
Just a Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor

IMPORTANT: Go to _Riux for better edits the edits here have stopped Sherlock Forrest, who had just crossed into the world of Harry Potter, did not have a golden finger and did not inherit the memory of the original owner, looked at the Hogwarts letter of appointment in his hand, and pouted. “Just a Defence Against the Dark Arts professor.” Important: This is just me editing a MTL for fun so don’t expect professionalism This is slow romance so don’t expect anything until the very end Mtl: h ttps://www.mtlnovel.com/just-a-defense-against-the-dark-arts-professor/

Omny1928 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
116 Chs

Lesson 1

The model placed by Sherlock in the lecture was a humanoid magical creature that looked a bit like a goblin but wore a bright red cap on its head.

The little students below all poked their heads upwards toward the red cap model. Even the pure-blooded students who came from a magic-only family where both parents were wizards were basically seeing this peculiar creature for the first time.

Or in other words, these black magic creatures in the magical world were not common.

In normal society, after the footprints and whereabouts of Muggles have spread to every corner of the world, wizards' exploration of magical creatures around the world has gradually entered a bottleneck.

The magical creatures that can be domesticated and can act as wizards' helpers have become pets, such as civet cats, owls, and rats (the owls and rats in the magical world are not the same species as those in the normal world), etc.

Dangerous, but those who have the opportunity to be domesticated by professional wizards are protected by collective captivity. The most representative is the fire dragon.

And black magic creatures that are dangerous, but cannot be domesticated, or are not worthy of domestication, are driven into inaccessible forests, rivers or deserts so that they do not pose a threat to Muggles or wizards with low magical skills.


Editor: Example being Dementors


So now, if the wizards of the new generation were not professional adventurers, they rarely have the opportunity to see real black magic creatures.

The red cap model Sherlock took out was purchased from an alchemy shop in Diagon Alley.

He saw the life like fire dragon models in the display cabinet and found it very interesting, so he found the shop owner specifically, hoping to customize a batch of magical models about black magic creatures.

Making this kind of thing was much easier than making a fire dragon model, the owner of the alchemy item shop readily agreed.

And he proposed that the larger the quantity, the better. In addition, the model itself had no intricate parts, so Sherlock was not charged much money.

These models were perfect for teaching first-year students.

The freshmen who have just entered the school and have not learned any magic can not only see the appearance of black magic creatures with their own eyes but also do not have to worry about any danger.

And the red hat model Sherlock placed on the podium, after landing, held a wooden stick that was very large compared to its own size, and walked around on the podium with its teeth and claws as if it would pounce on them at any time. Seeing which little wizard was not pleasing to the eye,

"It looks so ugly!"

Some students are talking about it.

"It's like the goblins guarding Gringotts, but it looks much more fierce than those goblins."


Editor: Have you heard of the first goblin rebellion at 1612?


"The red hat on his head is quite interesting."

"The hat is bad—that's a sign of its evil..."

An dreamy voice caught Sherlock's attention. It was a little Ravenclaw girl with dirty blond hair. He still remembered her name when he first did attendance.

Luna Lovegood.

A very familiar name, like a character who appeared in the later books.

Sherlock tapped the end of his wand on the podium, drawing the attention of the students in the classroom back to him, and began to introduce the origin of this black magic creature.

"Red caps are black magic creatures mainly distributed in the Nordic battlefield ruins or forests. They look like goblins and are tyrannical in nature. Their main weapons are the pair of sharp claws and the wooden stick in their hands."

"According to statistics, from 1900 to the present, for nearly 100 years, there have been 86 red hat attacks throughout Europe, of which 43 people died, 42 were Muggles, and an inexperienced wizard was beaten and suffered a broken skull and died."

Hearing this data, all the little wizards breathed heavily involuntarily, and even the eyes that looked at the red cap model were not as exciting as they were at the beginning.

"They are named because they often wear a red hat on their head. Does anyone know why this black magic creature only wears a red cap?"

Sherlock asked questions at the right time to liven up the atmosphere in the classroom.

But very few students knew the answer, and it happened that Luna, the little girl Sherlock had just noticed, raised her hand.

"Miss Lovegood."

Luna stood up, her silver eyes seemed to be wandering all the time, not staring at the things in front of her, giving people a crazy feeling.

"Blood, red caps will dye their hats red with the blood of their prey, and when their hats fade, they will look for their next prey."

Hearing her answer, Sherlock nodded lightly, instead of complimenting her, he gave the most direct reward.

"Five points for Ravenclaw. We got a standard answer from Miss Lovegood."

"The red cap wears a hat dyed red with blood on his head, which is the origin of the name of this black magic creature."

"However, although this magical creature has a brutal character, it poses a very general threat to wizards. In the Ministry of Magic's classification of the dangers of magical animals, the Red Hat's level is XXX."

"As long as a wizard uses magic on them, no matter what the effect is, they will be scared away, so it is enough to see that the wizard who was killed by the red hat in this century will become a joke to many people. "


Editor: Shouldnt have skipped the tutorial.


"I don't want such a joke to appear among my students in the future. After today's defence class is over, each of you must write an essay on the habits, weaknesses and correct responses of the creatures like red caps. Ten inches of parchment, give it to me in the next class."

"I will select the one who has completed the homework best, and give him the red hat model as a reward."

Hearing Sherlock say this, the girls were not interested in this reward. After all, the red hat looks a little ugly, but the boys were all excited.


They are all after all a group of 11-year-old children. Who doesn't like magic models like living creatures?

Before the end of this defence class, Sherlock especially showed them the cloth bag in his hand.

"It contains the black magic creatures that we will learn about in the next semester. According to the completion of your homework, I will also send them as a reward. By the end of the year, the student who gets the most models as a award, I will allow them to skip the final exam and go straight to an O (Outstanding)."

His words aroused the enthusiasm of the girls.

The attractiveness of getting an O without taking an exam is still great. The freshmen of the two houses were all looking forward to the future Defense Against the Dark Arts classes.

Sherlock's first class for first-year freshmen was very good in terms of the final effect.

But the biggest test for him today is not to teach these freshmen who have just entered the school and haven't even learned a single spell.

It was the afternoon class for the second graders.