
Kaito Kid in the World of American Comics

He is a bastard who tries to trample all American police under his feet-GCPD. He is like the 21st century Robin Hood, who can easily disguise himself as the person you are most familiar with. We are not even sure whether he is a "he" or "her"-CIA We may have to spend a lifetime hunting him down, but in the end, it is mostly useless-FBI  The magician under the moonlight. His risk assessment... is very complicated, but we can at least be sure that he is much more skilled than most members of the Avengers-SHIELD, He is our dream lover-Female fans. "In this world, treasures, and beauties are the most indispensable"- Mathison. ___________________________ Disclaimer: This is a Chinese fanfic translated by us. Raws Link: https://sj.uukanshu.com/book.aspx?id=163458 Author: Creek and Fish Translator: Lwiza We do not own any of the characters of this work nor the cover picture. If the owner of the picture wants it taken down, you can contact us and we will immediately do so ---------------------------- The novel here will always be many chapters behind, so head on to Reincarnation Palace and support the translators there.

RainPalace · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
126 Chs

Chapter 82: Stark Tech Expo

Mathison's life in New York went so plainly for two days, and New York University's official school day arrived.

Initially, he thought the battle of New York was close at hand, but then he found out that the plot line of Thor seemed to be several months ahead of schedule, but it did not matter. After all, the Rainbow Bridge will only be repaired again after 2 years.

Even the plot line of Iron Man II has just begun in New York.

As for how he found out, it was, of course, because of the news today.

Because of this news, no one at NYU cares about the two strangers in the school.

This made Mathison a lot more comfortable.

The news is that Stark Industries has just released the news that Tony intends to hold the Stark Tech Expo.

The media all over the country went crazy.

"Two weeks from now, the grand opening of the Stark Expo, the world's top technology event!", the New York Times announced.

"The greatest genius of this century, Tony Stark tries to recreate the glory of his father!", the Wall Street Journal declared.

"The Stark Tech Expo has been set in Flushing and will last for a year!", the Los Angeles Times asserted.

"This is the second technology expo held since the establishment of Stark Industries, and it is rumored that Stark will exhibit the first generation of the Arc reactor at the opening ceremony of the expo!", the Washington Post said.

"Wayne Enterprises and Osborn Group, the chairmen of the two mega-corporations, both claim to be willing to exhibit each company's newly developed products at the Stark Tech Expo and will also be there in person!", the Daily Bugle reported.

On this day, the whole world is covering the same thing, that is, the Stark Technology Expo is held.

In this expo, the most cutting-edge technology of the current era will be displayed.

One of the most heavyweight exhibits is naturally the first generation of the Ark arc reactor.

That was back when Tony was kidnapped in Afghanistan. He tried to create the power source of the Mark I to escape.

That was the world's first miniature nuclear reactor.

Although at that time, limited by the primitive conditions,the working efficiency of the first-generation arc reactor was not ideal, and the energy-loss rate was extremely high.

After Tony was rescued, he immediately started the development of the ark reactor's second generation, but was later snatched away by Obadiah.

Tony is now using the third-generation Arc reactor. The progress of this generation of reactors is that there is no need to repeatedly replace the reactor, and only the internal chip needs to be replaced when the energy is exhausted.

But the disadvantage is that it will accelerate the palladium element poisoning.

According to the current time calculation, it will not be a few months before Tony will have to belch.

But in the end, he will be rescued by means of the black egg(Nick Fury), create the 'new element,' and develop the fourth generation of the Arc reactor.

"Iron Man, Whiplash, Batman, S.H.I.E.L.D., Osborn..."

Mathison was excited. It looks like this Iron Man II plot is much more exciting than in the movie.

«I think I need to pay a visit to the Stark Expo. The first generation of the arc reactor is there. Now, if I steal it...»

"Mathison, what are you thinking about?"

Barbara asked when she saw Mathison start to wander off in class again.

"Nothing, just thinking about what I'm going to teach my students tonight."

Mathison said.

"I pretty much know all these basic lessons anyway, and there's no need for me to listen carefully."

Although he can't be compared to Daisy, the school genius, Mathison's knowledge is still very good. He has already revised the basic college courses and had no more need to include in studying advanced knowledge.

After all, Mathison's time is limited and can not be spent on self-learning.

«I already know the typical lessons of this year, but I am too lazy to preview the one of next year.»


Mathison's response was very reasonable, and Barbara was speechless.

Only then, Barbara stopped talking to Mathison and turned to talk to the girls next to her.

After class, Mathison and Barbara went to the cafeteria to eat together.

"Go faster, don't make people wait."

Barbara was practically pushing Mathison forward.

"Why are you so anxious, who is waiting?"

Mathison said helplessly.

He actually knew who Barbara was talking about. There's only one person that she could call to eat together with on the first day of school, and that's her roommate, Pamela.

"We'll know when we arrive."

Walking into the cafeteria, most of the seats were already filled with people and the few that weren't had basically been occupied by one or two people first.

"Barbara, here!"

The two looked at the sound, only to see her on a seat by the window. Pamela is waving to them.

Mathison and Barbara walked over and found that Pamela had already gotten a meal for the two.

A cheeseburger, fries, mashed potatoes, and tomato soup.

It was standard American fast food.

This tomato soup is very different from the Chinese tomato soup. In fact, in Mathison's opinion, it should not be called soup at all, at best, it is a thin tomato sauce.

It's a sloppy meal, isn't it? Yet, Mathison is not a picky eater.

"Barbara, is he the boyfriend you've been talking about for the past two days?"

Pamela asked with a funny smile on her face.

It looked like the two women were getting along well.

"Hey? No, no, no, I didn't say he was my boyfriend."

Barbara shook her arms up in panic.

"It's obvious from the way you're acting. Isn't the best proof that you've been mentioning Mathison's name almost every three sentences since the first time I saw you when I walked into the dorm the day before?"

"Then you must be misremembering."

Barbara braced herself.

"Oh, well, whatever you say."

Pamela shrugged.

Mathison concentrated on eating his burger, looking uninterested in the two women's conversation.

Poison Ivy could sense people's body's hormones, and he wasn't sure that Pamela had detected his identity or power through that.

Although she has not found out yet, it will be hard to tell if they have too much contact

Even if he believes that Pamela would not betray him even if she knew, he should always take precautions.

"Barbara, I actually envy you, whether or not you say it out loud, at least you can always be with the person you like. I can't."

Pamela's expression was suddenly a bit despondent.

"No way! Pamela, you already have someone you like? If the rest of the school found out about this, I wonder how many people would cry bitterly all night."

Barbara couldn't believe it. Pamela had only transferred to NYU for about six months and was already recognized as the dream girl of the whole school.

"You can't be with the guy you like, isn't he in New York?"

"No, as a matter of fact, I've only met him once, but even if it was only once, he was the one who pulled me out of the abyss, so I'm already deeply in love with him!"

"Pfft! Ahem..."

Mathison just took a sip of tomato soup, before swallowing it could not help but spurt out, coughing repeatedly.

"Sorry, sorry, a little uncomfortable with this thick soup."

Mathison laughed dryly.

"Really, why are you acting like a child?"

Barbara hurriedly pulled out a paper towel from the side and wiped the table in front of Mathison.


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