
Jujutsu Kaisen: Curse of the Curseless

In Tokyo, where curses thrive on negative emotions, Dave Li, a man battered by life’s failures, finds solace in “Jujutsu Kaisen” manga. When he intervenes in a dire situation, sacrificing himself to save a girl, Dave awakens in the body of Shin Zenin. Shin’s life is a torment—abused by a prestigious clan for his lack of curse energy. Dave, now Shin, resolves to change his fate. He seeks power and respect within the clan, fueled by the memory of a brutal beating. “Curse of Resilience” follows Shin’s journey of self-discovery and transformation in a world infested with curses. Can he rise above his past and become a force to be reckoned with?

Junjhon12 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Chapter 7: Suicide Forest Comes Alive

Yuji became confused. "I thought everyone had curse energy? Wait, if you don't have curse energy, how do you see curses?"

Maki looked a bit surprised. "Sure. Just meet me at the end of class tomorrow at the track field. I'll teach you what I can, but I can't promise it'll be enough."

Shin nodded happily before turning to Yuji and explaining his reasoning. "True, without curse energy, the sorcerer will need other methods. However, I was given a heavenly pact that enhances my five senses to the point where I don't need curse energy to see them."

The whole group became amazed and interested, seeing someone without any curse energy was a rare sight even in the Jujutsu world.

Shin yawned before excusing himself back to his room. They all exchanged their good nights as Shin walked back. As the floor creaked with every step, Shin realized that the dark halls became less scary after leaving the clan.

Returning to the room, Shin smiled, seeing how he had built a genuine connection for once in his life. In his previous life, he had tried countless times to befriend people during his years in school. Unfortunately, all attempts came off as weird and creepy, resulting in him being an outcast.

Waking up, Shin noticed that the morning scenery of his room under the morning sun had more warmth and color compared to his previous room.

"Jesus, I smell terrible. I better get a cold morning shower; that'll wake me up. I better get a new toothbrush and comfortable clothing. Speaking of clothing, how do I get my uniform?"

As Shin looked at himself in the mirror at his desk, his senses of smell and hearing noticed something. Shin smelled a pleasant aroma and was able to hear the sound of someone giggling and talking outside his door.

Shin, taking note of these factors, quietly looked down at the bottom of his door and noticed a pair of black shoes waiting for him.

"I got a hunch as to who it is." Opening his door, a face appeared before him in an attempt to surprise him.

"Good morning, you're the new student, right? The one with zero curses."

Shin, seeing Gojo with his eyes covered for the first time, was not surprised by Gojo's attempt at a first impression. "That's me. How'd you know I don't have curse energy?"

Gojo smiled casually. "Everyone knows. It's not that hard to tell how much curse energy someone possesses. Well, it's not hard for those who have curse energy, that is. Anyway, here! Quickly change up, wash up, and head towards the classroom. You'll find it quickly since you'll be with only the first-years."

Gojo handed Shin a bag containing Shin's uniform before walking off cheerfully. "Don't be late for your first lesson, alright? Cya."

Shin, looking at his uniform, was happy that he gets the privilege to enjoy the life of a student now. Shin's uniform had the foundation of a casual t-shirt that was all black, and his pants were slim but fit well, also all black.

After changing, Shin had breakfast with the first years where they greeted one another and conversed while they ate. Entering the classroom, Shin noticed the lack of seats except for 4 desks and a podium.

"I thought Japan had a monopoly on Jujutsu Sorcerers?" Sitting down, Shin wondered if they were going to learn actual educational materials or curse-related materials.

"Hey, Yuji."

"What's up, Shin? Nervous?"

"Um, no, not exactly. What does the teacher teach?"

"Well, it's a mixture of both curse and regular lessons, but if I have to say which, it'll be curse. Well, at least about 70% is about curses."

"I see, thank you."

Yuji smiled. "Anytime, friend."

Not too long after this conversation, Gojo entered. "G'morning, everyone. As you all know, we have a new student, Shin Zenin. To welcome him, I've come up with an idea. Let's take an exam! To show him what you'll be experiencing here on out."

Hearing this, everyone sighed, sulked, and sucked their teeth.

"Now now, don't be like that. It's an easy exam with only one question. You are in a situation where a curse that was once human is now causing havoc among the innocent. Do you exorcise it, knowing you will end a life, or would you find another solution, even if that solution will cause more innocent deaths in the process?"

The room fell silent as all the students pondered before they each voiced out their solution.

Yuji with a stern look. "I would first save the innocent before trying to save the curse. If it tries killing more, then I'll stop it, no matter what."

Megumi with a calm tone. "I would subdue, then restrain the curse before looking into a different approach to the problem."

Nobara without a bit of restraint. "I would exorcise the curse, trading one curse for the lives of many innocents is a win in my eyes. But I don't think I'll be happy with it after."

Shin looked at Gojo, unfazed by the question. "I would quickly exorcise the curse then move on to another."

Gojo smiled while nodding his head. "I like all of your answers; everyone passed! Now then, let's begin a new chapter of History."

The class resumed as Gojo taught History, Math, and English before changing the subject to curses. During this subject, Gojo explained what curses were, why ordinary people can't see them, and why Jujutsu sorcerers exist to exorcise them. Once the late afternoon arrived, class ended, and everyone went their separate way.

"Class was much more enjoyable than I had thought. Luckily, I don't need to worry about any subjects that aren't about curses since I'm well knowledgeable regarding those studies. Now where's Maki? I want to learn as much martial arts and weaponry as possible." Looking around, Shin noticed Maki waiting for him as she sat on the steps that led down to the track field.

As they both meet up, Maki starts her lesson by explaining the types of martial arts she has experience with, including the different types of weapons and tools she uses on her missions. They started training Kung Fu for about 3 hours, covering the basics.

As the sun set for the day, Shin was exhausted and sore from Maki's teaching. Before Maki left, leaving Shin lying on the ground on the field, she gave Shin a suggestion. "Hey, if you really want to get better, then you'll need a stronger foundation. The way you are right now is no good. I suggest you start watching what you eat, running, and muscle exercise. I'll help you get started on Sunday. Night."

Shin tried standing up, but his torn ligaments just kept holding him back down. "If classes start and end from 8 AM to 2 PM and Maki's lessons start and end from 2:30 PM to 6 PM, then I should try and work out from 7 PM to 10 PM."

Shin waited 30 minutes on the ground before trying to gain footing again. Thankfully, he managed to get up and walk his way back slowly. Washing up with a hot shower and brushing his teeth, he lay back down on his bed and slept.

After 8 months of repeating the cycle of learning and training, Shin was beginning to notice changes in his body. His muscles were starting to show a little bit more, he felt lighter, he could run a mile in 5 minutes, and he was now proficient in Kung Fu.

While working out, Shin sensed Gojo entering the facility, judging by the weight of his footsteps and rhythm of walking. Turning around, Gojo was smiling before suggesting Shin to come to him. "Shin, I know you've been busy, but do you remember all those low-rank request forms you brought with you entering Jujutsu High? No need to worry about them anymore; I dealt with all of them so that you can focus on getting stronger. I have a mission for you: go to Aokigahara Forest and exorcise some grade 3 and 4 curses. They tend to become a problem during early October. Unfortunately, everyone else is busy with their own missions, so you'll have to do this alone."

Hearing this, Shin was happy about his first mission. Then an idea came to mind.

"Hey Gojo, since I'll be doing this alone, could I borrow a cursed weapon from the armory? I might need an upgrade if I'm going to that specific place of all else."

Gojo smiled and agreed wholeheartedly. "Sure, kiddo, pick what you want, but make sure not to break or lose it, alright? They're expensive, after all. Well, cya."

Walking away, Shin wasted no time and headed straight to the armory to grab the cursed weapon, Armor Breaker. Holding the staff, Shin was satisfied with the staff's weight and power upon holding it.

"Oh wait, I don't have a train pass, nor do I have a phone."

Returning to his room, Shin was surprised by a little bag lying on his bed that read, "From Gojo, here's a pass and a phone. :)"

Looking inside, Shin was given a train pass and an Android phone with a cracked screen. "I better get a souvenir on the way back."

Shin slept early and awoke early at 5 AM. After brushing up and eating some breakfast, he made his way to the bullet train system and got on the train towards Aokigahara.

In less than 2 hours, Shin made it to his destination without having to worry about the weather this time. Getting off, he started asking around for directions to the Forest. Shin had many people telling him to think about his loved ones and that he was still young. Shin reassured them every time that he was only there to sightsee.

After 2 hours of asking and walking, Shin was finally in front of the entrance to the Forest, as noted by the signs and boards begging the unfortunate to please rethink their choice of actions.

Walking inside, Shin felt the Forest's negativity. From the treetops to the forest floor, he felt sadness, regret, and anger. As he walked deeper, he saw empty tents, backpacks, and other miscellaneous objects.

Five minutes inside the Forest, Shin started noticing the curses and their broken speeches, all having a common theme: regret, anger, and giving up.

Shin spent the rest of the day surveying the forest floor. Once it got dark, Shin's senses started alerting him that, despite its reputation, the forest had come alive. Shin was able to feel the weight, hear the cries, and smell the foul odor of many curse spirits.

"I wish there was a way for me to surround this place in a curtain. It sucks Ijichi isn't here to help me out. I haven't met him my entire time at Jujutsu High; he must be busy." Shin, ignoring what he couldn't do, switched focus to what he could: exorcise.

Not wanting to run around the forest tirelessly, Shin decided to yell as loud as he could to attract the curse spirits towards him. It worked, thankfully. "I should've grabbed the Curse Encroachment. I should've been greedier when borrowing the curse tools."

Shin experienced many types of curses: curses that flew, curses that used tools, curses that attacked from afar, and curses that got up close and personal. Unfortunately for them, it didn't matter who they were; when they were struck with Armor Breaker, they were dealt with without much resistance.

After 2 hours of dealing with grade 4 curses, Shin started sensing a new curse, one that was a grade above the rest, approaching him fast, judging by the curse's heavy steps approaching him rapidly.

Paying the coming danger no mind, Shin continued dealing with the curses in front of him. After exorcising over 40 curses, Shin took a seat to regain his stamina. While sitting, Shin heard a distinct crunching and cracking noise to his right.

Getting up and walking towards the source, Shin spotted a massively rounded curse that was busy eating the dead corpses of curses that hadn't dissipated yet. "I can tell this curse is a grade above the rest I've been dealing with."

Shin attempted to sneak up on it, but suddenly, he felt a tightness around his neck. Upon touching the object, Shin identified it as a knotted rope, pulling him backward. Looking behind him, Shin failed to notice a medium-sized curse with multiple ropes and nooses all over its body, hanging.