
Back again?

Shoko can be seen at the compound of the Jujutsu high, as smoke filled the air, she puffed out a smooth cloud of smoke.

"You sure do like polluting the air around ya'." Gojo Satoru said. His blue eyes lost their essence due to the events leading up to now.

Shoko noticed his demeanor changed. "So... You look great?" Shoko removed the cigarette from her mouth.

"Hmph, you think so?"

"Wanna talk about it?" Shoko, even though she's not good at handling people's emotions, still tries to sort out Gojo's mood.

"What part? The part where I failed at protecting Amanai? The part where I failed the very thing a six eyes user is supposed to do?" Gojo's voice shifted, sounding lifeless as he spoke.

"Look, it's not your fault. Toji was an unexpected variable in the situation, he's a match made in heaven to kill you, you survived didn't you?" Shoko's tired eyes formed to that of a concerned friend.

Gojo furrowed his brows. "I wasn't strong enough... Or rather, I was just an arrogant prick."

Shoko rolled her eyes in their sockets. 'At least he acknowledged the fact that he's an arrogant prick' She thought to herself.

"Have you spoken with Geto?" Shoko's gaze focused on lighting another cigarette, as she pulled out a pack from the pocket.

"No... He's been OFF lately." Gojo said as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Gojo, you're pissing me off right now." Shoko's voice turned serious. "Why the fuck haven't you talked to Geto, to be fairer he's had it harder than you in this mission."

Gojo's eyes narrowed at her " Hey look, am the one that messed up. If only I could d d---"

"That's the damn point, Geto was present when Amanai was killed in front of him. Right now his more depressed that he couldn't protect her from a non sorcerer." Shoko turned on her heel, leaving Gojo to process her words.

' Shit, I fucked up bad. She's right, Geto's been acting strangely lately. I should go to talk to him.' Gojo Staoru's mind was a mess, he picked up himself from where he sat.

"Yet again, am sorry Amanai." He murmured to himself.


Ashura Gojo, the third son of the family. The father of Kaori Gojo can be seen walking the path in a forest, navigating through the trees to the top of the hill where a traditional Japanese house can be seen.

"Why am so tired? Am getting old" His voice echoes through the hill. Holding in his hand can be seen the cube like object.

The Null Void is also the object used for the execution of the young June Gojo, son of Tachibana.

"I hope you're seeing this Tachibana-san, your son has been executed... And there's nothing I could about it." Getting to the house, Ashura went into the well-furnished living room, quite silent the hills seemed to add a calm feeling.

The sounds of tea pouring to a cup can be heard. "Master, would you like a cup of tea to ease the tension." A young maid asked in a calm tone.

Ashura looks around the clean house. Maids can be seen walking around, seemingly busy with chores. "Yes perhaps. Is it sweetened by the way?" Ashura asked in a hopeful manner.

"Just as you like it to be." The maid confirmed his assumption.

With the cup of tea in hand, he walked to the back of the house. "Life tastes bitter with sugar, why live life with hardship? why don't you let me taste sweet things? That way I could love this bitter life overlooking its flaws."

"I agree with you, master." One of the maids concurred with his view.

"I appreciate that, but we have to bury the remains of June. I must keep my promise." Ashura spoke in a determined manner, his eyes drawn to the box at his hand.

The maids change their attire, wearing more traditional clothing, with beads hanging on their neck and wrist, hair packed to the back in a bun style.

"Master, I must ask. Will his body be rebuked back from the void?" Curiosity dripped in her sentence.

"Of course. The Null Void needs a Shaman or an oracle to trap an individual. Releasing them is less strenuous than trapping them."

The Man paused but went on further to continue his explanation.

"Though the spirits are that of a grade one and special grade, the death of an individual caused by a cursed spirit is nothing more than in terms of total extortion of Cursed Energy. That means even if they die in the void, be it their body is shredded to pieces, their body is still intact in our world." Ashura explained.

"That means that they died of total exhaustion Cursed energy?."

"Yes, as I explained, their body can be heavily damaged, but that is an illusion, an illusion that puts so much strain on the brain that when added to the burden of the repeated process of Cursed energy, the brain will be damaged." Ashura ends his explanation.

"Explains why it is also used as a torture device in the Heian era."

"Come quickly, we need to put this boy's body to rest."

The maid turned a temporary Oracle and sat down on their knees. Incantations started to ring continuously in the air.

"Return thee that has committed atrocities to us, we plead."

"Return thee that has committed atrocities to us, we plead."

"Return thee that has committed atrocities to us, we plead."

This repeated for the course of 5 minutes, until suddenly...

The void that was placed in the middle started contorting, its shape seemed like it was about to burst open. The mouths on the cube opened.

"Flee from within!!"

The cube stretched itsarts elastically stretching from one side to another. A boy with silver hair, about thirteen of age emerges from with.

The Null Void sucking everything from 2 meters away started becoming active. But with the maids by the scene, they quickly put a stop to it from further damage.


The boy dropped to the ground. The maid stood up to examine his body. Ashura walks up to him.

"June, it is best for you to rest in pe--."

Before Ashura could finish his sentence. June got up from the ground. His skin is pale and his body is lean due to lack of nutrients. His purple eyes darted from the corner of his sockets.

"Where am I?"

The question brought Ashura back to consciousness, shocked by the status of the boy who is guaranteed dead by the elders and everyone in the clan.

"H-how a-a-are you still a-a-alive?" Though still shocked managed to point out the absurd situation.

"I... "

"Am hungry."


The table is filled with food of different varieties. June chopped on a large plate of rice. His mind was set on clearing this whole table.

"So, mind sharing with us how you didn't die?" Ashura content with his tea asked.

June slowed down. He gulped down the food in his throat. "Gulp, Cursed energy."

With just that Ashura narrowed his eyes, and the child piqued his interest. "Nothing but Cursed energy?"

"I did not have any source of food, so I improvised and replaced my body's need for nutrients for Cursed energy."

The older man widened his eyes, such a feat is hard to achieve, so he pressed forward with more questions. "Didn't you run out of Cursed energy?"

"I did at some point, so I turned to rely on the content wave of negativity that flooded the air of the void," June said in between bites.

"Interesting..." Ashura knew that what he said was impossible to achieve. Not the fact that manipulated CE inside the body for a long time, which is still hard to believe, but the fact that he could use the negativity of the Null void to his advantage. To achieve that, one must see cursed energy outside of his own body, which means that he can see the flow of cursed energy.

'Does that mean he---.' Ashura is cut from his internal monologue as he looks at who spoke to him.

"Your daughter is here." A maid relayed the information.

"Take him away, from the sights of the clan," Ahsura said in all hastiness.

June is taken to another room by the maid. Ashura went on to attend to his visitor.

"It's been a long time father."

Ashura narrows his eyes, his body accepting the shivers her voice came with. June who was upstairs could hear her voice. He quickly withdraws from the maid hand's, scratching his skin in disgust.

"What brings you here Kaori?" Ashura required.

"I wanted to ask... How was the ceremony for June?" Kaori rested her head on her hand, elbows on her knee.

"As you know me, it's none of your business. Now if you'd be so kind... Get out!" Ashura's voice is laced with disdain.

"No need for raising your voice at me... I was just curious father." She spoke like an android who is programmed with few words. Her small smile is still evident.

"I won't feed you to fill your curiosity, now fuck off!" Ashura her father was not in the mood.

Kaori stood up rearranging her suit, throwing her coat on her back. "I'd like to see you again Father, take care." Her feet making it's way to the door... Stopping in her tracks, her eyes scanned everywhere.

She smiled again while she walked through the door. Ashura still on his guard walked to the door to shut it tight.

June in the upper room couldn't help but look through the window to look at the figure of Kaori. But as soon as he peeked through the window, she stopped and turned to him.

June quickly hid himself 'She saw me, no, no, no' His mind was in shambles. Kaori simply smiled and walked to her black car.

"Young one, are you scared of her?" The voice of the maid reminded him he was not alone in the room.

"She's..." He couldn't complete his sentence, or perhaps couldn't find the right words to describe her.

"It's fine, but please, if you want anything please call for us."

'After escaping from the clan I'm brought back. Thinking about it, I should've died back there in the void.' He thought to himself. 'No, mom would be happy about me being alive.'

'Will she?'