
K452: Pariah

What will happen if you suddenly forgot all your memories and stumbled into an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar faces?

Jiro_Li · ไซไฟ
2 Chs

Chapter 2: Leuwen

Earth, April 5, 20XX

Time: 12:06 pm

The sun was high in the sky as he emerged from the cabin, taking in his unfamiliar surroundings. After a short while, another man approached him. This man had a tanned complexion, black hair, and appeared to be in his twenties. He wore a dirty sleeveless T-shirt with a symbol "P" that combined a rifle and a sword, and his black pants revealed numerous scars on his face and body.

The man initiated a conversation, asking, "Hey newbie, how are you doing?"

He still held suspicions on them, he responded with a series of questions, his voice filled with uncertainty.

"Who am I?"

"Who are these people?"

"What is this place?"

He bombarded him with so many questions One at a time. The man chuckled lightly before casually replying, "This place is called the Abettor."

"Abettor?" he pondered silently. 'Sounds familiar' he thought

"I understand your confusion, but it's quite normal," the man reassured him.

Perplexed, he inquired, "Why?"

"When we first arrived here, we all struggled. We couldn't remember anything—our past, our purpose, or even the meaning of our existence. We lived like cattle within these walls, devoid of memories, merely tools for killing... But don't worry, you'll get used to it," the man explained, his words genuine and comforting.

Though moved by the man's sincerity, he remained unable to fully comprehend his situation, responding in silence. He thought he had just misunderstood them earlier but he still can't get to trust them so easily as they might just lie to him to get his trust.

As they continued walking, the man realized he had forgotten to introduce himself. He offered a belated introduction, saying, "By the way, my name is Hooke. Sorry for the late introduction."

"That's fine," he began to reply, but paused, looking intently at Hooke. With a hint of confusion, he asked, "Wait, how did you remember your name?" He suspected them again, now he is very uncertain if they were really someone to be trusted or they are lying to get his trust because of the fact that he remembered his name while he literally stated earlier that they have all lost their memories which made him wary of his surroundings even more.

Hooke hesitated momentarily, then answered effortlessly, "Well, at some point, we all remembered our names, but that's all—just our names. Sooner or later, you'll remember yours too." He still can't get to trust him, he thought that he might trust him if he himself will also remember his name then he might not hold suspicions on them anymore.

"Take it easy, kid," Hooke reassured him, patting him gently on the back. He was taken aback from this gestures for some reason as to how he felt that he was very genuine, 'Maybe...just maybe I can trust this guy' he thought, finally, he might really just misunderstood them.

They continued their walk, and after a while, he stopped again, bombarding Hooke with more questions.

"Why are we here? Why do they keep sending people without memories? What is their purpose in sending us to this place?"

Hooke paused, wanting to provide an honest answer, but found himself unable to do so.

"We don't have clear answers. We don't know why we're sent here, but one thing is certain: 'they' are using us as tools," Hooke replied in a deep, solemn voice, gazing up at the towering wall.

"Who are 'they'?" he asked, struggling to comprehend the gravity of Hooke's words.

"Read the large sign on the wall, and you'll see," Hooke instructed. Following his guidance, he turned to face the wall and saw a prominent sign.

"Ersatz," he read aloud.

"Ersatz?" he inquired, seeking further clarification.

"Yes, with the gifts we've been given, we have to protect them," Hooke explained.

"What gifts? Why do we have to protect them?"

"Look at them—those are our 'gifts,'" Hooke pointed towards people who controlled flames, air, and water with their bare hands.

As he observed in awe, Hooke raised his hand, and small particles converged, forming water. Then, he closed his hand, dispersing the water.

The display of Hooke's gift left him speechless, unable to process the extraordinary abilities he had just witnessed.

"We all manifested our gifts two days after arriving here. You'll have to wait for yours to know what gift you are given"

After Hooke uttered those words, he curiously examined the front and back of his hands, intensely focused, while posing another question.

"But why do we need to protect them?"

"We don't have a clear answer yet, but 'they' were the ones who bestowed these gifts upon us..."

"Will we be able to meet them? Can we communicate with them?"

"Later tonight, we will be able to hear them," Hooke replied, pointing his index finger upwards.


"You'll see."

With their conversation concluded, all he could do now was ponder his situation and try his best to recall his name, temporarily setting aside the awe-inspiring gifts he had just witnessed.

Shortly after, a man approached them, the same blonde man from before. He wore a dirty grey jacket adorned with the same symbol as Hooke's t-shirt, placed on his right shoulder, and paired it with black shorts.

When he stood before them, he greeted Hooke with casual expression and said, "There you are, Hooke!"

They exchanged a high-five and smiled at each other.

"Oh, and newbie, meet Niel," Hooke introduced Niel to the newcomer. "His gift is the ability to control the air."

"Hey!" Niel exclaimed, extending his hand for a handshake.

"You're revealing all the secrets to him now, huh?" Niel raised an eyebrow, teasingly.

"Of course, how else will our newbie survive if he lacks knowledge in our realm?"

Niel burst into laughter at Hooke's response and added, "Well, haha, for a moment there, I thought this newbie was going insane, haha." He shook hands with the newcomer, still chuckling.

"So, do you remember your name now?" Niel asked.

However, the newcomer's expression conveyed that he still couldn't recall his name. He replied in a low voice, "No..."

"Ah! Don't worry, man. You'll remember it too," Niel reassured him, bringing some comfort to the newcomer who was still lost in the midst of the bewildering events he had experienced.

"If you ever need help with anything and I'm not around, feel free to ask Niel. He's second in command here," Hooke added after Niel had departed.


Date: April 5, 20XX

Time: 7:21 PM

As night fell, the entire place resounded with shouts and voices, accompanying a massive bonfire. The community was celebrating the arrival of the newcomer. Some indulged in drinks and food, others engaged in training buffets, while a few sat beside trees, marveling at the mesmerizing sight of the bonfire.

As he observed them, he marveled at the beauty of this moment while seated on a bench near the cabin where he had awakened earlier.

After a brief period of taking in the scene, Niel approached him slowly and struck up a conversation.

"Hey, why don't you join us? You can try to interact with everyone if you're feeling a little out of place."

"Well... I don't know, man. Everything is so new to me, and I'm still struggling with my memory. I'm desperate to know what happened to me, what these gifts are... and I haven't even remembered my name," he replied, a tinge of sadness in his voice. He looked at the bonfire, slowly standing up from the bench. Then he added, "But for some reason, this place feels oddly familiar. I feel like I've been here before... but I just don't know, man."

His eyes conveyed a mix of emotions, primarily sadness, as he shared his thoughts.

Meanwhile, Niel, standing beside him, understood the feeling he was grappling with—the agony and the struggle of not remembering anything. Niel had experienced the same plight in the past, so he sought to uplift his mood.

"Well then, come here, mate," Niel said, surprising him.

'What?' he thought, about to voice his question.

"Wha-" his words were cut off as Niel took his hand and began running toward the bonfire. In an instant, the wind lifted them, and they started floating above the ground. Niel laughed, reveling in the breeze, while the newcomer, nervous and wide-eyed, looked down below, shouting like a scaredy-cat.

They glided around the bonfire, experiencing its enchanting proximity. The flames illuminated the entire area, as people danced and celebrated. Golden sparks dispersed throughout the crowd, adding a touch of magic to the festivities.

Eventually, they landed near a tree and rushed toward the kitchen. Niel introduced him to the chef, Virchow, who offered them a jar of orangey-brown liquid. Afterward, they ventured to a table adorned with mechanisms and gadgets, playfully experimenting with them.

Finally, they arrived at the area where people engaged in physical duels on a rink, surrounded by a lively crowd.

"Hey! You should join and test your physical strength," Niel exclaimed with excitement.

"Huh? Wait, what?" he asked, still bewildered by the whole situation. Suddenly, a random spectator pushed him from behind, propelling him into the center of the rink.

As he looked up, he found himself facing a muscular, ginger-haired man who appeared significantly older. Niel, witnessing the turn of events, dropped his smile, his expression turning worried. In an accidental outburst, he shouted his name.

"Shit! It's Matthias!"

Though panic surged within him, the crowd erupted in cheers of anticipation.

"Hey, newbie, care for a spar?" Matthias taunted him.

"Huh? What?" he asked, still confused by the unfolding events. Before he could react, Matthias swiftly kicked his stomach, causing saliva to fly from his mouth as he stumbled backward, struggling to maintain balance.

Niel's concern grew as the crowd's excitement heightened.

The duel ensued, and he found himself standing up and charging at Matthias, attempting to punch him in the face. However, his attack had no effect, leaving no mark on Matthias's unyielding expression.

In that moment, he realized his predicament—

Defeat was imminent.

With a swift motion, Matthias swept his feet, causing him to lose balance once again. This time, he hit his head hard against the ground.

Suddenly, his ears started ringing, and he faintly heard words. Initially indistinct, they gradually became clearer.



Slowly, the words took shape.



Finally, he voiced the words he had heard.

"Leuwen," he said, his voice barely audible.

"LEUWEN!" he shouted with joy, realizing his name.

"My name is Leuwen!" he declared, a radiant smile spreading across his face as the crowd erupted into cheers, celebrating his revelation.


Some time later, Niel and Leuwen found themselves sitting under a large tree, gazing at the bonfire.

"Leuwen, that's a nice name you've got there, mate," Niel remarked, handing him the peculiar drink they had acquired from the kitchen earlier.

Leuwen hesitated but decided to give it a try. Instantly, his face contorted in disgust as he spat it out.

"Urgh! What's with this drink?" he asked, perplexed. Niel burst into laughter, replying, "Haha, I don't know either, man. This is Virchow's special recipe, but it definitely has a weird taste." Despite the drink's unappealing flavor, Niel shrugged and took a sip.

April 5, 20XX

Time: 8:00 pm

Suddenly, a piercing sound resonated from above, causing everyone to cover their ears in discomfort. Leuwen wondered what was happening, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.

The sound ceased, and a moment later, a girl's voice filled the air. It emanated from a hidden speaker and reverberated throughout the gathering.

"Good evening, everyone. I am representing Ersatz Headquarters. I will be assuming the role of Colonel Theodore for the time being. It's a pleasure to be working with all of you, Pariahns," the voice announced.

Leuwen's curiosity piqued at the mention of Ersatz Headquarters and Colonel Theodore. He exchanged a perplexed glance with Niel, unsure of what this new development meant for them and their fellow Pariahns.

As the voice of the girl echoed into the night, Leuwen couldn't shake the feeling that their already mysterious existence was about to become even more enigmatic.


The girl made a late introduction of her own name and stated

"My name is Ella Moore, I'm pleasured to meet you meet you Pariahns"

New chapter!!! Leuwen finally remembers something, follow my tiktok and Twitter account for more updates ^^

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Jiro_Licreators' thoughts