

SYNOPSIS Leets meet our female lead Julian mora a young ,elegant ,cute, beautiful girl, she's 22 and has a pretty nice shape that every guy yearns for, she's a cracked head,yeah she's crazy,she doesn't give a Shit about anyone and does whatever she likes.You don't dare get into her wrong books or be rest assured you'll find yourself in a cemetery ,she lives with her single mom that works hard to fend for her but doesn't have a personal time for her. Leets meet our make lead Jeffrey Andrew, he's handsome,he's damn cute ,every girls dream guy, he's not a person who loves ,he only sleep's with you and dump you, he's 23,he lives with his dad who is a prestigious business man ,to say he's from a wealthy family. what happens when julian and Jeffrey unexpectedly finds their selves entangled to each other in an unwanted relationship will love prevail or will their odd differences keep them apart ?

sandra_naomi · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs



I alighted from my car as I brought out my phone from my pocket ,dialing my bestie's number

hey babe, am outside your house". I said immediately she picked

come in ,mom and dad aren't home". she said over the phone as I dropped the call.

I walked to the house as I placed a knock on the door.

Hey babe". Silvia greeted giving me a hug as I smiled.

what's up". I asked walking in as she closed the door behind her ,

nothing much, just reading for my exams". she said as I sat on the couch.

what can I offer you". she asked.

wine", i said as she walked into the kitchen and comes out with a glass of wine.

Still, you haven't decided to go to college yet?". she asked as I frown

nope". I said

Your so stubborn". she said.

A message beeped on my phone as I stare at it.

It's Charles right". she asked as i nod.

It's really surprising how you've adjusted after your breakup with james". she said ,as i scoff.

I realized james never deserved a girl like me, he cheated and i don't need him anymore". I said , as she nods .Is

your choice", she said .

There's a race tommorow night, boy's vs girl's". I said as she chuckles.

I wonder when you'll stop racing". she said as i smiled.Never!! ever girl, your coming right?". I asked ,


no but, Silvia your coming and it's final". I said as she smiles

can I ever say no". she said as we both laughed.