

Arise and shine! my alarm clock rang out. I turned off the alarm and slept more since it was Saturday. Hours later I got off the bed, went to the bathroom to clean up.

"Good morning dad, good morning mom" I greeted as I climbed down the stairs

"Good morning princess, how was your night?" Dad asked me while setting the table for breakfast

"It was fine dad. Yours?" I asked as I sitting

"it was fine baby girl" dad replied also sitting

"sob sob, I think I'm the invisible one here" mom whined

"I'm so sorry darling" Dad got up and pecked mom on the cheek

"get a room guys" I hollered rolling my eyes.

This shameless couple always displaying their affection publicly. I love my parents very much and they love me too. Though I'm an Ice Queen but I'm very hot and social when I'm with them.

We finished eating breakfast and my parents went about their activities for the day while I went back to my room. Soon I received a text from sophie

Sophie~Sophia the first: Let's meet at the Klassy Spa please ^_^

I rolled my eyes after I read the text. I nicknamed her Sophia the first because she's always whining, eating and she has big cute round eyes just like a 2D girly cartoon. I texted back asking her for time and she replied almost immediately

Sophie~Sophia the first: 11am

Khloe~Ice Queen: Ok Sophia the first

Sophie~Sophia the first: Don't just start +(sticker.rolling her eyes)

I didn't reply. I went up to my parents room and knocked.

"knock knock! mum, dad I'll be going to the spa together with my classmate Sophie. I'll be back before 4pm"

"Ok dear just be careful on your way. Don't forget to go with Jason" dad replied.

Jason was my personal driver and also my body guard. He's a martial artist under the guise of being my driver to keep me safe since my father has many enemies which naturally makes me a target.

"Good morning Jason" I greeted as I entered the car

"Good morning Miss Michaels"

"take me to Klassy Spa" I replied looking at my phone

Moments later, Sophie called.

"I'm on my way Sophie" I said immediately I picked up the call

"Ok. I'm waiting for you" Sophie ended the call

Few minutes later, we arrived at Klassy Spa and Jason stopped the car. I saw Sophie immediately I got down from the car and waved at her. As soon as she saw me, she ran towards me and enveloped me in a bear hug.

"I'm glad you came" she exclaimed in a high pitched voice. I only nodded and we walked into the spa. After we were done, we went to my hair stylist and she braided our hair. Soon it was 3:40pm and I parted ways with Sophie.

When I got back home, I saw a limited edition black Rolls Royce parked inside our compound though I wasn't surprised because my father always had visitors. When I went inside the house I saw my parents, a man, woman and a a good looking guy.

"Good evening dad, mom" I greeted my parents

"good evening princess" my parents replied simultaneously

"Princess this is the Peters family. They are family friends, they just came back from New York" dad explained

"this is your uncle Gideon, aunt Beatrice and their son Rankin" mum introduced

"good evening sir, ma'am and good evening Rankin" I curtsied

"good evening Khloe" Mr and Mrs Peters answered

Rankin just waved at me

"excuse me dad I'll be right back" I sauntered off

They continued their discussion as I walked back to my room. Minutes later mum knocked on my door

"baby come downstairs for dinner"

"ok mum" I got up from the bed sluggishly and climbed downstairs

dad called my name once I started eating

"Khloe Rankin will be attending Quintessential since he's new, I want you to show him around the school"

"but dad I'm also new" As a matter of fact, I don't even know much about the school neither do I know anywhere in the school except the administration block and my classroom.

"table manners please" mum glared at dad and I

"sorry madam" dad and I replied sarcastically as we continued eating

A/N: unedited

Manage it please. I'll update it soon

~with love, Dark_phoenixc
