After the shocking weight of being brought to another world passes. All there is left is gaping hole of having no dreams and wants. After the bliss from strength is gone, the euphoric feeling of growth vanishes, and the word meaning becomes meaningless. What is left? Throughout heaven and Earth only few know this answer and sadly Kuta is one of them. I accidently posted this under novel and not fanfic so here it is fixed.
"Hey Kota, you want to play."
I opened my eyes looking down and finding Tokita standing in front of me. I looked at him with a melancholy expression before nodding my head.
"Let's play hide and seek."
Tokita smiled looking at me excited before turning around and running.
I looked around noticing that I couldn't make out the surroundings. I lifted up my hands covering my face before starting to count. While counting down from 15 seconds I could hear Tokita's voice counting with me.
As I reached closer to one, Tokita's voice morphed from one of happiness to intense dread. I could hear his scream echoing thought out the area.
"3,2,1." As I finished, I put my hands down before wandering the surroundings. The area was like a maze twisting and turning with no apparent end.
Tokita's screams echoed thought out the maze. My face staring to gain a worried expression while I keep walking. Before long I found a door and stopped looking at it. I put my hand on the door, hearing the screams get louder and louder from the behind it.
As held onto the door handle, not opening it scared of what was behind it. The screams got louder and louder before I felt banging on the door.
I felt my breath quicken as I looked at the door. At this point I attempted to keep what was behind the door at bay. But before long the door started opening against my will. I put both hands on the door trying to force it to close.
As the door slammed opened. I suddenly jumped from my laying position looking around my surroundings.
I got out of the bed before getting up and walking to the bathroom. I slowly stumbled to the sink, turning on the faucet and washing my face with cold water. I took a deep breath before searching for a towel. My hand ran over different bathroom essentials before landing on a drying towel.
As I grabbed it, I wiped it on my face. Although I didn't turn off the faucet its familiar noise never rang in my ear. I could barely hear a thing besides my deep breaths and my beating heart.
I heard a quiet mutter from the entrance to the bathroom. I turned towards it just seeing a figure there. I shacked my head before looking back at the mirror and throwing more cold water on my face.
I looked at myself trying to calm myself down.
"It was just a dream." I repeated to myself over and over again hoping to calm down. As I stood there breathing repeatedly, my breath slowed down before I looked back at the door seeing nothing.
After a long time of standing there, I walked out of the bathroom and sat on the bed in the bedroom. As I sat there, I looked at an empty wall thinking.
'The same nightmare.'
I quickly got up and put on some clothes walking out of the room. I kept walking, exiting the hotel I had rented. I walked on the morning streets of Kyoto, heading towards a building that was under construction. As I walked in, I put one hand up making a hand sign before saying.
"Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure."
A dark energy surrounds the building before enclosing me in. I made a curtain for the building making sure to make it small enough to not rise suspicion.
I walked into the center of the biggest room of the building. I started stretching before getting on the ground performing pushups. For this next mission I had to completely rely on my physical prowess.
'It took Toji wearing Gojo out for at least a day before he could attack and defeat him.'
While doing pushups I relied only on one finger pushing myself until failure. Before long I sat down taking a breather, then practicing the circulation of cursed energy. I always found circulating curse energy to be easy being able to use advance applications at a young age. While circulating my cursed energy throughout my body I looked at my hands.
'Toji used three things to defeat Gojo. Him being exhausted, Toji himself being invisible because his lack of cursed energy, and a younger Gojo's inexperience.'
'Most likely I can only use his inexperience to defeat him.' While thinking this I chuckled a bit. 'Didn't I want to die.' I felt my hand start shaking before shaking it off and going back to practicing.
- Somewhere else far away -
An old man sat a desk sipping tea slowly before looking to a door opening in front of him.
"Sir, Kota hasn't interacted with his target yet. From what we've observed he doesn't plan on any time soon."
A man with a black suit bowed in front of the old man.
"Hey, isn't going to approach any time soon, knowing him."
The old man slowly sipped from his tea before putting it down.
"Kota isn't someone to just walk into a mission and die. Even if the mission is impossible, he will probably find some way to accomplish it."
The man in the suit raised his head and looked at the old man.
"Sir, do you want me to send a person to tell him that he has a timer on the mission."
"Don't mind it, it's better this way. Honestly even though there's a high chance he would lose, Knowing Kota he won't let that affect him. If anyone where to defeat Gojo it would be him."
"Sir, if you don't mind me asking. What is the point of this mission? Why send Kota after a juggernaut like Gojo. Wouldn't it be wiser if we gave him a bunch of cursed tools and supplies to fight Gojo or at least wait until he was stronger."
The old man suddenly erupted into a laughing fit. The man looked at him embarrassed thinking he had asked a dumb question.
"Do you remember the story of the hare and the tortoise? "
The old man held up a random pen on his desk and another pen on his desk, holding them together.
"These two pens are different one is black and the other is red, but if you strip away these features, they are fundamentally the same."
The man looked at the old man completely confused at the point he was trying to make.
"These two pens represent the Gojo clan's kid and this other one is Kota. Ever since I saw Kota for the first time, I could tell he was special. When I first saw Kota, he bowed his head. It was a deep bow, thinking it was a regular interaction with a snot nosed brat who at least had some common sense. I turned away having more important things to do."
The old man had a smile on his face thinking of this, remembering the moment like it had occurred only hours before.
"I had looked from the corner of my eye and saw something. Kota, he had his eyes on me completely. Not in some office worker keeping their eyes on their boss as they had just seen him for the first time. No, he looked at me like I was some prey. For some reason I felt a shiver fall down my spine. Ever since than I knew I had to gain him."
He looked at the ceiling while talking fulling engulfing himself in his words. He looked back at the man with a twisted smile. The man's body became cold in an instant.
"Look at me ramble, but back to the main point. Of course, not being as bright as that Gojo kid, Kota is still special but in his own way. also, he would only preform worse if we did that. Ever since sending him on his first mission I know better than anyone. Kota is undefeatable when alone."
The man gained an astonished smile looking at the older man before asking another question.
"Sir, then Kota must have a really good cursed technique."
The old man's face instantly scrunched. He crushed the red pen in his hand before he sat down again. The man's face instantly darkened, and he bowed thinking he had offended him.
"Although Kota is as strong as he is there is one thing, he is missing another reason I sent him on all of those missions. Honestly after figuring this out, I wanted to just dispose of him, but he survived."
The old man took a sip of his tea calming down a bit.
"Kota lacks a cursed technique."
-Back in Kyoto-
Kota had sweat all over his body while doing another set of pushups. after he finished, he worked on expanding his innate domain around himself to form a kind of coating.
This was Domain amplification a helpful technique that could help fight Gojo.
He thought of the explanation of the technique, an anti-domain technique that envelops the user in their own domain. He had been attempting this for the last few days. After a while he could feel he was getting a hang of it.
After a bit his domain wrapped around him perfectly. He stood still holding it there, feeling as if he moved the technique would break.
Kota stopped the technique before leaving, dropping the curtain and walking out of the building. He walked to a coffee shop before sitting down. As he sat down ordered a coffee and began drinking it.
'Like Toji I don't mind using under handed methods to defeat Gojo.'
As he sat down drinking, he heard a person walk in and keep his head straight. A girl with causal clothing and purple long hair walked in before seating by him.
She looked at him irritated before saying.
"So, you're back here again."
he gave her a light smile before responding.
"Well, it seems like you decide to visit me again Utahime."
I looked at the girl in front of me with a small smile.
Her name Utahime Iori.