
Chapter 83

"BOO!" Carlos shouted. Quickly after Carlos, Taylor shouted; but her shout was more like screaming bloody murder. Carlos doubled over with laughter as Taylor glared daggers at him. They started shouting at each other.

I sighed. "Can we just look around without all the unnecessary fighting?" I asked rhetorically. Its been a long night, and we haven't found anything.

"Split up into threes and look in every mausoleum" Dr. Nale ordered. I guess we had the same idea. I got into a group with Dr. Nale and Donovan. We walked to the first mausoleum and pushed open the squeaky double-doors.

I looked on the shelves where there were a few dusty pictures and some 'special' items. Most families put the deceased person's favorite things in mausoleums. There were a few books, a teddy bear, a jewelry box, and a small snow-globe. I moved the stuff around, looking for any buttons or anything that could possibly open a secret door.