
Kageyama & Y/n HS Story

This is my first story on here! I’m typically on Wattpad so check me out there if u want, it’s the same account name as this one. Anyways moving to the story... You and Kageyama were childhood best friends. Then you move to America. But years later you get to move back to Japan. And everything... comes together?

DaddyHisokasTongue · วัยรุ่น
13 Chs

Chapter 11

You follow him inside. "Lets go to my room" he says. You reply, "yeah sure." As you guys are walking to his room, you notice theres no one else home. "Where's your family?" "My sisters out with some guy and my parents are on a trip." he replies. Both of you start to blush.

Ya'll get to his room and he opens the door. "Sorry if its a little messy. I was gonna clean before you came but I forgot." he says giggling. "This rooms cool. Is this us?" you ask him while picking up a photo of him as a kid and another kid. "Yeah I guess it is you." "Wow. We look ugly." you say while putting the photo back. He says, "Speak for yourself. I was a cute baby." "Yeah I guess your cute." you say. He starts blushing again.

He grabs a shirt off his chair but just throws it to the side. "Put on a shirt dork." you say. He replies with, "What? Im more comfortable like this. I don't have abs for nothing." You look at his abs, and wow. He can see that your blushing now and he puts on the shirt. "Fine" he says with a smirk.

"What do you wanna do?" you ask. "We can play Minecraft?" "Yeah!" He turns on his xbox and opens Minecraft. He hands you a controller and you guys start playing. "Lets do a build battle!" you say. "Ok." he says and shrugs his shoulders. You, of course, win the build battle. "How are you so good?" he asks. You reply, "Cause I am."

You guys start play fighting and he's obviously letting you win. You end up on top of him and then you guys stop. Both of you are blushing and its silent. You get off him and say, "I won!" He sits up smiling, "yeah."

Suddenly your phone chimes. You check and its a text from Kanoka and Yachi. They were inviting you to go out for dinner. You get up and say, "Ok I guess i'm gonna go now." Kageyama's face gets sad and he gets up too. "Why you going?" he asks. "Im gonna go out with Kanoka and Yachi." you reply.

His expression turns kind of angry. "But I thought we were hanging out?" he asks. You get kind of embarrassed, "I was gonna leave anyway." "Why? Did I do something wrong?" he says. "No, I just thought it was time to go." you reply. "You can stay if you want y/n." "I already told the girls i'd go with them." There was a moment of awkward silence. "Ok then, bye." he says as he's walking you to the door.

You felt bad. "Wanna watch a movie tonight?" you ask. He smiles again but also looks confused, "What?" "Wanna watch a movie after dinner? Im just gonna go eat with the girls." "Sure, when?" he asks. You reply, "Come to my house at 8. Bye!" you say and leave.

You go to dinner with the girls. "HEY!" you shout as you see them. Kanoka hugs you and Yachi after her. "Hey, where were you?" she asks. "Sorry I was at Kageyama's house." you say while blushing. Suddenly the girls start to smirk. Kanoka says, "Kageyama?" "What were ya'll doing?" Yachi asks. "We just played Minecraft I swear!" you reply. They say, "OK suuure, just Minecraft." You guys eat dinner and talk a lot. Its almost 8, so you get up to leave. "Where are you going?" Yachi asks. "I have to go home but have fun girls, bye!" you say. "Bye!"

You head home and clean up your room. You tell your parents Kageyama's coming over and they just don't reply. You roll yours eyes and wait. You hear a knock on your door and open it to see Kageyama.