
The hangout, R-18. Pt5

"A wish? Then I hope I lose." Jemina said, she was also smiling.

" We'll see about that." Abe replied

Now he really hopes he loses, he is going to teach her a lesson.

'She wants to play naughty, then let's play naughty.’ Abe thought

He removed his hand from his crotch area, freeing his curbed bulge.

He's been feeling uncomfortable, trying to hide his erection from Jemina in hope that they'll end the game soon. But since she chose to play naughty, then why not.

Abe caught her staring at the bulge in his boxers.

Of course she would look, Abe was naturally huge and it would never go unnoticed, so he wasn't surprised at her reaction.

"Rock paper scissors." they both said at the same time, but Jemina was slow, she was distracted by the bulge in Abe's boxers.

She had an idea of his size, but she never knew he was this huge. She just couldn't wait to unwrap him.

But then she remembered, they were still playing a game.