
Chapter 62

'I love you too', she said before putting up her wall. I didn't want to lie to her. But she said that she was stressed out with work, and she needs to take care of Matthew too. The least I can do is take a few things off her plate.

"Alpha," Dr. Nale greeted me.

"Please have a seat," I said gesturing to the couch. Peyton and Brian sat in the love-seat, Dr. Nale sat on the couch, and I sat on the other side of the couch. "A witch cast some spell on me," I informed him, straight-forward.

His eyes went wide. "What kind of spell?"

Peyton spoke up. "We were hoping that you could tell us. Do you understand any of the languages witches speak?"

Dr. Nale nodded. "I know a few languages."

"Okay. Uh... He said 'dát..." I wracked my brain for the rest. "Dát vám moc." I stated.

Dr. Nale thought about it before speaking. "It means 'give you power," he said slowly. He looked confused.