
just another roomie MOVED

after my world came crashing down - read between the lines, lost my job, my land lord threw me out, my purse was stolen...- I accepted my best friends idea. to move in with her brother. cliche right? let me tell you. it gets worse. we hated each other since like...forever? but suddenly there is this other side of me that finds his good qualities he always managed to hide. Days pass but attraction grows stronger. now should I fight the chemistry or surrender myself to playboy enemy? ******** I don't want her in my home. she hates me since the day we met. but ehat other choice do I have since my sister allowed her to use her bedroom while she gets back on her feet. but as much as I try to keep my distance from her, I can't. there is something about this girl that pulls me closer. the more she fights our chemistry, the more I want to show her how good we can be. will she be able to change a well known playboy, or will our chemistry burn to dust? book 2 Just another model I was a successful model, with the whole world at my feet. But one wrong decision and my career was finished. Forever. Now I am trying to figure out my life the best I can. Find a new job, get used to a normal life. Sounds simple right? But what do you do when your brother's hot boss keeps showing around? He is an abnormally kind and smiley asshole who thinks only about himself!  Or is he? The more I get to know him, the more I realize his attitude is just a shield, to keep everyone at arm's length. Because when the world thinks you are happy no one bugs you. Will I be able to help him with his demons? Or am I at the end of the day just another model? ******* I worked my ass off to build my company from nothing. And I did so on my own. My mother left me at my aunt's doors when I was a few days old, and she never came around after that. My aunt told me it was better that way, because she was a manipulative materialistic woman. If they are coming from her sister, at least a part must be true. Suddenly my world is turned upside down by a feisty ex model who won't give up until she digs under my happy persona shield. But the problem? She is the sister of one of my employees that I consider one of my best friends. Will I let her in, allow her to break down my walls and help rebuild her own life? Or will I walk away from the first person in a long time that is willing to fight my demons by my side?

vesnxx · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs


Chapter 7 (Rachel's POV)

I woke up with a massive headache and a huge hole in my memory.

I had no idea how I got to the bed.

Or when.

It was all a huge blur.

All I could remember was that I had an interview yesterday in the afternoon and that it was a disaster.

I had no idea how they knew about what happened in my former company, but it was obvious they knew it all.

Well they knew what Mr. Dickson told them at least. But they didn't want to hear even a word of my side of the story.

But right now it was too early to think about those things.

And my head protested as it was, without me trying to understand some assholes.

I moved to the kitchen to get myself a cup of coffee and prayed it would help me with my headache.

Once I finally sat down with coffee in front of me, it didn't even smell right to me anymore.

I was just thinking where I'd put my painkillers when I heard a door being opened down the hall.

"Long  night roomie?"

Well of course it was Mason who else could it be since we lived alone in this house.

But why in the hell was he shouting?

First of all it was pretty early in the morning for a sunday. And second, myhead was killing me!

"Can you please not shout?"

He just chuckled at my question and I turned back to the counter.

I think I should at least try drinking my coffee.

It might get better after the first sip.

Suddenly two pills were dropped in front of me and a glass of water followed soon after.

I lifted my head to find Mason standing in front of me with a soft smile firmly on his face.

I wanted to ask him why he was so kind to me but I didn' get a chance.

Let's blame my slowness on the fact I was hungover right now.

Damn you tequila, I thought we were friends.

"Take those and go back to bed  for a few more hours. And I promise to not be a prick today. But tomorrow when you're back to nirmal all bets are off."

With those words he went back to his room and I was left alone in the kitchen thinking to myself in what universe did I wake up?

I shook those thoughts away and took both pills that Mason brought me and after a few minutes I finally felt like I could drink the coffee without throwing up.

I made sure to clean after myself and started preparing for lunch.

I know it's early to do so at 10am, but I wanted to make a homemade soup and some roast with vegetables and potatoes. 

And those things needed a few hours to be done.

After I was done and everything was cooking or baking I went to  my kitchen to retrieve my laptop and got comfortable in the living room.

I started sending out my CV to any company I could remember.

I wasn't going down without a fight.

I needed to find a job.

But also I had to find out what that asshole of my former boss did. How could every person in London know about things happening in that company?

It was supposed to be private knowledge.

But to me it looked like they were going against workers rights in this case.

Time to get to the bottom of this stinky issue.


I think I did what I could.

I've sent a job application to at least 50 companies in London.

But I also had to be careful that the company wasn't too far from where I was looking for apartments.

A beeping sound disrupted my thoughts.



I left my laptop in the living room and went to prepare everything in the kitchen.

Once I set the table I went in search of Mason.

The last I saw him he went into his room, but I was also completely lost in my work so I could overlook him passing by me. Who knows.

But it looked like me and good luck were finally getting along again.

For now.

Mason was in his room typing away furiously.

I knocked even though his door was open, after all I didn't want to scare him.

"Hey Mason. Would you join me for lunch maybe? I made enough for both of us?"

He stopped in his work and slowly turned to look at me.

"Do you think  I can't cook?"

I was shocked.

Like what the fuck?

"Uhm no. I actually know you are a pretty good cook. I just wanted to say thank you for this morning."

He looked at me with a bored expression on his face.

"What? Because I brought you some pain killers, you suddenly want to be friends? Should we also gossip after dinner? Share secrets? Braid each other's hair? No thank you. I'll pass."

I was just standing there and staring like an idiot.

"You know what? Forgot I asked you? And by the way go to hell. I was trying to be nice so it would be easier for us to coexist but it seems like you can't get your head out of your ass. Idot!"

With those words I stomped away back into the kitchen.

But just at the last second I heard him say:

"Thank you for the compliment. But you are not the first person to tell me that."

I swear a bit of bitterness  could be heard in his words.

But I was too pissed to give it any thought. I just wanted to prepare some lunch for myself and eat it in the quiet of my room.

What an idiot.

And here I was trying just to be nice.

Never again.

That's for sure.

sorry guys I had to change chapters from 5-9. but please reread it. you won't regret it I promise ♡♡♡

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