
Yeah, yeah, sure

"Third simulation starting..."

This time, Blade Carson was reborn into royalty! Thanks to his dismantling of the Great Martial Dynasty, he held immense prestige. Other resistance groups, vying for legitimacy, claimed descent from the Carson lineage. Thus, "Carson" became the imperial surname!

Twelve hundred years had passed since the dynasty's fall. Twelve hundred years of constant warfare, of unending conflict. Occasionally, a dynasty would briefly unify the land, only to crumble within 200 years. The people stumbled from one era of hardship to another.

It was against this backdrop that Blade Carson was reborn in the small kingdom of Lordaeron.

On the day of his birth, his father, the king, hunted down an exotic bird with remarkably vibrant plumage. Thus, he was named Feather Carson.

Feather Carson was exceptionally intelligent and possessed a remarkable skill: sleeping!