
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Rebirth

In a devastated battlefield in the Heian era, Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses, wages a final battle against the last remaining sorcerers of his time. Despite his overwhelming power, Sukuna is badly wounded and realizes that defeat is imminent. With fierce determination, he decides to seal his essence to preserve his legacy and await a more opportune moment to return. A thousand years later, in the modern world, a high school student named Itadori Yuji is thrust into a supernatural battle when he consumes a cursed finger containing Sukuna's essence. But instead of awakening the ancient demon, he awakens a new entity: a combination of his own soul and Sukuna's, a soul named Kaede. Sukuna, with his overwhelming power, has dominated Kaede throughout his life, oppressing him within his own body. Now, reborn within Yuji's body, Kaede finally has the chance to fight for his freedom and his own destiny. But Sukuna is not willing to relinquish control easily. As Kaede and Sukuna struggle for dominance within the same body, Itadori is drawn into an internal conflict that could decide the fate of the world. ----------------------------------------------- Hey everyone... Hope there's somebody out there. So, here goes nothing—my first crack at writing a novel. Honestly, no idea how it's gonna turn out. Just gonna wing it, you know? But hey, you already peeped it's gonna be all about the Jujutsu Kaisen world. Crazy, right? But I'll figure it out somehow. Thanks in advance for checking it out!"

SquirrelChan · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
40 Chs

Chapter 20: MIA, missing in action

In Gojo's Office:

"Eh?" Gojo says in his usual tone. "What do you mean Itadori's body is lying around with an open chest and no heart?" He looks at Megumi, noticing how exhausted he seems.

"That's right," Megumi replies wearily. "Kaede took over Itadori's body and vanished… for the second time."

After this statement, both fall silent for a few seconds. Kaede's absence and Itadori's state seem to overwhelm Megumi, who is already eager to rest.

"Geez! This is going to be a headache. I convinced the higher-ups this wouldn't happen again…" Gojo makes a nonchalant gesture with his hand. "Well, who cares about that!"

The world's strongest sorcerer maintains his relaxed attitude, downplaying the situation while Megumi sighs at his master's lack of seriousness.

"So… are you going to go look for him, sensei?" Megumi asks, his voice heavy with exhaustion.

Gojo turns to leave through the door but says with a mix of resignation and disdain, "I have to do it… but this time I don't have a lead to follow like last time." He sighs deeply. "What a drag." With those words, the strongest sorcerer disappears from the room.


At the Nearby Temple:


Kaede, in Itadori's body, gasps near an old temple, exhausted from the effort of keeping the body functioning without a heart. He looks around in frustration.

"Who would have thought it would be so hard to keep a body going without a heart. Ugh, there's nothing here…" Kaede mutters, scanning the surroundings. "Oi, Sukuna, weren't we supposed to feel a finger here or something…?"

However, instead of getting a response, everything remains silent. Kaede grows irritated, thinking Sukuna should have been more willing to help, especially if it was his own fingers.

"How strange…" He says, discouraged. "Whatever, I'm leaving. I've stopped sensing the finger's presence. Tsk, damn idiot, making me waste the little time I have."

With a sigh of frustration, Kaede walks away from the temple, fading into the distance.


Inside Itadori's Consciousness:


In the dark and ethereal space of Itadori's consciousness, Sukuna sits on his throne with an indifferent attitude while listening to his captor's complaints.

"Are you listening or not, damn it!? What's going on? Why can't I take control of my body while that idiot could—" Itadori can't finish his question before Kagekiri, with a scowl, throws a skull at his groin.

Itadori writhes in agony as the skull hits hard, leaving him breathless. Kagekiri's figure rises with authority, displaying his dominance.

"Watch your mouth when you speak of Master Kaede, you stupid human!" Kagekiri says authoritatively.

Itadori, trembling and in pain, struggles to lift his head, trying to understand the situation while looking at the girl who attacked him.

"And who are you?" he asks, confused by the situation.

Kagekiri looks at him with a contemptuous expression. "That's none of your concern. So stop making noise and act like the trash you are."

Sukuna, still on his throne, observes with an impassive attitude. Kagekiri's words seem to affect him little, and his attention remains focused on other matters.


Meanwhile, with the Strongest Sorcerer:


"Mmmh, not here either," he says while waiting in line at a dango stand. "Oh, thanks, I kept the change!" he tells the surprised man after leaving a 10,000¥ bill for dangos that cost 300¥.

"Where could it be…"

And with that, Gojo continues his important search for his beloved pupil… not without first buying something to drink.


in some place


Kenjaku was in a room illuminated only by candlelight, the shadows dancing on the walls as he looked through a large window overlooking a dark urban landscape. His expression was a mix of delight and contemplation. In his hands, he held an ancient book, his eyes moving swiftly across the pages as he reviewed the latest developments in the world of sorcerers.

"So, the millennial sorcerer has made his move…" Kenjaku thought with a sardonic smile. His fingers, which had been slowly turning the pages, now stopped at a specific point, and his eyes sparkled with renewed interest. "Interesting. It seems the game board has become a bit more complicated."

In the center of the room, a circle appeared, and a being emerged from the shadows. Kenjaku looked up and saw a dark, nebulous figure beginning to materialize and approach.

"Yes, yes…" Kenjaku murmured, watching with satisfaction. "Everything is going according to plan. Kaede and Sukuna, two pieces in a much larger game. And my dear Gojo Satoru, circling around as always."

The figure in the corner of the room, an ancient and fearsome spirit, bowed to Kenjaku. The sorcerer chuckled softly, a sound that resonated with a mix of mockery and respect.

"I've summoned you to ensure that everything remains in balance," Kenjaku said as he approached the spirit. "Itadori's fall and Kaede's movements are disrupting the game. We need to ensure the scales tip in our favor."

The spirit nodded, its presence seeming to absorb the candlelight, and its eyes burned with a sinister intensity.

"Don't worry, master," the spirit said with a rumbling voice. "I will maintain the balance and ensure that events unfold according to your wishes."

Kenjaku leaned back in his chair, contemplating the game board in his mind. His smile grew wider as he thought about the upcoming moves. "Kaede, with her abilities and Sukuna's strength, is playing an interesting hand. But chaos can always be shaped. And as for Gojo, he has always been an obstacle to my plans. Which leaves me with one question…"

He slowly rose, looking at the urban landscape stretched before him. "How can I exploit this situation for my own ends? What pieces to move to ensure everything ends in the greatest confusion possible? Oh, the game is becoming much more interesting."

With an elegant gesture, Kenjaku closed the book and extinguished the candles, leaving the room in complete darkness. "Let's see how things develop. It's all a matter of patience and strategy. And as always, I'll be the one laughing in the end."

Kenjaku's laughter echoed in the darkness, a chilling sound that promised the games were far from over.


It feels so good to get back to this story... I'll be honest, I almost forgot about it, but I'll try to release chapters every week. I can't promise anything though...