
Chapter 30

A few eyes softened, and some looked confused. I would be confused if someone I hated was pouring their soul out to me. "I want to thank you for being apart of my daughter's life. All of you have made a positive impact on her life. I want to thank you all for trusting my son and for coming here today. But most of all. I want to thank you for being there for Alicia, when her mother and I couldn't" By the time I was done, everyone's glares were gone. "Enjoy the rest of your day. And I hope I get the chance to get to know you all" I said softly.

They all nodded and the crowd dispersed into their own little groups. David walked up to me with a little girl in his arms. She's been attached to his hip since everyone has gotten out of the cells, but I can never remember her name. "Hey, Dad" Dave greeted me. "I heard that whole thing with Mom" he said hesitantly.