
Otherlander Eat and Talk

[I will not lie...this is one of the few times, I am jealous of our lord and his family for being mortal,] Hurricroak complained in an attempt to initiate conversation.

[Alright, color me curious,] Screamira replied, taking the bait. [Why?]

[Because, my recently minted boney bombshell, we are unable to partake of the delicious meal before us. They dangle these delectable delights in front of our accessorized faces, yet we cannot take a single bite. Does the smell of frying meat and warm coffee not instill a sense of hunger inside you?]

[What the fuck?,] Razorstella interjected. [Did you go poking around the classic literature section, again? I thought you were banned from there after you tried to re-enact Taming of the Shrew, genderbender edition using the zakos.]

[A misconception. I was banned from using the props.]

[Uh...not really,] Screamira replied in response to the earlier question. [I mean, we don't even really need to eat.]