
Miracles don't happen twice, but they do seem to remix...

"No way..."

"Can...can it be?"

"After all this time..."

"It's not possible...we all saw her die!"

The funny thing about aether cultivation is that even practicing it to a short extent, is enough to expand one's lifespan from a couple of decades to a handful of centuries.

Normally, this expanded lifespan was just to assist in the pursuit of cultivation.

Many aether arts take years to fully master, and multiple aether treasures found throughout the world take months, years and sometimes centuries to fully develop into items that can be considered useful to most cultivators.

However, there is one unexpected benefit to this expanded lifespan that most people tend to forget about, save those scholarly few.

Historical memory.

Many of the citizens of Undertow, had been around during the hey day of the Storm Queen, the Floating Khan and the once-vicious Pearl Scale Emperor.