
Jujutsu Kaisen: Heavenly Shadows

In the grand scheme of things, we are nothing. Yet within nothing, lies everything. And now, with my eyes opened to the truth... I have become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds. Author: "Hello, readers. I am here to inform you that Jujustu Kaisen and all images seen do not belong to me. Also, this story takes place in an AU, meaning there will be changes in the timeline. If any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors occur, then feel free to say it in the comments. Thank you so much and see you later!"

Ash_Grey_858 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Volume 1: Chapter 1: The Beginning




'Telepathically Talking'






"*Yawn* Man, this sucks. Go to school, they said. It'll be fun, they said. Whoever said that deserves to burn in hell times a thousand."

Seriously, what's the point in going to college anyway?

I'll probably just end up working in a job I hate but pays well and then retire and die old.

Well... not before getting a wife and having kids.

Which is impossible since I'm terrible at talking to girls.

But I wanna get laid before I die at least.

As I exited my very expensive prison, also known as College, I looked at my phone to check the time.


'Shit. Auntie is gonna kill me.'

Before I realized it, I was in front of a crosswalk with the traffic light blinking green as cars went by.

"*Yawn* May as well pass the time."

Then I passed the time by reading the latest Jujutsu Kaisen chapter.

A few minutes later, I finished reading and then waited for the traffic light to turn red.

To think that the Ten Shadows Technique had such immense potential that the King Of Curses himself finds it interesting.

But Sukuna was right, that closet siscon really wasted his potential to become as strong as Satoru Gojo.

I mean, if I had the Ten Shadows Technique, I would abuse the hell out of it to the point that I could even take down Gojo.

Hell, with the shadow manipulating alone, I could be like Sung Jingwoo or Cid Kagenou, minus the Eighth Grade Syndrome.

But I can't entirely blame Megumi's incompetence.

It's like everyone in the Zenin Clan is cursed to have great potential, but ends up wasting it due to their personalities.

They even mistreated the Toji Fushiguro, who I think was the perfect support for subjugating Mahoraga.

I mean, if a Domain Expansion 'sees' Toji and an awakened Maki as inanimate objects, Mahoraga may not be able to see them, making them the perfect support.

In fact, I don't mind having zero Cursed Energy if it meant becoming an untraceable superhuman.'

Then I saw the traffic light turn red for the cars and start crossing the street.

"I gotta start thinking of a good excuse... again."

As I thought of what to say to Auntie...







I was in the middle of a white room without doors or windows.

I then bit the tip of my thumb hard, which hurts a lot and it starts bleeding.

"... So I'm not dreaming. Did someone drugged me on my way home or something?"

I walked around for a bit and started feeling the wall and floor for any clues of an exit.

After a while, I gave up and sat on the floor.

"Man, this sucks. But surprisingly, I'm pretty calm about this. Any sane person would start panicking if they were in my shoes right now."

"Hehe, that would be a very odd sight, young man."

As I heard that, I looked up in front of me and saw an old man wearing a white tuxedo.

"Morgan Freeman?"

He chuckled as I subconsciously said that.

"You children really like comparing me to him, but I don't really mind. Better than people believing that they are me."

He stretched out his hand to help me up, to which I took and stood up.

Weird, normally I would be cautious when in front of someone I don't know personally, but this guy has this weird vibe around him.

"Like having a casual talk with your dad?"

"... Uhhh, yeah. How did you-"

"-know what you were thinking? Your face says it all, my child. And before you ask. No, you are not dreaming, No you are not kidnapped, No this is not a prank, No you are not drugged or intoxicated, and Yes you died when you crossed the street and got run over by Truck-kun."




"Wait what?"

I am so confused.

"Heh, it seems you are, which is understandable given your current circumstances. But before we start talking, let's get comfortable, shall we?."

All of a sudden, we're now sitting on a white couch with a cup of hot chocolate in our hands.

He then took a sip and sighed in satisfaction.

"Ahhh. I'll never get tired of drinking this."

All I did was look at my cup and then slowly took a sip.

"Woah. This is really good hot chocolate."

"*Smile* Thank you. I grew the cocoa beans myself."

I nodded as we silently sipped from our cups, and then I started to realize that the cup started refilling on its own.

After a minute of silence, He spoke.

"Looks like you calmed down, even if you weren't panicking at all. Heheh. Anyway, a simple introduction is in order. My name is God, but feel free to call me Father, my child."


"I uhh... sort of figured that by out now with the whole Morgan Freeman get-up and the bottomless cup of hot chocolate."

He just chuckled at my statement.

"I supposed so. But anyway, I got to ask, but are you alright, my child? You did give after all."

As He said that, I just held the cup in between my hands with my head down.

All of a sudden, my mind started showing flashbacks of my life's memories.

"I... I don't know."

My parents...

"I'm... still pretty unsure if this all real or not."

My siblings...

"But... I guess I feel... nothing?"

My friends...

"I mean... everyone will eventually die in the end and... I was the first one to go down."

I haven't said goodbye to them...

"If I'm actually dead... then there's nothing I could do about it."


God then sighed as he patted my back gently.

"There's no need to hold back, son. There is no shame in it. Let it all out."

As he said that, I felt wetness on my cheeks.

That was when I couldn't hold it any longer.

At this point, I didn't care if I embarrassed myself.

I cried silently as God comforted me.

"That's it, let it all out. I'll be here next to you waiting. Take all the time you need"


Timeskip: 10 Minutes Later


I finally got a grip on myself as I wiped the tears away from my face.

"*Sniff* Thanks God... Sorry about that."

God shook his head.

"No worries, son. I was just doing my job. Now then, I believe a brief explanation from my part is in order?"

I nodded as I was a bit curious about it now that my mind was somewhat clear.

We then stood up and started walking around the room.

"I believe we both know where this is going, but I'm still gonna say it. Since you died at the hands of Truck-kun, you will get the chance of being reincarnated. And before you ask, you can keep your memories and will remain as a male. Any questions?"

I nodded as I asked.

"Do I get any wishes or is it one of those cliche tropes where I'll get nothing?"

He just smiled as we stopped and he pointed forward.

"See for yourself."

In front of me is a vintage slot machine with descriptions on top.

"As you can see, this slot machine in front of you will choose your reincarnation settings. The first reel chooses your world, the second reel chooses your power related to that world, and the third reel chooses your handicap. Also, if you get a jackpot (777), you'll win three wishes. Any questions?"

As he explained that, I was confused about the last part.

"Hey, God. Why is there a handicap reel?"

"Well, it's just there to make things fair. After all, it's pretty boring if you become godlike while others struggle to get stronger."

I see, I guess that makes sense.

"Well then, are you ready to test your luck, son? No pressure, of course."

I just looked at God and then changed my gaze towards the slot machine.

Okay me, you can do this.

Besides, it's either I get really lucky...

... or I'll get Deadpool's cancer or something.

But for now, I should focus on getting a good roll.

I know my own luck, so there's no point for me to aim for a jackpot.

So as I grabbed the lever tightly, I took a deep breath.

'Im betting on you, Hakari.'

I pulled the lever and the reels started spinning.

A minute later, the reels stopped at the same time, which revealed...




"... holy shit."


God then started clapping, snapping me out of my shocked state.

"Congratulations, son. Looks like Lady Luck is on your side today."

"I... I actually cannot believe it."

I was prepared to get a blindness handicap or a telekinesis superpower, but a jackpot?!

I mean, seriously?

The chances of getting a jackpot are one in a million.

"So, are you ready to make a wish son?"

I just took a deep breath to calm my nerves and replied.

"Let me think for a second."


Timeskip: 15 Minutes Later


I thought about what to wish for and after a while, I finally answered.

"My first wish is to reincarnate into the Jujutsu Kasen World in the same year as Satoru Gojo."

God smiled as he said.

"Ohh, I see where you're going with this. Okay, It's acceptable."

I can feel myself blushing as He knew the reason.

"My second wish is to have the Cursed Technique: Ten Shadows Technique. And if possible, can I change some of the Shikigami?"

God thought about what I said and nodded.

"Very well then, son. That could be arranged. But be warned though, your second wish will bring many changes in some people's history. Are you sure you want to continue with this?"

I nodded as I replied.

"It's alright. My existence alone will change the course of Canon anyway. And lastly, for the third wish... I wish for a Heavenly Restriction."

As I said this, God raised an eyebrow and asked.

"You willingly let yourself be handicapped?"

I nod.

"For my Heavenly Restriction, I can't generate my own Cursed Energy, but in return, I can absorb Cursed Energy from others and the surroundings until it reaches prime Sukuna's level of Cursed Energy. And If I use up all my Cursed Energy until it reaches zero, I'll temporarily have a superhuman body similar to Toji until I start absorbing Cursed Energy again."

God was surprised but nodded in acknowledgment.

"I see... Very well then. This is acceptable."

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


Then suddenly my body started to become dust particles and my vision started to become hazy.

"Uhh, God. I don't feel so good."

I heard God chuckle as he then said.

"Hehe, I saw that Marvel reference coming from a mile away. I wish you good luck on your journey, son."

I chuckled.

As my vision was about to go black, I managed to say.

"Thank you, Father."


POV: God


As I sent the young man to his destination, I sighed sadly.

"You are welcome, my child. But you will soon find that this world you chose is not the same as you saw before in the manga. Every choice that you make, even the ones you made just now, will always have great consequences. Whether they may be good or bad, is up to you. I wish you the best, Zenin Toya."


Hello readers!

This is your friendly neighborhood Author speaking.

This fanfic is a remake of my old fanfic, Jujutsu Kaisen: Kokketsu.

Feel free to tell me about any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.

Thank you everybody and see you later!