
Just Woke Up

When the leaves fell down, it will not go back to where it belongs.

Kim_Peya · สมจริง
2 Chs

When the fate begins

It all started when I woke up. In our life, we're free to do all things. We're free to walk, speak and do whatever we want. We are given a chance to feel what we're feeling now. Only once in our life we will be given a chance to meet a person who will stay by our side forever. If that time comes, do not dare to let it go.

"Jared! Jared!" –Fred and Ezra

I heard a loud shout coming from the outside of our house. It's hard to have a friend who is your neighbor too but I feel good because every time I woke up they are the ones who I always see first.

"Fred! Ezra! What's with that noise? Stop it now. It's too early to shout," my mom replied.

Mom knew that it will happen. It happens every day so she's used to hearing it.

"Auntie! The sun is rising up, we'll watch it." –Fred

My mom always allows them, so they went into my room and without being notice, they drew some art on my face. They knew that every time I woke up, I never washed my face and doesn't even look once in the mirror every morning. After a minute, they woke me up.

"Hey Jared! Wake Up!" Ezra shouted.

I already knew what's happening. They are here to fetch me to watch the sunrise together. Ezra, Fred and I were used to watch the sunrise every morning.

"Wait!" my Mom said.

"Ahhshhh! Auntie! We will miss the sunrise if you keep acting like that." Ezra replied.

My mom just told me to be back early because we have a trip that I need to attend. We went on the seashore with a drawing on my face. I don't have any idea why people were laughing at me at that time. We keep walking on the seashore and the people around us keep laughing at me. As people laugh at me, the same time my friends also keep saying sorry. That time, I want to know why they're sorry because I don't have any idea that they drew some art on my face. So I replied to them dramatically.

"I don't know why you're so sorry but you don't have to. Honestly, I'm really thankful to have a friend like you. I always woke up and see you first in the morning. You two are signs for me that I am still alive. " I said.

We were friends since grade school until now that we're all 17. In our 11 years of friendship, we have made memories together and make foolish things to each other. Being with them is the best thing to do in life.

"You're so dramatic bro, do you think we will be gone? We will be always here for you until we die. By the way, do you mean what you said earlier? That we don't have to be sorry?" they replied

Since I mean what I have said, I answered yes. A minute later, I heard them whispering to each other. I heard Ezra whispered "It's just a chalk, if we push him in the water, the drawing on his face will be gone." After what I heard, they said sorry again and chased me. So I run and run until I fell. They lift me up and throw me in the water.

I am a kind of friend who don't want to be treated unfairly. When they pushed me in the water, well I must do it too. I run and run trying hard just to catch them, until I finally caught them. I pushed them at the water and start laughing at them.

"HAHAHAHAHA" a loud laugh is all what I heard that time. We were so happy laughing like there's no tomorrow.

We were swimming for almost 1 and a half hour. After we finished swimming, I remember what my mom told me earlier. Because we were busy laughing, I forgot what my mom said.

"Jared! You forgot what your mom said." Fred said.

After we talked about it, we went home quickly. Before I go home, I stopped to Fred's house to drink some water. I was about to go out when I overheard Fred's mom scolding Fred. I secretly hid on the door when Fred's mom said…

"Why are you so wet? Did your friends did that to you? You're friend are such a jerk. Don't be friends with that bad ass ever again. They are poor. You don't belong to them." –Fred's Mom.

The day I heard what his mom said, it hurt my feelings. Fred's mom is the only person who doesn't know how deep our friendship is. Even if she knew, she doesn't care. She never and will never support our friendship. Fred is such a strong guy. Although his feelings is hurting' too, he doesn't mind. Another day came and they woke me up again. We watched the sunrise beside the sea silently. No one speaks. We remain silent, until we are walking home.

A minute passed…

"Don't mind what my mother said. I know you heard it Jared. I saw you while my mom was badmouthing you two. She can't tear us apart." –Fred said.

Fred was trying to hold his tears, but he can't. He continued what he was saying while Ezra don't have any idea what he is talking about.

"Guys, just promise me one thing. Promise me that you will never leave me. Even if sometimes my mom is badmouthing you." –Fred.

"I don't know what you are saying but I promise, I will never leave you." –Ezra.

Fred and Ezra can't hold their tears and began to cry. My weakness is seeing the two of them crying. Of course I made my promise too.

"By the way, why are you saying that?" –Ezra.

"Because we're friends." –Fred.

In our 9 years of friendship, this is the first when we made a promise to each other. That day is full of drama. We were talking about what his mom said so Ezra would know too. Three days after, we went to a music studio and start making a song. We like music. Every time we visit the music studio, it either we feel sad, problematic, stress, happy, angry or etc. This time, we came here because we are happy. We were happy to have each other through ups and down. I know it is weird, but I'm proud to have them. I feel lucky to have someone like them in my life.

Never believe that what happened in your life were already destinied, because we are the one who makes our own destiny.

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