"Wait, mother, not to be rude, but I'm not entirely sure if regaling me with the entire story of the..."
"The Nerriza Clan."
"The Neri...really? You changed one letter in your name and that somehow managed to help you elude capture after all these years?," Zhen Liu asked his mother, while completely ignoring his own naming tendencies.
"To be fair, my darling baby boy, your father managed to elude capture by switching his name around to Yan Zhen. I mean, I had to help apply some minor cosmetic changes to his face as well, but still..."
"I...I feel like I should ask about that...but maybe another time."
"Oh it was nothing too absurd, but it did involve a tribe of cannibals, your father's let lion and my wedding ring."
"So many questions...so little time..."
<Wait a godsdamn minute, did she just say...Nerriza Clan? As in the Nerriza Clan from back when->
=The Star Caller days? Maybe.=