.

(Dr. Mar and Gu are putting the robot's body together and are smiling)

Gu: Once this is finished, I will call him.

Dr. Mar: We'll win that contest for sure.

Gu (looks at Dr. Mar): Was there ever any doubt?

(Dr. Mar opens the window)

Dr. Mar: Kaji, remember to come inside at 4:00 for lunch.

A girl: Okay, uncle.

(The screen shows 7-year-old girl who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a white fur coat with a lightning bolt symbol on the back, blue jeans named Kaji in the backyard)

(Kaji is making a snowman)

Kaji: Okay, I need to put the scarf on it.

(Kaji puts a scarf around the snowman)

Kaji: Perfect, alright next is the eyes.

(Kaji puts two button eyes on the snowman)

Kaji: Alright, hands.

(Kaji puts stick hands on the snowman)

Kaji: Last, the hat.

(Kaji puts the hat on the snowman)

Kaji (smiles): Yes.

(Kaji takes her phone out of her pocket and takes a picture with the snowman)

(The screen shows in the basement)

(Dr. Mar and Gu look at the scanner)

Gu: The radar is picking up a huge amount of radiation

(Dr. Mar runs to the telescope and looks in it)

(Through the telescope Dr. Mar sees a meteor)

Dr. Mar (looking through the telescope): Gu, how fast is it traveling and where will it land?

GuL Mega speed and it's going to land outside by us.

Dr. Mar (looking shocked): : Excuse me?

Gu and Dr. Mar (looking shocked): Kaji!

(Gu and Dr. Mar run upstairs)

(The screen switches to the meteor is heading towards Kaji)

(Dr. Mar and Gu are shown coming outside)

(The meteor is broken apart)

(Kaji glows as a green figure phases through her)

(Kaji faints in the snow)

(Dr. Mar and Gu looked horrified)

Dr. Mar (holding Kaji) (crying): Kaji! Kaji! Wake up! Please, wake up

Gu (touches Kaji's hand): Dr. Mar! Dr. Mar!

Dr. Mar (looks at Gu) (holding Kaji): What?

Gu: It's too late, she is gone.

(Dr. Mar cries)

(The screen switches to a bunch of people surrounding Kaji in the hospital bed)

(Aina is a 5-year-old girl who has curly black hair with a scarf, brown skin, wearing a white shirt with pink swirls, blue jeans, and white shoes)

(By Aina, the word 'Kaji's cousin')

(Jake is a 15-year-old boy who has two black ponytails, brown skin, wearing a teal shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes)

(By Jake is the words 'Kaji's older brother')

(Gerry is a 10-year-old boy who has short black hair, brown skin, wearing a red shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes)

(By Gerry is the words 'Kaji's little brother')

(Stephanie is a 27-year-old woman who has a long ponytail, brown skin, wearing a red gown and heels)

(By Stephanie is the words 'Kaji's other aunt')

(Tomi is a 27-year-old man who has short hair with black hair on one side and white hair on the other side, brown skin, wearing a blue jacket, white pants, and white shoes)

(By Tomi is the words 'Kaji's other aunt')

(Rose is a 17-year-old girl who has curly black hair, brown skin, wearing a purple headband, pink jacket, white shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes)

(By Rose is the words 'Kaji's older sister)

(All of the family members are crying over Kaji's death)

Rose (looks at Dr. Mar) (angry): How could you let this happen?

Dr. Mar (looking annoyed): You think I wanted this, I was horrified when it happened, she was like a daughter to me.

Gerry (pulling Rose with Jake): It's not Uncle Mar's fault.

Jake: After all, who could've been able to stop that.

(Rose stops fighting, then puts her head down, and gets on her knees)

Tomi (looking at Rose) (concerned): Are you okay?

Rose (tears coming down): I'm not okay, you see I'm breaking down.

(Stephanie hugs Rose along with Tomi)

Tomi (looks at Dr. Mar): So, what did the doctor say?

Dr. Mar (looking sad): Her brain is functional, but her body won't respond. And for some reason she has a long python tail.

Jake: Wait, you mean she can think, but she can't feel. And is part snake.

Dr. Mar: That is what she is saying.

"Wait, can't you put her brain in that robot you were working on, you said, it needs a human brain", Stephanie suggested.

Rose (tears in her eyes): You are not putting my sister's brain into a robot.

Stephanie: If I don't her brain will become obsolete.

(Everybody looks at Rose)

Dr. Mar (his hand on Rose's face): I promise it won't hurt her, it's the only way, you will get your sister back", said Dr. Mar, with his hand on Rose's face.

Rose (looks at Dr. Mar): If this doesn't work, I will kill you myself.

Dr. Mar: Wait, I have a better idea, everybody meet me in ten minutes, Stephanie, Jake, and Rose stay with me.

(The screen switches to Dr. Mar and Gu in the lab with the family)

Tomi (looks at Dr. Mar): So, what is going on?

Dr. Mar: Well, I found a way to put Kaji's body back to life, behold.

(Dr. Mar reveals behind the curtain is Kaji with her long python tail)

Gerry: She looks normal, what?

Dr. Mar: You see the robotic body has a cloak which looks like her human body, so that's why that happened

Tomi: So, she's part cyborg, and snake?

Kaji: Yup.

Rose (looks at Dr. Mar): So, can she get hurt?

Dr. Mar: She can.

Jake (looks at Dr. Mar): I never asked, but what about her human half?

Dr. Mar: Her body will still be buried, but her mind is still here", said Dr. Mar. "Also her tail she had, attached to the robotic body

Rose: So, that wasn't cloaked.

Dr. Mar: Nope, and I learned the hard way, don't step on her tail.

(The episode ends with Dr. Mar talking to everybody)