
Kael Cor: A Vampire's Awakening

Kael Cor wakes to find himself in a dungeon, as a newly awakened vampire. He has to struggle through rules and social structures that he has no understanding or memories of to survive. With pure luck and a system that wants him to succeed for its own ends, he climbs to a position of power within the vampire community. With enemies outside the dungeon they are all living in, breathing down their backs, and enemies within, threatening the hard won peace he has managed to aquire, Kael must find a way to succeed in the life he wants for those he cares about. Please check out my WSA 2022 Novel (Titan Rising Online: World Breaker ) A winner in the first Webnovel Writing Contest PS: The earlier 3 to 4 dozen chapters are a little choppy, inconsistent and filled with grammatical errors. But that's because I was still learning how to write(I still am) then. But please do stick around longer, it gets better. Check out my other novels. The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir Legends Of Qi Earth: Wudang

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Nirtan (V) Clash Of The Titans 1

We were hidden within the clouds, our breaths even and gentle. It was the veritable calm before the storm and it only needed one strike to get this party moving. I had no idea what kind of god he was, or rather the god of what. His clothes were primitive and archaic; being made of dark brown fur and tanned leather. Of course they just looked like that, he was a god so the clothes on his body definitely can't be anything normal.

But seeing him like this, not dressed or geared up in anyway like a modern warrior made me realize that some people's ascension to godhood was akin to being made a picture. You're granted the irrefutable power of the universe, and control over a domain. The power to make and unmake reality as you will it. But some of them are stuck in that moment, never changing, never evolving. Just a god.