
Just the Six of Us

This is a Story revolving around Mike and his four sisters, along with a voice that lives in his head. join me as we explore mike's life one chapter at a time. Don't forget to rate and leave a comment. [Disclaimer: You might get addicted reading this story.]

Spyder_234 · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Chapter Five

Walking over to the gate, he pulled the mower through and headed to the smaller front yard to finish. As soon as he was done mowing and had the mower put up, he trimmed the hedges, used the weed eater up next to the house and around the trees, edged the sidewalks and turned on a few hoses to water the lawn. Heading back into the shed, he grabbed the dip net to start fishing out the leaves from the pool.

The sun was up by now, it had been about 3 hours and it was already getting hot. It looked to be about 11 o clock. Sweat beaded on his forehead and trickled down his neck and chest. The door to the patio opened and Danni came out, followed by Beth, Emma, and finally Sarah, who was carrying a glass of water for him. She always looked out for him. She looked so small and vulnerable, so easily, breakable as she walked towards him. Her breasts were jiggling as she walked. STOP IT.

Danni walked around without saying a word to her brother and pulled her clothes off, revealing that same damned bikini that she always wore. Mike was glad he was wearing sunglasses. Emma was still pointedly not look at him, though, and Mike really couldn't blame her. He felt himself start to blush, but knew the heat of the sun would hide any colour that might show up on his face.

"Here sweetie," Sarah said, reaching up and wiping sweat from his face and handing him the water. He downed it in a few gulps. Sarah turned to go back inside, presumably to clean something. Mike watched her until she had gone, her ass bouncing along behind her.

"Thanks," he said turning his attention away from his sisters and back to the pool. He stopped and deciding it was getting entirely too damn hot for a shirt, pulled his off and tossed it aside. Sweat coated his chest and ran down his back. He picked up the dip net again and went back to work.

Emma had definitely been avoiding looking at her brother. She was still trying to process everything that had occurred this morning. She couldn't help but notice as he took off his shirt, how well toned her brother was. He wasn't an overly muscled lummox like most of the guys in college and back in her high school were, or were desperately trying to be. He looked lithe, muscular but not bulging. Suddenly aware that she was ogling her brother, she turned and concentrated on her book. A few minutes later she reached into her towel bag pulled some oil out of it and began to rub it absent mindedly across her body.

"Oh, dear god no," Mike said softly to himself as he glanced over and saw his twin rubbing herself down. He quickly turned his back.

Beth and Danni were lying on their backs, eyes covered with shades and bodies covered in oil. Emma lay down beside them to soak in the sun. They all reached beside themselves for magazines as their brother moved slowly around the pool, sweeping leaves out.

He was methodically moving around the bottom of the pool, scooping out any and everything that had fallen in during the winter and spring. "I should've done this when spring hit," he said aloud, desperately trying to keep the voice quiet. It was screaming "BOOBS" over and over and pounding on his brain with tiny fists. "OVER THERE, BOOBS," he couldn't help himself and glanced over, immediately regretting it.

Danni lay on the left, on a lounge chair in her tiny yellow micro-bikini. Her breasts were smaller than Beth's, but much larger than Emma's. He stared as she laid the magazine in her lap and flipped absently through the pages. Her skin was so shiny and still so soft looking. She must spend hours getting herself to look that good. He changed his mind. She'd always looked that good. She was so damn sexy. If she wasn't his sister, he could easily see fantasizing about her. He could see that her nipples pressing against the tight yellow fabric, seemingly like tiny creatures that were desperate to get out. He wondered how many guys had had them in their mouths. Did she like that, having her nipples nibbled? They seemed to be pressing awfully hard. His eyes widened, they almost looked erect. Holy crap, they were hard! It wasn't cold out, why were her nipples erect? Maybe there was a breeze where they were laying out.

He glanced over at Beth. Her boobs were very large, almost perfect in shape. Every time she moved, they would bounce ever so slightly. Why couldn't he have pictured her when he was masturbating? If it had to be a sister that popped into his head, he'd definitely prefer it be Beth. Whereas Danni exuded pure sex, Beth was beautiful, intelligent and wise, but very beautiful; it was just hiding a little bit by what she wore and people how perceived her through her intelligence. He glanced downwards. He could just make out the lips of her pussy through her white bikini bottoms. He wondered if she shaved.

"What the fuck am I doing," he said loudly. This was Beth that was ogling. Sweet, innocent Beth! He glanced over at his prone sisters. All three had lifted their heads and looked at him curiously. Emma smiled knowingly and suppressed a giggle.

"Dropped some leaves back in the pool," he said, trying to dismiss it. He was immensely grateful when they laid, they're heads back down. "Damn it," he muttered, even when he didn't hear the voice, it was still trying to corrupt his thoughts.

He couldn't help but look at his last sister. She was lying on the right, sunlight drenching her nearly naked form. He'd never realized how shapely she was. He was the tallest in the family, followed closely by his twin, and then Beth. Danni and Sarah were both much shorter than him, at least eight to ten inches. Emma came up just to his eyebrows, an inch or so short of six feet. Her blue bikini top was soaked in oil, having been a little overzealous when she was rubbing herself down. He'd never thought of her as being sexy. It was Emma, for Christ's sake.

He forced himself to look at her objectively, though. She'd almost never had a boyfriend, but he knew she wasn't a lesbian either. He somehow knew that she was still a virgin, 'twin intuition' he guessed. Her breasts were like small apples, not as big as any of her sister's. Her blue bikini top was draped over them, and they sort of disappeared as she lay back. She had to have small nipples, as the top she was wearing barely covered any of her breasts. Danni must have bought it for her. He could see them poking up through the blue fabric, again, seeming to want to try and get free. Her ass though, good lord, her ass. While her other sisters all had perfectly fine rumps, Emma's could win a prize. First of all, it was muscular and not all fat and jiggly. She was just as athletic as he was and played a lot of sports. Track, cross country, soccer, all were on her sports resume. She was fast, faster than her brother even, and she loved to run. He loved to run too, but he'd let her pull ahead so he could watch her muscular buttocks flexing and unflexing in front of him. Shaking his head again, he forced his concentration back to the leaves.

Danni couldn't concentrate on her magazine. She kept glancing through her sunglasses at her annoying little shit of a brother. She couldn't believe how angry he could make her. What was it about him that enraged her so? She idly watched as he was scooping the leaves methodically in and out of the pool. It was a little relaxing watching him work. He had a nicely toned body, and she found herself staring whenever he bent over and his back muscles flexed when he lifted the net. His arm muscles corded and flexed as he dumped it into a bucket and then they disappeared, back under that sweaty, man flesh. "Oh my god," she thought, realizing she was watching her annoying little brother. Flustered, she picked up the magazine again and tried to concentrate.

Emma was having a similar problem; her novel wasn't nearly as interesting as watching this sweaty chunk of flesh flexing and working out all over her imagination. 'This is Mike, you dummy, your own twin,' she kept telling herself. She couldn't help but notice the bulge in his pants and couldn't help but wonder exactly what the hell he was staring at to cause that. The memory of the "Oh Danni" incident flashed into her memory just then and caused her to laugh out loud. She pointed to her book as her sisters looked over at her, in order to cover the scene.

Mike scooped the last of the leaves out and went to check the pump and backwash it. Screwing on the drain cap on the bottom of the tank, he switched the lever to the proper setting and flipped the switch. As the pump barked and started coughing, he let his gaze drift back over to his twin. He stared down between her legs. Neatly trimmed of course, not seeing any pubic hairs peeking out. He peered intently down between her thighs, and was just able to make out the lips of her vagina. Which of his sisters shaved, and which were trimmed he wondered? Do they taste different?

"Let's go find out right now"

The voice shook him out of his daze. The tank was clean, so he turned it off, turned the pump to filter and turned it back on again. The pump sputtered to life and began pumping water through the sand filter. He went to the shed to grab a scoop of shock and a few chlorine pucks.

He'd looked down at the pool and caught sight of the tent that had been pitched in his pants. Hands full, he couldn't really do anything about his doing situation. He hurriedly threw the scoop of shock into the pool and put the chlorine pucks into the strainer. Nonchalantly turning back around he tried to adjust his dick so that it wouldn't look like the Leaning Tower of Weiner and grabbed the hose to wash his hands off. He'd already resolved to jerk off again when he got upstairs, hopefully to someone he wasn't related to.

He was hot though, and deciding quickly he grabbed the hose and held it over his head. Water began to cascade down his sweaty muscled body. Unbeknownst to him, all three sisters slowly craned their heads to the left and stared. He rubbed a hand through his hair to free dirt and grass and sweat from it and gasped as the water cooled and cleaned him. He shook his head vigorously and ran the hose over his chest and armpits, briefly scrubbing them, and then turned and cut off the water.

As he turned around, he saw all three sisters, obviously staring at him. He glanced at them, curiously, waiting for a comment from one of them or even all. Finally growing impatient he glared back. "What?" he yelled.

Simultaneously, three heads dove back into magazines and they all chimed, "Nothing."

Rolling his eyes, Mike turned and went inside.