
Jujutsu Kaisen: partners for life

I got ripped off! The ROB said that he can grant any three of my wishes, then when I speak he begins to reject everything cause the abilities are too op cause they break the balance or some crap. Well jokes on him, I just fooled him into gaining an equally strong ability, haha now I can break the can... wait what was that? I'm getting reincarnated into Jujutsu Kaisen? The one with the guy who can slice you too pieces with a simple gesture, a man that you can't touch? The world where one of the fucking main characters straight up dies? Well shit... *MC will be a hero and will work with others, so don't expect an evil mc solo'ing every cursed spirit. Enemies WILL get jumped.

smol_benis · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Spirit forge

"HEY! WHAT THE HELL, WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG FOR YOU TO COME OUT. I WAS ABOUT TO DIE", Rei yelled at the cursed spirit that he had been desperately calling for this past year.

The cursed spirit mainly gave a hearty laugh before replying, "Sorry Mastah, I was merely cursed womb gestating within your body so I could not exactly respond to your commands".

Rei immediately slapped his forehead, realizing his idiocy. "Alright I guess that was my mistake, I should have been more specific with the wish. However, that still doesn't explain why you came to me now, why not yesterday or the other day?"

Hearing the question, the cursed spirit looked up to the dark red sky before speaking, "Its quite simple actually. You were being relentlessly attack and were on the brink of death, it seems the pain of losing sped up my metamorphosis."

"Heh heh", Rei chuckled with a slight blush on his cheek. 'Sometimes... its nice to know that people care about you'.

"Now that introductions are out of the way, shall I read the binding vow?"

"A binding vow?"

"Of course in order to ensure that we can work together to the best of our ability, we require a binding vow. Thankfully, a binding vow has already been set up by the god that created us."

"Alright... go ahead."


[Binding Vow] (Subject to change)

1. Thee shalt not harmeth thy partner, nor shalt thy partner harmeth thee.

"Hold on.. Hold on", Rei interrupted grabbing the spirit's attention. "Why are you talking like that?"

"Apologies, I thought it would be fun to speak in Shakespearean when explaining the rules; shall I stop?"

"No its fine, continue on", 'Last time I read Shakespeare was back in high school in my previous life', thought Rei.

The spirit continued to tell Rei the conditions in the same tone.

2. Thee shall beest able to shareth thy cursed energy and body with yond of thy partner.


3.Thy partner shall obeyeth thy orders, however if it be true too much energy is hath used thy partner shall void this agreement.


"What's that last one mean?", asked Rei, as soon as the conditions were put before him.

"I believe it is a why to limit my power. If too much of my power is used, it seems I will go berserk and become uncontrollable."

"Hah, come to mention it that god did say that there will be a weakness".

"Yes, yes that he did say that. However, now isn't the time to worry about that. In this realm time passes by faster than in the real world, so currently only half a second has passed in the real world. However, if we dilly dally too much, you will die."

"Wait!? You're not sending me out to face that thing again, right?!", asked Rei, the special grade curse still sent shivers down his spine.

"Do not worry mastah, I shall aid you this time", with that the silhouette of the spirit closed its fist on Rei, sending him back into the outside world where a giant mass of yellow cursed energy was heading towards him.

This time, though, Rei felt his entire world slow down. All the pain and despair he was feeling just a moment ago had disappeared, replaced with a completely different emotion.


He felt his body being flooded with power. With a simple wave of his hand, the energy blast completely vanished from existence.

The special grade, which was previously smirking sadistically, was now warily watching the newly empowered Rei.

"Mastah, I will now momentarily take control of your body to kill the little shit. Do you grant me permission?", asked the cursed spirit from inside his body.

"Permission granted", replied Rei. Suddenly he found himself lose control of his body, and being controlled by something else. It was surreal experience - to say the least- being fully conscious but unable to control one's own body, but Rei put his faith in his partner.

The wave of cursed energy was emitted out of Rei's body, frightening the special grade. Strangely enough, the increase in cursed energy also resulted in the blood seeping out from every orifice of Rei's body.

'I wonder why I am bleeding, and why can't I feel the pain?', Rei questioned internally. Surprisingly, the partner seemingly read his thoughts and answered.

"Mastah, currently I am injecting my own negative cursed energy into your body so I can utilize your innate technique. However your body is rejecting the foreign energy, so your organs are slowly getting damaged. Since I am in control you won't feel any pain, however once I relinquish control your body will go into shock".

'Well that sucks. I guess there is a limit to how much energy I can borrow.", Rei analyzed.

Meanwhile, Rei's body performed a sign in order to direct the cursed energy to his inherited technique. 'Open my left palm, form my right hand into a fist, and tap those two together', Rei analyzed.

A white, ethereal anvil appeared out of nowhere right in front of him.

"This is your innate technique, master, Spirit Forge", spoke the partner, pointing to the ethereal anvil using Rei's body.

"What's it do?", asked Rei.

"It brings the imagination into reality, allowing us to enchant items into cursed tools with whatever property we imagine. Our only real limit is cursed energy, and the integrity of the item that is used."

"... I don't get it? But I guess the god kept his word?"

"Sigh, that is fine. I will simply explain it to you step-by-step starting with... "

The partner quickly picked up a metal pole that was lying on the ground near him, covered it in negative cursed energy, and placed it on the anvil.

<First step: Cursed Heating>

Bluish flames appeared on the anvil, surrounding the metal pole.

"Like a blacksmith that first melts the ingots that will be shaped into a weapon, we too must 'melt' the cursed energy that has been applied to the object. By doing this, we can later shape the energy and enchant our weapon. For now, I will use cursed energy to speed up the process, but do note that this will effect the finished product."

"I think that's fine, we don't exactly need something like Excalibur to kill the cursed spirit", Rei replied. The special grade was still fearing, understanding that the boy before it was not the same one it was bullying just a couple seconds ago.

<Second step: Enchanted Grinding>

"Now that the cursed energy is malleable, we can shape it in order to enchant it"

This time, the partner summoned a small hammer and began to hammer at the item. Surprisingly every hit caused the flowing cursed energy to become more and more firm and solid.

"Doing this will not only strengthen the weapon, but make it easier to enchant. Again, we do not have to do it for too long, but if you want better enchantments you should hammer it for longer".

The hammer, then changed into a small pen and the partner began to write on the item.

"Now we can enchant the weapon"

"So how exactly does this work?", asked Rei.

"Master, you must imagine what you want the tool to be able to do and the pen will automatically operate."

Rei quickly thought about the weapon he required, 'I just need to chop it up into bits, so perhaps an enchantment to sharpen the weapon?'

As soon as Rei finished his thoughts, his hands began to move and the pen began to scribble on the item. The cursed energy seemed to change as the pen continued to write.

"Master, the stronger the enchantment the longer it will take to enchant. Not only that, but you must also be specific: not simply saying that you want the weapon to be sharp, but that the cursed energy will form a blade on the pole, forming a makeshift spear."

"Ah, I see"

"For now that was a weak enchantment, so it will not take too long to finish", the spirit replied, the pen stopped writing prompting Rei to pick up the item. The item was now stiff and firm, with blade made out of cursed energy at the tip. A perfect weapon.

The anvil and hammer simply disappeared, leaving just the newly enchanted weapon behind. Although it seemed like hours for Rei, only a few seconds had actually passed in the actual world.

"Master, I will now combat the spirit. As I mentioned before, if I relinquish control you will pass out from shock".

Rei mentally nodded, causing Rei's body to lurch forward and dash to the cursed spirit.

Before the special grade could even react, Rei's body had already appeared in front of it. With a single stroke of their arm, the special grade's head were cut off. Before it could regenerate, Rei's body had already delivered 20 different strikes all at different areas of the body.

As the special grade's body exploded into pieces, the cursed item also followed suit. Its hasty construction, as well as the previous attack was too much stress for the material.

Rei's body quickly waked over to a piece of flesh that belonged to the cursed spirit. Digging into it, they finally found Sukuna's finger within it.

Noticing the another, much more peaceful and powerful, energy signature nearby. Realizing who it was, the partner relinquished control of the body. Rei could only mutter a single groan, before falling unconscious from the sheer pain.


Kanami had woken up from his stupor only a minute ago. The malevolent energy that the monster emitted had been eclipsed by a second, more neutral energy allowing Kanami to recover.

Quickly following the path of fallen debris and collapsed buildings, he was able to watch as Rei summoned a strange anvil and use some strange spear to chop up the monster into pieces before falling unconscious.

Although surprised at this strange turn of event, Kanami had his priorities straight. He quickly rushed over to Rei's fallen body and felt his neck.




"Oh thank god, he's still alive", Kanami sighed in relief, ignoring the blood that was being collected by his clothing.


Kanami quickly turned his head to the sound of clapping. He saw a strange white-haired man approaching them. He was wearing a navy blue clothes and smiling, but the strangest of all was the blindfold that was covering his eyes.

Kanami felt no malice in the man, but he couldn't trust such a strange figure.

"That was a nice fight!", the man exclaimed with his thumbs up, smiling.

Before Kanami could even react, the man appeared right next to them, and in the next moment he found himself on top of a school building where a black haired kid was fighting a half naked pink haired kid covered in tattoos and possessing four eyes.

Witnessing the scene before him, Kanami could only shake his head and think, 'Why me?!'

Hey everyone!

I apologize for the late chapter. With school starting soon, I had to buy some clothes and back-to-school supplies so I have been busy. It was also pretty difficult to come up with ideas for the innate technique and binding vow, but I think I did a pretty good job at it.

Please comment if you have any complaints, I might change the names for the techniques and edit the conditions later on.

smol_beniscreators' thoughts