
Meanwhile...wait, haven't we used this title?

The following chapter pertain to events occurring at the exact same time as when Zhen Liu and his company threw hands with the Blood Mantis and former Wraith Mandrill.

It was decided by [OMINOUS OUTSIDE FORCES], that it was necessary to elaborate on these other events as to help explain circumstances that will appear later on. While it was also technically possible for the writer to just "hand-wave" everything, it was deemed more interesting to elaborate on these shenanigans.

Keep in mind while the following scenes are being told in sequential order, they're all actually happening simultaneously.

Thank you.


Aight, what happened to the bell thingy?

|It's the beginning of the chapter, we don't need a bell thing in this situation.|


|Well...that, and I figured it would look neater.|


|Shut up.|