
Just a Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor

IMPORTANT: I might be returning… Sherlock Forrest, who had just crossed into the world of Harry Potter, did not have a golden finger and did not inherit the memory of the original owner, looked at the Hogwarts letter of appointment in his hand, and pouted. “Just a Defence Against the Dark Arts professor.” Important: This is just me editing a MTL for fun so don’t expect professionalism This is slow romance so don’t expect anything until the very end Mtl: h ttps://www.mtlnovel.com/just-a-defense-against-the-dark-arts-professor/

Omny1928 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
115 Chs

Is It Possible That Professor Forrest Is A Crow’s Mouth?

"The Basilisk? But its real power lies in the fact that the person will die on the spot, not petrified?"

Hearing Sherlock's words, Professor McGonagall said puzzled.

Sherlock pointed to the camera in Dumbledore's hands that had been completely destroyed.

"The students who were attacked could not looked directly into its eyes, but passed through something, like Colin through the camera, and Justin, who was attacked last, through the reflection of the puddles under his feet."

Dumbledore looked at him in admiration.

"Very keen observation Sherlock, I'm a little bit confused now. When you joined the Aurors, why did those people say that it was not suitable for you to join the combat department."

He looked at the camera in his hand and said softly.

"The attacked creature is likely a basilisk, but the key to the question is not who the attacker is, but who opened it..."

The voice of his last sentence was a little low, and Sherlock and Professor McGonagall didn't understand exactly what he said.

Then Dumbledore shook his head.

"If it is a basilisk, then the way to defeat it is also very simple, the crow of a rooster is deadly to it, I remember that Hagrid kept a lot of chickens, and they can be used as a defence preparation. "

However, things are not so simple.

Hagrid's chickens were strangled to death by someone overnight.

Obviously, for these natural enemies, the person who released the basilisk was well prepared.

But anyway, with Sherlock's reminder, Dumbledore and the school's professors were prepared in advance.

The rooster is not a precious magical creature. It can be bought everywhere. The dangers that are known are more convenient to deal with than the unknown, which also gives knowledgeable professors confidence.

But the students have no such confidence.

For the sake of secrecy, they discovered that the creature that attacked the students was a basilisk, and did not inform any students.

So the students are still afraid of the unknown danger.

All the students from Muggle families are in danger, and even Neville, who is usually timid, turned pale day by day, and the horror and fear appeared in his eyes after he couldn't hold it in anymore.

"What are you afraid of Neville? You are pure blood, the monster from the Chamber of Secrets will not target you."

Ron comforted Neville after seeing the expression on Neville's face in the Gryffindor common room.

But his consolation didn't have any effect, Neville left the common room looking lost, looking in his direction, as if he was going to the library.

"His courage has always been so small, leave him alone," Harry said with a heavy heart, he was not in the mood to doubt Neville's unusual reaction now.

"Professor Forrest blessed Colin just yesterday, and then something happened to Colin today. It's not just a coincidence!"

Hermione also looked puzzled.

"But it is impossible for Professor Forrest to be the heir. We discussed it before. He is a half-blood. The descendant of Slytherin must be pure blood, right?"

"It's not necessarily." Ron said solemnly, "Remember what I told you before, there are very few wizard families who can truly be called pure blood. If they don't marry Muggles, and wizards Maybe it's already extinct. The family that Slytherin has passed down may have forgotten their ancestral identities in the middle. After all, the few pure-blood families in existence have never heard of anyone and Slytherin. relation."

The previous evidence that proved Sherlock's innocence was now overturned by Ron. At this time, Hermione was shocked to discover that, based on the current evidence, Professor Forrest was not at all less suspicious than Malfoy.

she stammered.

"But, I still don't believe that if Professor Forrest is really the murderer, and he hates Muggle-born wizards so much, why is he willing to answer my questions for me? Although the tone of his speech It's cold and has a very general attitude toward people, we all know that Professor Forrest is a very good person. He even fought with Mr. Weasley against Malfoy's father in Diagon Alley."

Hermione's words weighed heavily on both Ron and Harry.

When they first met Sherlock, they didn't have a good impression of him because of his indifferent attitude.

But in the later contact, they found that the real Sherlock was not as indifferent as he appeared on the surface.

The real Sherlock is suave and gentle. Even to students who are not smart enough, he never spoke harshly. The class was humorous and interesting. To make them interested in Defense Against the Dark Arts, he even transfigured their opponent to be a cartoon."

Nearly half a semester of study and getting along with him now has made Harry and the others truly accept this professor. They can't imagine that Sherlock is the murderer who wants to ruthlessly "clean up" the entire school.

After the silence lasted for a long time, Harry suddenly said coldly.

"You said that Professor Sherlock is indeed not a murderer, but he is simply a crow's mouth?"

Hermione and Ron were stunned by his assumption that it was neither magical nor scientific.

"Harry, I know you don't want Professor Forrest to be a murderer, and neither do we, but you can't use such baseless words to cover up his suspicions, it's not good for other people. Be responsible for..."

"I'm not covering him up, I'm serious!"

Harry interrupted Ron's words solemnly, and he carefully analyzed them for Ron from beginning to end.

"Do you remember the day when the school started, we drove a flying car to school, and we hit the whomping willow and got injured?"

Ron was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"Of course I remember that, that willow tree seemed to have gone mad and wanted to kill us."

"Then we went to Madam Pomfrey for treatment and met Professor Forrest on the way back to the Gryffindor lounge. Do you remember what he said to us?"

"Said... He didn't want someone to ask for leave in his first class."

Ron was only impressed by this sentence, because at the time he and Harry were negotiating about making excuses for not going to class tomorrow, and he was caught by Sherlock.

Harry shook his head.

"It wasn't, what he said after seeing us was, 'I thought you could finally land safely. ""

Ron and Hermione looked stunned.

"What kind of evidence is this? Professor Forrest may have just said casually at the time, and the fact that we were injured was just a coincidence."


Editor: From what I understand about the term "Crow Mouth" Crows in Chinese culture represent bad luck so they are ruffly saying Sherlock has a unlucky mouth.
