
Jujutsu Kaisen:The Cursed World

After the tragic death of his older brother, Takuya Takanashi. Takuto Takanashi has been living with his brother's best friend and former classmate. Satoru Gojo, The most powerful Jujutsu Sorcerer. Now at 16 years old Takuto embarks on his journey into the Cursed World of Jujutsu Sorcery. OCx Maki Zenin

ItzMenace12 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Takanashi Vs Zenin

Takuya: Taku? Taku?

The whispered voice of his older brother rouses a four-year-old Takuto from his peaceful sleep. Takuto groans as he wakes, groggily opening his eyes and giving his brother a confused frown.

Takuto: W-what is it, big brother?

Takuto stares at his brother's calmly smiling face and can't help but smile back.

Takuya: We're gonna go for a little walk, okay?

Takuto's frown deepens, and he tries to glance outside the window but is stopped by a firm grip from his brother on the back of his neck.

Takuto: Big brother?

Takuto looks inquisitively at his brother and notices the sudden tension in his normally calm face. His brother sighs, loosens his grip on his nape, and starts pulling him out of bed gently.

Takuya: Takuto, I'm gonna need you to promise me that you will keep your eyes closed, cover your ears, and only stop when I tell you to, okay?

His brother asks in a stern tone over his shoulder as he starts packing clothing into a backpack. Takuto nervously watches his brother move around his room with tense and hurried movements. His brother turns back to him, slinging the backpack on his shoulder, and crouches down to his height. He looks Takuto dead in the eyes, his face a perfectly blank mask, giving nothing away.

Takuya: Taku? Promise me.

Takuto looks his brother over, wondering what's wrong but not finding any clue at all. Takuto nods, deciding to do as his brother wishes.

Takuto: I promise.

Takuya: Good. Now close your eyes and cover your ears.

His brother smiles at him reassuringly, and after an uncertain pause, Takuto closes his eyes and covers his ears with his hands. His brother sighs and removes the illusion he placed on himself. The left side of his face is covered in dried blood, and both of his Heaven's Eyes are activated with a trail of dried blood from his eyes down his face.

Takuya: I have to get him out of here. There's no telling how long Father can hold off that monster.

He grunts in pain, gritting his teeth as he picks up Takuto. He lays his head on his shoulder, tucking his face into the side of his neck. He exhales a shuddering breath and gives his black head of hair a comforting kiss.

Takuya: I'll keep you safe, Taku. No matter what.

He leaves Takuto's room and walks down the hall to the stairs leading to the ground floor. He looks around sadly at the destroyed living room and kitchen for a moment. He walks through the wreckage of couches and tables, keeping hold of Takuto. He walks out of the destroyed front entrance just as a dust cloud explodes in front of them.

??: Damn it! You're annoying. Just die already.

A gruff voice laced with annoyance drawls out. A tall, muscular man with mid-length straight black hair that reaches to his ears. His eyes are green, and he has thin black eyebrows and a scar on the corner of his right lip. He is dressed in a tight-fitting short-sleeved shirt, sport tan baggy training pants with a black belt woven through the waist, and black martial arts slippers. He also seems to have what looks like a cursed spirit wrapped around his torso, with its head hanging by his shoulder.

??: Those assholes from the Zenin clan paid good money to have your clan wiped out.

The man places his hand inside the cursed spirit's mouth and pulls out a large Japanese broadsword with a fur tsuba and a dark handle. The man waits with a crazed grin as the dust cloud fades and sees his opponent get to his feet. Takuya watches his Father slowly stand up, the top half of his uniform destroyed, showing the blood dripping down his body from various cuts and injuries.

Takahiko: Shut up, Zenin Dog. Cursed Technique: Heavenly Presence

Takuya watches in amazement as his Father's cursed energy pours out and surrounds him. It forms into dark purple-hued skeletal ribs and a skeletal arm. As soon as the skeletal arm is formed, it swings a bony fist at the "Zenin Dog," as his Father called the unknown man. The man's grin only broadens as he blocks the fist with the side of his broadsword but is still sent flying back from the force of the blow.

Takahiko: Takuya?! What the hell are you still doing here, boy?! Didn't I tell you to take Takuto and run?!

Takahiko scolds his son while staying vigilant and keeping an eye out for where the unknown man might attack from. Takuya holds his brother closer to his chest and takes one more look at his Father and turns to run. His path is suddenly blocked by the skeletal arm, protecting him from a sneak attack by the unknown man. The unknown man clashes with the skeletal arm and jumps back.

??: I guess that didn't work. It seems that Cursed Technique of yours is much more resilient than I thought.

The unknown man scoffs and observes the skeletal arm and ribs closely for any weaknesses. Takahiko glares at the man hatefully, his one Heaven's Eye blazing with fury.

Takahiko: You dare go after my sons!? You Zenin Dog!! I am your opponent!!

He shouts in fury and starts attacking the man in a fit of rage. The man jumps back, dodging the first hit; he then starts parrying and blocking the flurry of strikes from the Skeletal arm with some effort. Takuya sees that as his opportunity and makes a run for it.

??: Enough of this shit!

The man growls and dodges another hit and changes out his broadsword by shoving it back into the cursed spirit's mouth and pulling out a dagger with a jitte-shaped blade. It has a "q" shaped circular handguard that points out on the side of the longer blade.

??: Let's end this.

Takahiko: Indeed.

Unbeknownst to Takuya, who is keeping his eyes in front, not wanting to look back with tears streaming down his face, he doesn't notice when Takuto breaks his promise and looks up from his shoulders. Takuto watches with horror and dread as his Father's cursed technique is sliced to pieces like butter, and then the unknown man uses his Father's shock at seeing one of his most powerful techniques easily destroyed. The unknown man slashes his Father across the chest, parries a punch sent his way and counterattacks with a vicious triple stab to the chest.

??: Farewell, old man.

The unknown man pulls his dagger from Takahiko's chest, causing him to let out a small gasp before he is killed with a final stab to the side of the head. The unknown man looks up from the dead body of Takahiko and stares right at Takuto.

**Flashback End**

Takuto opens his eyes and stares at his ceiling as the room is illuminated by the early sunrise. He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. He gets up and sits on the side of the bed, rubbing his eyes slowly.

Takuto: Fucking nightmares.

He grumbles as he finally gets out of bed with a yawn. He goes to the bathroom for his morning piss and then takes a short shower. He exits the shower, drying his hair with a towel. After sufficiently dry hair, he tosses the towel in the laundry hamper and goes to the wash basin to brush his teeth. Once that is done, he teleports to his closet and puts on black boxer briefs, black with white accents training joggers, a black tight-fitting tank top, and his Jujutsu High jacket.

Takuto: ...I'm too lazy to make food right now.

He mutters as he teleports to his kitchen and opens a container containing a dozen boiled eggs. He takes three boiled eggs, grabs his water bottle, closes the fridge, and takes pepper and salt from his spice rack. He gives the eggs a generous sprinkle of both and places the salt and pepper back on his spice rack.

Takuto: Quick breakfast.

He starts eating one egg as he makes his way out of his dorm room. He walks down the hall, making his way to the track field.

**Time Skip**

He is surprised to see Maki already running laps on the track field. She had on black leggings, light short shorts, and a purple tracksuit jacket with a lilac collar and lilac cuffs. He takes a seat at the bottom of the steps as he finishes eating his last boiled egg. He gulps water from his bottle and leaves it on the steps as he gets ready. He does some light stretching as he waits for Maki to finish the lap, so he can join her.

Takuto: Good morning, Maki.

He greets her as he joins in by her side. Maki startles a bit, having not noticed him as he joins in on her run. She side-eyes him curiously, not having thought of him as someone who would be exercising so early in the morning.

Maki: Good morning, Takan--

Takuto: Just call me Takuto.

Maki gives him another curious glance as they make the bend of the track. She nods after a moment.

Maki: Good morning, Takuto.

Takuto just nods, and they jog the next seven laps in silence. As they make their eighth lap, Maki breaks the silence with a question she's wanted to ask him ever since two weeks ago after the elementary school incident.

Maki: Why didn't you exorcise that curse back at the elementary school? I mean, you can cast a veil, so you must at least be Second or First Grade? And what the hell was up with that at the hospital?

Maki asked as they jogged around the first bend. Her expression was a mixture of annoyance, confusion, and agitation. Takuto stays quiet for a moment, glancing at Maki, then sighs, looking up and then down.

Takuto: Well, firstly, Gojo asked me to give Yuta a chance, and so I did. It was more of a test of sorts, which he passed... If he failed, I would have exorcised the curse and killed him afterwards.

Maki turns to look at him in disbelief at the cold, serious tone of his answer. Takuto continues.

Takuto:... I'm a Special-Grade Jujutsu Sorcerer. Those in the Takanashi Clan that inherited Heaven's Eyes are already bumped up to First Grade, just because of how powerful it is.

They go around the second bend.

Takuto: Technically, I should be a First Grade, but because those assholes up top want me dead, they made me a Special-Grade Sorcerer so they can give me much more dangerous missions. And if I die... Well.

Takuto shrugs nonchalantly as they finish the fifth lap. Maki stops and looks baffled at his nonchalance at threats to his life.

Maki: How can you be so... apathetic about something like that?!

Takuto huffs a humourless chuckle and gives her a wry smile.

Takuto: Not much I can do, Maki.

Maki:... I suppose you are right.

Maki nods in understanding and gives him a small, sympathetic smile. Takuto stares at her for a beat, then clears his throat.

Takuto: Anyway, Gojo also asked me to try and be friendlier with my classmates... So, I thought... You know... uhm... I was making sure you're okay...

Maki watches with growing amusement and confusion as he stammers through his explanation. She didn't peg him to be socially awkward. She blushes as a thought crosses her mind.

Maki: That's actually kind of cute.

Takuto:.. Since that's like the friendly.. uhm.. thing to do, right?

Takuto sheepishly scratches his nape while avoiding looking at Maki. Maki scrunched up her face, trying to suppress the laughter bubbling up at his awkwardness, but she let out a small giggle. Takuto turns to her upon hearing the giggle and glares at her in faux annoyance.

Takuto: Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up.

That just causes Maki to burst out laughing and lean against him to keep herself upright. Takuto stares transfixed at her laughing face and can't help but laugh softly. Maki, with her face flushed, gets her laughter under control.

Maki: I'm sorry. The gap moe in your personality just caught me off guard.

Maki looked up at him with a grin. Takuto rolls his eyes and playfully shrugs her off him.

Takuto: Yeah, I know. I didn't have friends growing up. Being the clan head's youngest son and also, for some odd reason, the youngest in the Takanashi clan. My older brother was the second youngest in the clan, so there weren't any kids my age to interact with.

Takuto takes a seat at the bottom of the stairs and grabs his bottle of water, taking a sip. Maki sits next to him, with their knees and shoulders touching. Takuto glances at her and sighs, scratching his cheek.

Takuto: And after my brother died... I kind of just shut everyone out, well everyone except Gojo and Shoko.

Takuto leans back on his elbows and turns his head, looking Maki in the eyes. Maki blushes lightly while holding his gaze. Takuto smiles and lifts his hand, tapping her on the nose with his finger. Maki blinks and glares at him, her blush intensified.

Takuto: How about a quick spar, Maki?

Takuto gets up, stretching his arms above his head as he lets out a yawn. Maki follows behind him as they walk to the centre of the field. They stop a few paces away from each other. Each takes their signature fighting stance.

Takuto: You ready to eat dirt Zenin?

Maki: Oh just for saying that, I'm gonna kick your ass so hard you won't sit right for a week.

The two size each other up, waiting for who will make the first move. After a beat, Maki rushes Takuto starting the sparring match with a hard right punch which he parries and then leans back dodging the elbow strike as Maki retracts her arm. She stays on the offensive with a flurry of punches and jabs aimed at his face, which he dodges, parries or blocks with ease.

Takuto: That all you got Zenin?

Maki: Why you...

Maki snarls at his taunt and gives him a vicious roundhouse kick to the side of his head. Takuto's eyes widen at the speed and ferocity of the kick that he barely blocks, wincing in pain from the force of the blow.

Takuto: What the fuck...?!

Takuto is surprised by her sudden drastic increase in speed and strength. He blocks another kick to the side of his head barely holding back another wince.

Takuto: She's strong!

He is pushed back as he blocks another barrage of punches from Maki, whose speed and the force behind her blows just keep increasing. He blocks another two punches aimed at the sides of his head but leaves his midsection open for a powerful gut punch which knocks the wind out of him.

Takuto: Damn, I knew she was strong, but fuck me...

Takuto grits his teeth through the pain and steps back to create distance between them. Maki stays on him, not giving him a chance to recover from her onslaught. She sends two roundhouse kicks, which he blocks holding his guard up. She does a vertical kick breaking his guard.

Maki: Gotcha!

Maki grins victoriously as she follows up with a spinning sidekick. Takuto just barely leans back, dodging the kick but is still scraped by the heel of her boot on his cheek, drawing blood.

Maki: I win.

Maki grins triumphantly as she takes in satisfaction from his shocked expression. Takuto still amazed at his loss, wipes the blood from his cheek and stares blankly as he rubs his blood between his fingers. He looks at Maki's wide grin and chuckles to himself.

Takuto: I guess that's what I get for underestimating you.

Maki: And you got what you deserved.

Maki scoffs as she smirks mockingly at him. Takuto shakes his head, laughing to himself. He looks back at Maki, his grin having a crazed edge to it.

Takuto: Oh, don't worry.

Takuto takes off his Jujutsu High jacket and tosses it to the side. He rolls his shoulders and stretches it right to left. He rolls his neck and then glares at Maki, as he activates his Heaven's Eyes. Instead of getting anxious or nervous, Maki's grin broadens and her eyes widen in excitement.

Maki: How cute. Your eyes can change colour. Is that all?

Maki asks grinning teasingly. Takuto laughs at her taunt, his face contorted into a manic grin. His Heaven's Eyes glowed bright red and his cursed energy radiated around his eyes like wisps of smoke.

Takuto: You ain't seen nothing yet.

With those final words, he blitzes Maki catching her off guard with his insane speed but she still manages to just catch his fist. She digs her heels into the grass to stop herself from skidding back. Their faces are inches from each other both with crazed thrilled expressions. They hold each other's gaze for a beat different thoughts go through their heads.

Maki: This is fun.

Takuto: Amazing.

They push back and rush each other again both on the offensive. While Maki and Takuto are losing themselves in their fight, they don't notice Gojo and Shoko spectating their fight from the top of the staircase.

Gojo: Well well well, seems like they're having fun.

Gojo smiles as he watches Takuto counter a flying knee kick from Maki by grabbing her leg around his waist with his left arm and going for a throat punch with his right hand. Maki wraps her other leg around his waist and blocks his throat punch with her right hand and then tries to elbow him with her left. Takuto releases her leg and blocks the elbow strike to his head. They glare at each other in their stalemate.

Shoko: Looks more like foreplay to me.

Shoko remarks dryly as she takes a drag from her cigarette. Gojo tilts his head as if to look at the fighting from a different angle.

Gojo: It does seem so doesn't it?

Gojo grins as Takuto and Maki break their stalemate, with Maki unwrapping her leg from his waist and using his chest as a springboard to create distance. Gojo's expression turns serious as he continues to spectate the two.

Gojo: I'm worried about him.

Shoko tilts her head glancing at Gojo as she takes another drag. She sighs exhaling the smoke.

Shoko: What's there to be worried about? Taku turned out great. If not a bit introverted and anti-social.

Gojo: Not that. That.

He points to Takuto and Maki fighting. Shoko watches as Takuto with a manic grin weaves and parries Maki's attacks and then counters with a vicious kick to her stomach, then he grabs her by the throat slamming her to the ground. Takuto doesn't stop there and punches Maki while she is on the ground in pain. Maki even through the pain blocks his punches and kicks him off of her. Maki gets up with nothing but a cough and a grunt of pain and immediately gets back into the fight.

Shoko: Yeah. I see what you mean.

Shoko grimaces at Takuto's excessive violent and vicious attacks. She turns to Gojo and sees him frowning behind his glasses.

Gojo: When Takuya used that Cursed Technique on Takuto. I thought he said it would be permanent.

Gojo's serious expression turns to amusement as Takuto and Maki hit each other head-on and both fall to the ground from exhaustion. Shoko smirks as she watches Takuto and Maki still taunt each other.

Shoko: There's not much we can do now. We'll just have to wait and see if he gets his memories back. Then we will figure out a plan on how to minimize the chaos, he'll cause when that happens.

Shoko shrugs as she finishes her cigarette. Gojo scratches his head and sighs his agreement to her plan.

Gojo: Guess you're right.

Shoko takes one last look at Maki and Takuto who are now sitting upright and seem to be in an argument judging from their body language. She turns heading back the way she came.

Shoko: Look on the bright side. If those two get together. Takuto will have a partner to help rip the Zenin clan a new one.

Gojo chuckles as he watches over his shoulder at Shoko's retreating form. Gojo turns back to his two students with a smile on his face.

Gojo: When they do get together. This cursed world, won't know what hit it.

Gojo watches with a soft smile as Takuto and Maki lie back down next to each other facing the sky both with contented smiles on their faces.

Another Chapter From Your Ever Faithful Author-kun!! Praise Me, Mortals!!

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