
Jujutsu Kaisen: Curse of the Curseless

In Tokyo, where curses thrive on negative emotions, Dave Li, a man battered by life’s failures, finds solace in “Jujutsu Kaisen” manga. When he intervenes in a dire situation, sacrificing himself to save a girl, Dave awakens in the body of Shin Zenin. Shin’s life is a torment—abused by a prestigious clan for his lack of curse energy. Dave, now Shin, resolves to change his fate. He seeks power and respect within the clan, fueled by the memory of a brutal beating. “Curse of Resilience” follows Shin’s journey of self-discovery and transformation in a world infested with curses. Can he rise above his past and become a force to be reckoned with?

Junjhon12 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Chapter 1: The Awakening

Dave Li, an unremarkable man in his 34 years of existence, was steeped in mediocrity. A lifetime marred by failures and disappointments had carved a path of apathy and insignificance. Yet, amid the shadows of his uneventful life, there was one sanctuary—manga.

In a world where misfortunes clung to him like a curse, he sought refuge in the pages of "Jujutsu Kaisen." It was a solace he stumbled upon, a flicker of light in his otherwise gloomy existence. The day it entered his life, he had been battered by his manager's scolding for an error he hadn't committed. His words held no sway; his past record of mishaps had seen to that.

But as Dave trudged home, clutching the manga he had impulsively purchased, he ventured into a world where curses and sorcerers reigned supreme. The first five chapters were a revelation, rekindling an ember of excitement he hadn't felt since childhood.

Page after page, he became engrossed, oblivious to the chaos of the world outside. The relentless criticism at work, the self-doubt—it all faded in the face of the jujutsu sorcerers' battles and malevolent curses.

One fateful night, as he devoured yet another chapter, Dave realized his snack supply had dwindled. Annoyed, he ventured out to replenish it. Little did he know that this mundane task would intersect with a destiny he never could have foreseen.

In the dimly lit alley, two menacing figures had cornered a young girl, her face a canvas of fear. The air was thick with terror as they closed in, and Dave found himself standing at the crossroads of destiny.

"I'm no hero," he thought, hesitating. "I'm just an ordinary person. Maybe if I call the police and leave, that'll suffice." But the girl's desperate cries shattered his uncertainty.

"Help, please someone help me!" she pleaded, her voice trembling, but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

Dave's internal struggle intensified. "This isn't my problem," he mused, torn. But as the girl's cries grew more desperate, he felt compelled to act.

"They're trying to rape me!" she screamed, her words a piercing cry of despair. Dave scanned the bystanders, hoping for a savior, but found only indifference.

Summoning his courage, he charged towards the assailants, with no combat experience to rely on, only determination. "Run, little girl, run!" he yelled as the terrified victim seized the chance to escape.

Dave's focus shifted to restraining the assailants, despite their curses and commands. Minutes felt like an eternity, and then, gunshots shattered the night. Opening his eyes, he saw the two men bleeding, life fading from their eyes.

As police officers approached, Dave felt weakness engulf him. Collapsing, he saw the blood pool growing around him. His final thoughts were of the night sky and his last wish.

"I didn't want to die like this, but I achieved something. The girl is safe. Maybe this isn't so bad." With a final tear, he whispered his wish.

[ Your Wish is Granted ]


Dave felt the cold enveloping him before finally, he felt a sense of warmth growing onto him before he awakes.

Sitting up from what felt like a sturdy bed, he looked around and noticed that he was in an unfamiliar dark room that had cracked floors under a shabby ceiling with the lights flickering that covered the room in a disgusting dark shade of light.

Dave, still tired, check his back for any damages. He felt pain but not the type of pain from before but rather pain one can feel after being beaten with strong force.

Suddenly, Dave experiences a sudden headache. Grabbing ahold of his head, his memories started shifting with another causing save to feel a bit lightheaded after the ordeal.

"I think I understand now. I'm inside the body of Shin Zenin, a male who is now 20 this year. Shin is part of one of three clans that have a strong influence and background in this world. Shin was unfortunately born with no curse energy, resulting in him being mistreated intensely by his own family and clan. Tired of the abuse, Shin decided to end his own life by ingesting poison after a recent beating that was more intense than usual. This is just disgusting, I knew this family is known for intense values regarding the value of a sorcerer and non-sorcerer but still, this is just inhumane."

Trying to stand up to see if he can see his reflection, unable to do so due to the pain that's now settling in."Fuck, how bad did they beat this guy?"

Giving up on his goal, Shin lay back down on the poor-quality bed and tried to rest.

"So I've been Isekaied, huh? I remember wishing for this but to end up in this shitty clan but luckily this kid has zero curse energy." Shin remembers from the manga that someone like him is very rare since humans are usually born with some curse energy but to not have any means he has a heavenly restriction that nerfs his curse energy entirely but buffs his senses and physical capabilities immensely.

Shin smiles at the future he can achieve if he manages to break free of the clan's grasp. "I need to hurry up, heal, then train up this body. Shin can tell from his arms that he lacks the physique to do whatever is necessary."

Closing his eyes, Shin endures the discomfort and manages to sleep. He was then awakened by the sound of knocking at the sliding door on his left side. Shin, a bit well rested' yelled out."I'm up." The sliding door slid open and a female with a tray of food appeared. Without a word of greeting nor concern for Shin's well-being, the female placed the tray down before leaving just as fast as she appeared.

Shin seeing the lack of hospitality was unfazed and shifted his focus on the food as he crawled and retrieved it. "Thanks for the food, I guess." Looking at the tray, Shin noticed how little he was given and how disgusting the food appeared.

Too hungry to think and too tired to care, Shin eats what was given without worry and finishes up. "Beggars can't be choosers, especially in this family."

After breakfast, Shin tries getting up again. Luckily, he healed enough to walk and move around. Walking out, Shin notices a different female walking on his right. Walking up behind her he calls out to get her attention.

Hearing his voice the woman turned around and gave him a disgusted look before answering with an attitude. "What do you want bottom licker, you want me to throw you into the curse pit!"

Despite knowing the clan's barbaric values, Shin was still taken aback by the woman's hostility. He mustered up the courage before asking her for assistance, "Do you know where the restroom is? I can't seem to remember."

Hearing this the woman smirks before answering, "Beaten so hard you've forgotten your rightful birthplace in the clan but not hard enough for you to understand your standing within the clan, pathetic. The restroom is down the hall around the right corner, now stop talking to me, bottom dweller."

After answering the woman returns back to her usual routine. Shin made his way to the restroom and once inside he took a good look at himself.

Shin sees a malnourished guy who's lacking in nutrients and exercise. His eyes were so dark you would think his nickname would be the Zenin Raccoon Dog, his body frame so skinny and malnourished he could easily be killed by a grade 4 flyhead just from a soft bump.

David now fully grasping the extent of the mistreatment started to feel pity towards Shin, so much so, that a bit of tears was going to form. Sadly, his body was too lacking to even cry.

David clears his eyes before clenching his fist with what little strength he can muster, "From this point forward I, David, will live as Shin. I'll shape up and get strong enough to live life as I see fit. I don't have enough money to leave yet but once I do, I'll see if I can join Jujutsu High to further advance myself. Goodbye David it was nice while it lasted and hello Shin." With a smile and plan in mind, Shin begins his new life.

Strolling through the clan's vast compound, Shin couldn't help but be awed by the sheer size and sophistication of their facilities. Luck seemed to be on his side as Shin hadn't crossed paths with anyone yet, probably because they were occupied in meetings or busy with their curse-exorcising duties.

Seizing the moment, Shin treated himself to a much-needed meal and quenched his thirst, kickstarting the process of rejuvenating this feeble body. Thankfully, Shin remained unnoticed at this moment, allowing him to conclude his meal without disturbance before continuing his morning exploration.

After roughly ten more minutes of wandering, his attention was drawn to an anomalous building, set apart from the others by a series of ropes adorned with peculiar charms. Stepping inside, Shin was greeted by a spacious interior with sturdy cement walls, each pillar adorned with these protective symbols, supporting the ceiling.

As Shin ventured down a dimly lit hallway, it culminated in a staircase leading downward into an open, square chamber. Rows of columns encircled the pit's perimeter, separating it from a series of shadowy rooms.

"Could this be the infamous disciplinary pit, rumored to house grade 2 and lower curse spirits? How have they managed to keep these curses dormant here?" Shin's brow furrowed with curiosity as Shin pondered possible explanations. An eerie sensation of being watched emanated from the pit below.

Seeing an opportunity in the future, Shin took note of the facility, before retracing his steps to the building's entrance. With a sense of purpose, Shin continued his exploration, which eventually led him to a training room.

Stepping inside, Shin couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the sight of the impressive array of training equipment. "This clan boasts some remarkable resources; it would be a shame not to utilize them," Shin thought. "I'll have to return here soon."

As Shin explored further, the day wore on, marked by dirty looks, insults, and condescending remarks from other clan members. Despite their hostility, Shin persevered until late afternoon, when Shin finally retreated to his room, eager to rest and recuperate.

However, Shin's rest was abruptly shattered when Shin awoke to find three menacing figures surrounding me, their malevolent grins belying their sinister intent. "What the hell?! What's going on?!" Shin barely had time to voice his confusion before a punch struck his liver, a kick landed in his ribs, and a stinging slap reddened his face, sending me sprawling.

Struggling to regain his composure, Shin recognized one of the attackers—Nagoya Zenin, his distinctive blonde hair with dark roots giving him away. Attempts to reason with Nagoya and his comrades were swiftly silenced by a barrage of punches from him, each blow accompanied by cruel taunts.

The merciless beating seemed to stretch on for an eternity, though it was likely only about 15 minutes. To me, it felt like an hour of excruciating torment. When Nagoya finally relented, his henchmen followed suit, departing with smug satisfaction.

With bruised and swollen eyes, Shin struggled to pry them open. His other senses confirmed that the room was now devoid of danger. Shin could do little more than wrap myself in a threadbare blanket, curling into a fetal position on his bed.

As Shin reflected on the brutal assault and his overwhelming sense of helplessness, a new emotion began to stir within me—anger. "I will make them kneel, I will make them beg, I will ensure that no one ever treads upon me again," Shin vowed. His words trembled with determination, not from pain but from the anger that now smoldered within me.

For the first time in both his past and present life, Shin harbored an intense desire to rise to the very top.