

"My goodness, what did you just ..........." Julie said in shock looking at her spoilt blouse but stop her sentence midway when she came face to face with the man who had collided with her. For a moment she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She even tried to open her mouth to speak but her mouth went on strike letting her eyes and mind work. The man standing before her was extremely handsome. The handsome type that seemed to be out of this world. The first thing she noticed was his blue oval eyes that shone bright piercing through her soul. Then his pointed nose that was perfectly placed on his face making his curved pink lips look so edible. His chiseled face made his countenance even more intoxicating. His black soft hair that was tied neatly at the back of his head even made his face more appealing as his flawless brown skin seemed to be glowing. And his physique? Goodness it was definitely goals. He  was tall, more like 6.4, with a well built body that you could see his muscular chest through the t-shirt that he had won inside his leather jacket. He was probably a gym person. That's what she thought as she oogled on the man standing before her. Not that she was doing it alone because looking at things, he seemed to be ogling at her too. Sebastian on the other hand stared in awe at the woman whom he had knocked off her coffee. Sebastian thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Looking at her flawless dark skin that complimented her shining grey eyes that was sorrounded by long eyelashes that kept blinking as she stared at him made him feel breathless. And her lips? He felt like he could kiss her right there. Her beautiful short  black hair that revealed her african long neck even made her beauty so extraordinary natural. Not to talk about her splendid body figure. All he could think of was how the woman standing before him looked like a beautiful black pearl. "What a beautiful black pearl." Sebastian said breathlessly more in a whisper but obviously Julie heard him. "Such a hot stuff." Julie also muttered breathlessly.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Julie Blacks, she is a single mama, broken and maimed a thousand times. Rejection is what she's known almost all her life until she lost the hope of loving and maybe being loved again. She is a broken insecure girl not until a mysterious guy crosses her path and all her walls crumble down. Meet Julie Blacks a Kenyan Music Star and Sebastian Parker, an African American Billionaire. A miracle love story it is.

debby_liliane · สมัยใหม่
24 Chs

Chapter 14

"Hey, good morning." Grace greeted as she walked into the kitchen finding Julie who was already making breakfast.

"For someone who wants to be a billionaire, you've definitely overslept." Julie commented jokingly as she saw her sit herself on the kitchen stool.

" Says the billionaire in the house. So tell me what time did you wake up yourself madam billionaire?" Grace rolled her eyes at her as she took an apple that was on a fruit bowl beside her.

"First, stop calling me billionaire because as I always tell you, no one is supposed to know that Grace. Second, I woke up at 4.30 am. And just incase you didn't notice, well, I went to the gym, did my work out, came and took a shower, then replied my emails, went through the files the managers sent me from both of my companies, finished writing the TV script that I was supposed to write, reached somewhere in proofreading my new novel and finally am here making breakfast at 7.20 am. See why am a billionaire Gee? Even though low key? " Julie told her happily, feeling proud of herself. She was truly a hardworker. She was the CEO of a music video production company that had a record label as part of it, and also a movie production company that made millions of money daily. Apart from that she was a brand ambassador of the products of several companies and her being a successful writer and a music star, added to her billions hence making her a billionaire. Despite of her being that, she at no point ever wanted to let the public know that. As much as she was already a big celebrity, she still wanted a normal life of not being overrated. As so far she had achieved it, since the people who knew about her being a billionaire kept it low key as it was. Which apparently, only Grace and her mom knew that she had been a billionaire for the past two years. Not even Jason knew about it. He just knew that she probably was rich but not to that extent.

"Okay gal. I get it. I need to wake my ass up early to be a billionaire. But come on, I ain't that bad. My waking up at 6am has also made me a millionare. Right billionaire?" Grace said chuckling. Her fashion  company was also doing well which it had truly made her a millionare and she was proud of it. Just that she was a celebrity as Julie was.

" Yes ma'am I know. And please stop calling me billionaire or else I'm gonna hit you with this spoon." Julie warned her faking seriousness while pointing at her, the spoon she was using to make breakfast.

"What? You worried our ghost neighbours will hear that you are a damn rich? haha." Grace asked while laughing.

"Really Gee. You seriously won't stop referring to them as ghost neighbours." Julie said while shaking her head.

"Yeah. But seriously Julie, give me a reason why I shouldn't think whoever stays in that house are ghosts. I mean who builds a damn magnificent house that looks like a palace and then not live in them? Imagine, we bought this land built the house and moved here like 3 years ago, and that  damn palace was already there but have you ever seen any living soul there since you moved here?" Grace asked her smirking then took another bite of her apple. She really couldn't help wonder who the hell lived in the house after theirs. The house wasn't really that close to theirs, it was about 100m away but on their balcony upstairs, one could see directly into their neighbours compound, yet everytime they were at the balcony, they had never spotted a soul in that magnificent compound.

"Maybe the owners are just not around this place, and besides we are also not at home all times so, you never know. Maybe they come around when we aren't." Julie tried to be thoughtful.

"Or maybe they are some vampires. So they don't come out during the day because of the sun but at night they are always out looking for some blood to drink." Grace said as she took another bite of her apple.

"Jeeez, Grace stop scaring me. You might make me move out of this place." Julie said not wanting to imagine what Grace had said. As much as she knew whatever she said wasn't true, the thought could scare her since truly their neighbouring house was always deserted but always magnificent making you wonder who the hell cleaned the compound everyday yet no one lived there.

"Ha, sorry. Anyway let's forget about our neighbours. I wanted to tell you something else." Grace said changing the topic and this time sighing heavily.

"Judging by your tone, it isn't something pleasant. What's up?" Julie sounded concerned.

" I uuh, I think am pregnant." Grace said putting down the apple she had been biting.

"You're what?" Julie asked sounding shocked, as she turned to look at her fully.

" Pregnant Julie. Pregnant." Grace said while rubbing her head in frustration.

"That's supposed to be some joke right?" Julie said in a smirk not believing what Grace was telling her.

"Miss Blacks, do I look like am joking? And have ever even joked about something like this before?" Grace said intently looking at Julie and for a moment Julie took time to study her face and she couldn't see any type of joke on her countenance. She seemed serious with what she was talking about.

" You're pregnant. " Julie said in a whisper and  as realization came hitting her, she whisper yelled. "Jesus, Wanjiku, how in the hell did you pregnant for goodness sake?" She  could help herself from getting frustrated just in seconds of knowing her friend was pregnant. She had even called her by her surname. That showed how unhappy she was about it.

"How in the hell did I get pregnant? Seriously Julie? How do people always get pregnant? Haven't you ever gotten pregnant yourself?" Grace asked rolling her eyes at her while whisper yelling at her too.

"Yeah damn. Of course I know how people get pregnant. I mean, come on, you weren't supposed to get pregnant outside marriage. Didn't you learn anything through my experience Grace?" Julie asked feeling dissapointed.

" I know. I know Julie, that you don't want me to go through the shitty experience that you went through and you are currently very disappointed in me but it has happened and I gat no choice here. Unless you want me to do an abortion. " Grace said not looking at Julie anymore. She probably felt dissapointed in herself too.

" No way. Do not ever think about that option. You are definitely keeping that baby. Now, is Geff aware that he's soon gonna be a dad? " Julie couldn't help but ask. She had to know what plans did the man responsible had in store.

" No Julie. The pregnancy isn't his. " Grace answered sighing in frustration while Julie looked at her in shock.

" Wait, what? You are kidding right? " Julie said while looking at her friend in unbelief as if she hadn't heard her right.

"I'm being serious right now." Grace sounded regretful at what she had done.

"Wait, so, you trying to tell me you cheated on Geff?" Julie asked sounding dissapointed in her friend. She knew her to be a faithful person ever since she knew her, but the news she was hearing was so dissapointing.

"Yeah sort of." Grace answered in a whisper while covering her face in shame.

"Wow,Wanjiku. I don't know what to say." Julie said more to herself than to Grace then she added, "So who's this guy responsible for the pregnancy?" She had to know who was the damn guy who had been her best friend cheat on her boyfriend.

"Sad to say Julie. But I don't even know who he is." Grace answered in whisper as her eyes started to get teary.

"You better be kidding me Wanjiku. What the fuck do you mean you don't know who he is?" Julie was definitely getting angry and feeling exasperated at the same time. How could someone not know who made them pregnant. Not unless it was rape which it definitely wasn't coz Grace would have told her that.

"It was a one night stand. I was kind of so disappointed in Geff that day so to cool off some stress I went to the club and somehow met this dude who had me get drunk and I guess that's how I ended up sleeping with him. I've never seen him since then and I didn't even know who he was. "  Grace said while letting regretful tears ran down her cheeks. Julie was shocked. She felt angry at her but at the same time sorry for her. She wanted to scold her for getting drunk in the first place, since both of them never used alcoholic drinks but again her friend seemed regretful for what she had done. She even wanted to even ask her when did that happen coz Grace had never for once slept out when she was around not unless she did it  the past week when they had come from Masai Mara but again it was too early for one to know they were pregnant if that was the time. She didn't even know what to think. She felt exasperated knowing that Grace was just gonna end up like her since Geff was definitely going to leave her when he learns about it. However seeing her friend tear up like that, hit her most compassionate part of her heart. Grace never teared up in any case. Ever since they knew each other, Grace never cried. The only day she had teared up was when her mom had passed away and  that had definitely hit her so had that she couldn't talk nor eat for days. And now that Julie saw her cry, she knew it what was happening must have really been painful for her. So she walked to where she was and pulled her into an embrace as she rubbed her back in a comforting way. It hurt her to see her friend in tears. Hell she herself even had to play strong so that she wouldn't break down and cry with her. So she sighed heavily, as her mind started to swirl with plans of how they were going to take care of the incoming baby.