
Kai Lane: Beginning

Feelings... "Why.... Me?" "I just wanted to live a normal life. I never imagined that emotions would have such different powers. I used to think about how I'd get higher on exams. How could I live a more relaxed life? Will ı be able to marry a beautiful and kind woman? Now... life is so different now... I'd love to watch the sun set forever, but how can I do that? The hunters will always be after me. " "I'm Kai Lane! I don't care about the rules of this new world! I'll live as I please! And I'm not gonna let anyone hurt me or my friends on this road! " Levels in the book Yellow lightning Blue Lightning Green lightning Orange Lightning Red lightning Purple lightning Each week, two episodes are released on Tuesdays and Fridays

TheWriterMea · แฟนตาซี
152 Chs

Chapter 59: Memories (4)

Michael didn't think as he angrily threw his gun at the man in front of him. Losing his weapon on this battlefield would mean certain death. Especially for someone as weak as he was. Still, his madness did not allow him to see what was in front of him. The sword that entered the man's body stayed where it was and began to fall with the man. The sword was gone and the man was dead. This person was a weaker person than Michael, and he had died in battle, shot by a weapon from a place he did not know.

Michael, on the other hand, did not care about his sword at all and flew quickly and caught Eliza. Eliza felt the soft touch on her waist. She knew that only one person could do this. She opened her eyes and saw the young man in front of her.

Tears were flowing from Michael's eyes without stopping. It was clear from the size of the wound that Eliza couldn't take it anymore. Neither could her soul. With his gift, Michael could see that the soul was shattered.

"M-mi... chael." Michael hurriedly covered Eliza's mouth. The tears flowing from his eyes were spilling over Eliza.

"You don't need to talk Eliza!!! Calm down! I'll find someone to heal you." As Michael was about to make a move, Eliza grabbed his hand. She swallowed and prepared to say all she had to say in a single moment.

"There is no way to heal with a wound like this. Only people at Step 4 and above can heal it. But they won't. We don't have time. We can't keep up." Michael got worse at Eliza's words. No one around was attacking them because everyone had someone to fight. He felt the air thicken in this empty space. How many people there understood Michael's pain as the wind waves hit his face and rippled his hair? Many, many geniuses had lost loved ones on this battlefield. He had lost many in the past. Death and life are an endless cycle.

"I want to tell you something before I die. I wanted to tell you this before, but I didn't have the courage. The way I feel when I look at you, the way I feel safe, maybe in a way that never happens when I'm with you... I feel safe because I'm with you. Look around you. No one's attacking us. It's just you. Isn't it ironic? I'm dying, but it doesn't feel like I'm dying. Because I'm with you.... " Michael's tears were flowing softly and dripping on Eliza. Eliza did not bother to pull this sticky liquid that smeared on her. It was already dirty with blood.

"No matter what happens. Wherever I go, I want you to know, Michael. I... I love you."

When Michael's eyes froze, Eliza looked at him with love for the last time and closed her eyes. As the energy in her body dissolved into nature, pieces of her soul disappeared into the depths of the sky island.

When Michael realised that Eliza was dead, he hugged her tightly. His heart felt like it had been shattered into a thousand pieces. It was like ice. The whole world felt so cold.

"I love you too, Eliza." Michael hugged Eliza even tighter. The aura emanating from his body shocked people. The gazes shifted in that direction. This was definitely not the aura of someone on the second step. It was the aura of a terrifying monster. Someone who had awakened his potential. Perhaps someone even beyond that...

Although awakening potential at the 1st step was rare, everyone who reached the 2nd step before the age of 100 were geniuses who had already awakened it. Even on this battlefield, the number of people who had awakened their potential was incredibly high. But among them, only Michael had realised it at the 2nd step. Did this mean that the potential could also be awakened at the 2nd step.

"ELIZA!!!!" As the aura emanating from Michael's body exploded, the energy in the hunters' mana weapons suddenly began to decrease. This included Era's Infernal Sword.

A simple rank 2 cultivator had reduced the power of a rank 6 weapon. Considering that this was happening all over Sky Island, was this person still at rank 2? What kind of power had he really awakened?

Suddenly, everyone stopped fighting and looked at the young man where the energy from their weapons was going. One after another, cracking sounds were coming from Michael's body. At the same time his eyes were shining. This was his incredible development. He had not only awakened his potential, he had evolved the ability he had in the green lightning.

Every person who enters the green lightning gains a special technique based on their comprehension of the four paths. The technique would grow stronger as its owner became stronger, but would usually become a little-used power due to the level of the technique. Someone at 2nd step could still use the aid of this ability, but it could not be his secret trump card.

Of course, Michael had once again entered green lightning at the 2nd step and had an opportunity as both of his emotions had reached this stage at the same time. Without realising it, Michael had evolved his ability.

This was Michael's power!!! Controlling mana weapons!!! Michael may not have been an energy master or have that holy blood, but this trait was copied from his first mana weapon and passed on to him in the green lightning. The king of all mana weapons. He'd only seen it once and used it once in his life.

Each person who crossed over to the green lightning received a special technique based on their grasp of the four paths. The technique would grow stronger as its possessor became stronger, but would usually become a little-used power due to the level of the technique. Someone at 2nd step could still use the aid of this ability, but it could not be his secret trump card.

Of course, Michael had once again entered green lightning at step 2 and had an opportunity as both of his emotions had reached this stage at the same time. Without realising it, Michael had evolved his ability.

This was Michael's power!!! Controlling mana weapons!!! Michael may not have been an energy master or have that holy blood, but this trait was copied from his first mana weapon and passed on to him in the green lightning. The king of all mana weapons. He had only seen it once and had only used it once in his life. But its influence in his heart had helped him acquire a similar ability in green lightning. Now he was pushing the limits of the ability that weapon had given him. He could absorb the energy from the hunters. Would the sudden burst of power change the course of the battle?

As Feng looked at his disciple in astonishment, he could not stop his eyes from flickering when he saw the person lying in his disciple's arms. He had lived for several hundred thousand years. He had disciples who had lived for a very long time. He did not want any of them to die young. Elizabeth did not want to pass away like this either. She felt inferior as a teacher.

"E-Elizabeth. "

The energy continued to enter his body rapidly and he was half a step to the 3rd step in both fear and excitement. In just a few minutes. It was simply terrifying. The people around were at a loss for words against this ascension. The power in the hunters' weapons was diminishing. Realising this, Era shouted angrily.

"Kill that boy!" The only trump card she had was her sword. If she lost its energy, she couldn't do anything anymore. Perhaps she would not even be able to escape from here.

As the hunters rushed forward, their swords suddenly slipped from their hands. Michael let go of Eliza as all their weapons were lined up around Michael. As Eliza fell from the sky, dozens of eyes were fixed on Michael. When the progressives finally realised the help Michael had given them, they started to attack. Only the people on the 6th step had swords left in their hands. Now they were able to attack with the power they had without any casualties. The developmentalists slaughtered the hunters with absolute superiority.

Today the hunters did not flee, but attacked the developmentalists. There was no way they could let them leave without heavy casualties.

One of the hunters around Michael rushed at Michael. It was someone on the 3rd step. When the developmentalists realised this, their eyes filled with fear. With their current strength, they could easily suppress the hunters. If Michael died, they would lose their advantage.

Someone at step 3 could easily kill someone at step 2. Someone had to help Michael as soon as possible.

"Hurry up! Go to help!"

"Don't let the boy die! Not until Era's dead!"

"God damn it! Don't be so selfish! Can't you see that such a talented youngster will lead the next generation to a golden age?! He'll even reach the Opening Sky! We absolutely can't let him die!"

But the hunters could also think. Michael absolutely had to die. For them, the only way to survive here was for Michael to die. So they did their best not to let the developers save him.

"NO!" Feng shouted angrily, not wanting to lose one more person. He saw his students fall. He had been a failed and pathetic teacher on this battlefield. He should never have brought them here. Now all the forces of the academy had fallen. Michael was his only student.


The sword through the 3rd step man's heart sent a chill through everyone's heart. Michael was looking at the eyes of the man on the third step with red eyes. He stretched out his hand towards him and one of the swords in his hand entered the heart of the person on the 3rd step. Someone on the 2nd step had killed someone on the 3rd step. It was unprecedented. Not only that. It all happened in an instant.