A teen wants nothing more then to just relax and keep up his interest that he has always had, but why does this system keep stopping him from doing what he wants to do? I own nothing but my OC and my Ideas, everything else goes to the creator.
(A/N: For those wondering the Trial run will last until the end Season 3 part A, that would be an entire year. That is why the mission is a year long it will end that first half. Those that don't know season 2 takes place right as season 1 ends with the dance in season 1 letting you know that since it was the winter formal taking place in December. The rest of Season 2 was all the school year that led up to the summer before Chris took Allison away for the summer.)
"So you are joining us at the game tonight right?" Allison asked as we stood at her locker, she had been talking about this since Lydia brought it up the day before.
"For the millionth time yes. I am going and will meet you and Lydia there, unless you are riding with me." Ryan said while looking around the hallway, he was trying to see if there was anyone else who was like Scott. So far he didn't find anyone who was like him so that was good news, he also didn't see signs of anyone who could be the alpha.
Not to make it sound weird but he had sniffed Scott as they passed each other in the hall, which made him get a faint scent of what he was looking for, Scott smelled a little like wet dog. So now everyone who passed him he would subtly sniff them and see if they had the same smell, Stiles was the only one but that was because he spent time around Scott it wasn't built in like Scott's
This had been on his mind a lot though he didn't really try and do anything else, he was waiting to talk to Scott after the game tonight, he wanted to see how it would go down. With what he knew from what Chris told him the aggression would cause him to turn, he wanted to see how Scott would handle that.
"I will ride with you. That way I will know when you are home, so I can come right over afterwards." She said with a smile while closing her locker.
"I thought Scott wasn't playing though? I have been hearing that a lot." Ryan said bringing his attention back to her when she spoke.
"Yeah I did too. The last time I talked to him though he said that he was playing, so he must be." She added as they started to walk off to class.
He nodded before they split up, since they didn't have any classes together he did walk her to her classes when they met in the morning or rode to school together. As he walked down the hall he ran into Lydia who was looking like her usual high school queen bee self, he smiled seeing her being so fake, he had noticed that almost two days after watching her.
"Ryan Steven's, ready for the big game tonight?" She asked as she swayed her hips walking right up to him.
As she got closer he couldn't help but to think about her pale pink nipples that were hiding under her shirt, it had been on his mind since last night, Allison sleeping in his bed didn't help. "Yes. I thought why not actually watch a game and see if I like it or not." He said while standing in front of her with a raised brow and arms crossed, the hall was nearly clear as people rushed into class rooms it was really only them left.
"I have been trying to get you to go for a year but all it takes is Allison a week and she has you going. What does she have that I don't exactly?" Lydia asked with some anger in her voice as she put her hands on her hips, at the moment they were the last two in the hall.
He smiled then leaned forward while whispering in her ear, "It is because unlike you she isn't using me for her own gain in popularity, plus she knows more about me then you do. Try being real around me for one day and I will consider getting to actually know you, but this fake Lydia isn't for me."
She frowned when he pulled back, their body heat had blended and even he was tempted to stay closer to her smelling that candy scent but he pulled back. Since she was with Jackson he couldn't do anything, well he could but he wouldn't, he wasn't the type of guy to mess with a girl if she had a boyfriend it would just put a bad taste in his mouth.
They stood there a moment looking at each other, she seemed to be thinking over his words, "Fine. I will give you a day to get to know the real me, but it has to be away from here. Let me know when you have a free day and we can do it."
"This is just getting to know each other, since you are with Jackson nothing will be happening between us." He added as she seemed to frown more hearing that.
"Fine. I need to get to class now, I am already late standing her talking to you." She said before going around him and walking off.
He wasn't ashamed to admit that he watched her hips sway in that skirt as she walked away, it wasn't until she was in her classroom that he looked away from where she disappeared to. Yawning he set his skateboard down on the ground and rode to his next class, it was pointless to get a late slip since he already had detention all they would do would add on to it anyway.
At lunch he was sitting there waiting for Allison and the rest to show up, at this point it was inevitable that they would join him, he had just gotten use to it over the week. As he was waiting scrolling through his phone something brought his attention back to the cafeteria, at the moment someone had spilled their food all over where he was sitting.
Looking to the side he watched as a girl with dirty blonde hair fell to the ground, she was shaking as she went, he noticed her eyes roll into the back of her head too. Rushing to reach her he took her head in his hand before it could hit the ground, the commotion caused people to look over at them.
Some surrounded them while others laughed at the girl, he glared at them while putting the girl on her side, he was trying to get her under control before he moved her. He noticed that no one bothered to even call for help, shaking his head on the inside he held her while she seemed to be coming down from her seizure, she tried her hardest to open her eyes.
The two looked at one another for a moment, "Are you okay? Do you need anything?"
She paused trying to get strength back into herself, "I can't really move all that well. Seizure's really take a lot out of me, c-could you help me to the nurse's office. I need to report it while also calling for a ride home."
He nodded while lifting her up princess carry style, everyone moved out of the way as he carried her out, he passed by Allison and the rest nodding to them before walking out. Along the way neither of them spoke as he took her, she was actually pretty light in his arms, "So do you not take medicine for this?" he asked wanting to break the silence.
"I forgot today. I usually take it each morning before school but I was in a rush so I forgot it today." She said with a sheepish expression while looking away from him.
He nodded, "No I can understand, when people are in a rush they tend to forget things in the heat of the moment."
She nodded, the rest of the way was quiet as he took her to the nurse's office. After dropping her off he walked out again, he went back to lunch where the moment he walked in everyone looked at him, he rolled his eyes before going to his seat again ignoring them.
"So you helped a girl who was having a seizure then?" Allison asked as he took a seat next to her.
He nodded then frowned, his food was no longer there anymore and he didn't even get a chance to take a bite of it, "Here you go." Lydia said with a smile while handing him an orange.
"Thank you." he said gratefully while taking it since it seemed someone threw away his food, Allison caught on an offered half the pizza she was eating which he declined. Instead he took her apple and bit into it with a smile, "Fruit seems to be my lunch for the day."
They laughed a little at that, as he was sitting there his phone buzzed taking it out he looked at it and raised his brow, it was from Lydia but he never even saw her touch her phone. Though he did see her keep her hands near her purse for a moment so he thought she might have done it right then.
Lydia- How about we hang out this weekend? That is the only time that Jackson will be busy and so we won't have to worry about me being called away.
Him-Sounds fine. Saturday it is, I only have free time that day.
She sent back a positive reply before going back to some conversation she was having with Allison, not that she stopped in the first place, she hardly looked at her phone when she texted. It was one of those worthless gifts that people who spent a lot of time on their phone had.
They all walked out after lunch with Ryan's eyes following Lydia, ever since last night he had been thinking more and more about her. His hormones were going off the wire with how much he was being teased, first sleeping in the same bed as Allison and now with the view he saw it made it even worse.
If he was a person who slept around he could fix that, but he knew that the girls at school would get attached if he tried something more with them.