
Kaitou Academy

In a world of magic and technology, phantom thieves rule supreme, terrorizing the civilians and stealing their belongings. Pieces of art that were once part of the artist's imagination started taking shape due to a dark spell that was cast, which plumbed the world in utter darkness. The anti-thieves league made it their mission of restoring things to normal. Yuichi Hanagawa, a boy without an ounce of magical energy, aims to become a trickster ever since young to make people happy and bring a smile to their faces. Realizing that his tricks can save people's souls, his alternate dream started to deviate? On his fifteenth birthday, his grandfather gifted him a grimoire as a present. This is the story of Yuichi Hanagawa as he aims to be the greatest anti-thief and save the world from destruction, but, can someone with zero magical skills save the world? (PS: The cover is made and designed by Paracetamoore. It's a commissioned cover.)

Dominique1412 · แฟนตาซี
58 Chs

Act 5: Decision and End of School Term!

" Where were you yesterday, Yu? You never got back to class."

" I was out for a walk. Sorry if I worried you."

I couldn't tell the truth to Asa, although I wanted to. First, she wouldn't have believed me and would have thought wrongly of me. Second, she would have been forced to see the truth she always ignored.

" You're not planning on going on a walk today too, are you?"

" No, not today."

We headed to class, where our homeroom teacher arrived seven minutes later with a survey for us to fill out.

" It's time to fill out your end-of-school survey."

" After these two months, we're entering high school."

" Do any of you know which school you'll be going to?"

The teacher handed the end-of-school survey to everyone in the class to fill out. I stared at the survey in front of me, unable to fill it out.

" Aren't you going to fill out the survey form?"

Asa questioned me as to why I wasn't filling out the survey. The teacher also noticed it and wondered the same.

" Yuichi, it's okay to not know which school you'd like to attend. You can take your time to fill it out; just get it back to me by next month."

" Okay!"

Hopefully, I didn't have to fill it out now, which was a relief to me. Asa was staring at me from all angles, but I looked the other way. I knew what these stares meant, but I wasn't ready to give her an explanation.

When school ended, I left ahead of time, so I wouldn't run into her, which was a success. At my part-time job, I received my pay for the month.

At home, I handed my payment to Aya, but she insisted that I keep half of the payment, to which I had no choice but to agree.

" What's wrong, Yu? Didn't you have a pleasant day at school today?"

" It's not that."

" What is it, then?"

I handed the end-of-school survey to Aya who noticed in her stupefaction that it hadn't yet been filled.

" Why didn't you fill out the end-of-school survey?"

" What seems to be troubling you? Normally, you would have filled out the survey and returned it on the same day."

" I can help you look up schools, and you can choose whichever you fancy better."

To everything Aya was saying, I wasn't reacting. My stare was black as a page.

" I'm having doubts, Aya."

" What about?"

" Regarding what school to enter."

" Are you having doubts due to what dad and grandpa told you on your birthday?"

" It's related, but it has nothing to do with them."

" Do you mind telling me the whole story?"

I told Aya everything that happened in the last few days. I told her about the corrupted man I saved and also of the anti-thief I helped and then later on saved.

" That's amazing, Yu! What makes you so doubtful when things are crystal clear?"

" The police help and protect the civilians, and that's why Asa aims to become a police officer like her father."

" Do you see anti-thieves as criminals?"

Having Aya ask him that question, Yuichi reminisced about the day before. Aya saw how hesitant he looked and said—---------------------

" Why don't you discover the truth just like a detective would?"

" I don't understand."

" These days, numerous attacks are taking place. The police department will certainly intervene to stop the chaos, right?"

I understood Aya's meaning and thought of following her advice. In the days that followed, I made sure to be in the areas where a disturbance was occurring.

There were thefts and attacks in the city, but each time such disturbances occurred, the ones who always saved the day and restored things to normal were the anti-thieves. What was even more shocking was—--------------------------

" Yu, did you see yesterday's news?"

" What news?"

" Of the two theft cases and the one attack that took place in the city of Jordan."

What was even more shocking was that the police department was taking credit for things they didn't even do. In the journal, they were seen as heroes, while the anti-thieves were represented as mere criminals.

" The more days passed, the more my love for that profession grows. I'm so impatient to join the police force and help my dad in catching these criminals."

(There's no way I'm telling her that what she sees as the truth is nothing but lies and nothing more.)

" By the way, Yu, why didn't you fill out the school survey?"

" I'm going to fill it in the coming weeks and have it returned to the teacher."

Asa noticed that my tone was somewhat strange and slightly different.

" Are you okay, Yu?"

" Why wouldn't I be? Let's head to class!"

(What's wrong with Yu-Chan?)

Two weeks later, my suspicions were all cleared, and then I filled out the end-of-school survey with my top choice school for next year.

" This is my end-of-school survey."

" This is—----------------"

" Are you sure of your choice?"

" Yes!"

The teacher was shocked as to the school I had chosen to go to. He thought I had made a mistake in the spelling and asked me about it.

" One more thing, teacher."

" Yes, what is it?"

" Could you keep this from Asa? I'd like to tell her myself."

" Sure, but, are you sure you want to go to this school specifically?"

" Yes, I'm sure!"

" Okay, then! Good luck with your future endeavors!"

" Thanks!"

Right after school ended, Asa was waiting for me to walk home together.

" Have you already returned your survey?"

" Yes! I filled it out today and had it returned to the teacher."

" Would you mind telling me which school you picked as your final choice?"

" Sorry, Asa! I decided to go to a random school as I can't afford any other school."

" I'm disappointed that we won't be together next year, but it's not your fault. If it was possible, I'm sure you would have come with me to Seishu Academy."

" We'll be keeping in touch, right?"

" Of course! I'll write to you every day."

" You'd better!"

Asa handled the situation later than I had anticipated. Later that day, Grandpa Alex had come for a visit.

" Good evening, grandpa! It's good to see you."

" How was school today?"

" It was great."

I went to get changed while my grandpa and dad were talking. I came back from my room half an hour later.

" Grandpa, dad! There's something I have to tell you."

" What is it?"

" I've decided what school to go to next year."

" We're listening!"

" I'll be going to Kaitou Academy."



Both my grandpa and dad were surprised by my decision. Aya was also satisfied with the decision I had taken.

" Why did you decide to go to Kaitou Academy?"

" Grandpa and you, dad, had something to do with this decision."

" You were right, grandpa, and you too, dad. Anti-thieves aren't criminals as society labels them to be. They're heroes who fight for right and justice."

" It's sad that no one sees the effort they put in and their dedication to protecting everyone from harm."

" You finally understood what we wanted to tell you, Yuichi. I'm so glad."

" Yes, grandpa! I was able to see the truth with my very eyes. Thanks, Aya!"

" I was happy to help."

" Now that it's been decided where you'll be attending, you have to make the necessary preparations."

" There's a problem!"

" Which one?"

" How are we going to afford such a prestigious school? Not to forget the entrance exam and everything else related."

" Don't worry about the money? Your dad and I will pay for it."

" I worked hard for this moment as I knew one day, it would come in handy for your education and the day has finally come."

" But, dad?"

" Don't worry! Even if I pay for your schooling, we'll still have some money aside. Besides, you can send us your pay each month."


" What are you talking about?"

" I guess he doesn't know."


Grandpa Alex explained to me that although anti-thieves were regarded as criminals, they were paid for their hard work monthly.

" The entrance exam is hard, as you said, but that's only because it's the number one school in the country. Not only that but the entrance exam is taken differently compared to any other school."

Grandpa Alex didn't go any further than that in explanation. The days passed, and then weeks. The two months passed pretty fast, and then came the end of the school year.

" Excellent work, everyone! I wish all of you good luck with your future endeavors."

The farewell ceremony was rich in emotion. We were going to follow our own path starting today, and who knew whether our paths were ever going to cross again.

" Good luck with everything, Yuichi!"

" We'll miss you, Yuichi."

" I'll miss you guys too. Good luck to all of you going forward!"

We bid farewell to our teachers which we had throughout the years. We were together for three years, and we had so many good memories together that none of us will ever forget.

" Before you go, Yuichi, can I see you for a minute?"

My homeroom teacher asked to see me before I leave. I kind of guessed what he wanted to talk to me about.

" Your choice of a school, does your family know about it?"

" Yes, they're aware of it."

" Why did you choose to go to such a school?"

" People are driven by misconception and belief that they can't get rid of. I made the right choice and my family supports my decision. I wouldn't go to any other school than the one I've chosen. Goodbye, teacher!"

I met with Asa outside the school. We have to bid each other farewell and go our separate paths. Saying goodbye wasn't going to be an easy thing to do.

" So, this is it, huh?"

" After today, our lives will completely and drastically change. You promise that you won't forget about me."

" I could never forget you even if I tried. Not only are you my childhood friend, but you are also my best friend."

" I'll miss you, Yu! I'll miss you so much."

Asa and I hugged each other. Our farewell was emotional and neither of us wanted to let the other one go. We tried our best to hold back our emotions and finally said goodbye to each other with a bright smile.

" Goodbye, Asa!"

" Goodbye, Yu!"