
Joyful Shadow

Change is sudden and it can be scary, but I'm willing to risk making some changes if it will mean my best friend lives and his son won't have to carry the weight of the weight on their shoulders. I can only hope the changes before my arrival in this horrifying world won't derail things even further. An SI-OC fic.

Retribrutus · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

Living my Childhood (2)

I don't know about anyone else, but I used to be a kid that hated to read in my old life. That was thanks to being born in the 21st era where new advancements like the Gameboy Advanced and the Playstation series (X-box sucks, fight me!) grasped all of my attention. Why read books about Green Eggs and ham when I could play the good old classics like Tekken and Dragon Ball Z?

Those were the days…

Until I realized how much of a fool I was when I realized how much fun writing and reading was when I finally took that dive. Okay, so it wasn't a willing dive. Our house was dealing with a black out due to a snowstorm and that left me with just my laptop and my crazy imagination. But still I had fun just writing stuff out for my amusement.

Then it became a new passion for writing and appreciating the passion that others had for their own works like in fanfiction and official story books and manga. Which is why I loved series like One Piece the best. Yeah, being reincarnated in Naruto hasn't changed my stance on that.

The lore was just as rich and deep despite the series having over 800+ chapters that are still ongoing after my death if Oda is still trying to tell his full story. The lore of works like One Piece, Final Fantasy XIV, and Dark Souls were just so enriching that I just found myself in love with the main plot of their worlds because the authors put a lot of effort into them, and it added to the experience. It didn't just give me homework to do just to know what was what (*COUGH!* RWBY! *COUGH!*). I actually enjoyed what I read and wanted to know more.

The same couldn't be said for Naruto to an extent. Kishimoto kept the inner workings of the world as vague as possible for readers to draw their own conclusions, which is fair since he focused the story on the relationship and journeys between Naruto and Sasuke. Everything else was secondary. Hell, Madara the driving antagonist of the story became irrelevant when Rabbit Mama Kaguya took over the final battle.

Gladly that wasn't the case…I mean the whole vague thing now that I'm reborn in the actual world not the Madara and Kaguya stuff. That's still a valid worry that needs to be handled later.

Ever since I got a better (my parents and Graunty Mito call it astounding) grasp over reading in Japanese, you can bet that I did more than just better my skills in calligraphy and fuinjutsu training under Graunty Mito. When I first found out that the Senju Compound had it's own archives filled with books and scrolls of the clan's history, you better bet my sweet, adorable ass that I abused the hell out of it.

The Naruto world was always such a vague mess with no definitive answers except for the immediate problems that the plot presented to itself. So, to have some answers was a blessing along with a multitude of surprises that took me by surprise.

Like the fact that the yet to be born Kurenai Yuhi and I are distant relatives. No, I'm not playing, in one of the scrolls, it recorded that my Grandfather Tobirama's second cousin, Toka Senju departed from the clan since the formation of the Village Hidden in the Leaves and married the sole survivor of the Yuhi clan, Seizan Yuhi. Apparently in the texts, he was the sole survivor of his clan because some undocumented clan from the Land of Lightning sought them out during the Warring States era and sought vengeance. Misguided vengeance as the text would then reveal that they were hunted down because the undocumented clan mistook their mundane scarlet eyes for that of the Uchiha clan, the true targets for their revenge.

It doesn't specify the why and how Toka Senju fell in love with Seizan, but it only states that they did and were re-establishing the clan here in Konoha. Hm, I should probably look into finding out more about my potential relatives later. This did explain why Kurenai was a Genjutsu expert in canon since Toka Senju was predominantly known throughout the world for her prowess in Genjutsu.

Some texts about her even lord her skills to be on par with the finest Genjutsu experts that were once our clan's worst bitter enemies, the Uchiha.

Yep. That was pretty engaging and informative, wasn't it? Reminder: That wasn't the only tale to tell regarding the now absent members of our clan. After Konoha was reformed, the majority of the clan dipped. Not out of fear or hatred that the Uchiha were now in alliance with them, but because the majority of them wished to honor their stalwart Clan head and leader, Hashirama Senju (My Granduncle! You all jelly? I bet you are!).

They no longer were chained down by the ever-growing conflict between the Senju and Uchiha, now they were free to consider other avenues besides bloodshed. Of course, most married into and began other clans that would serve as vassals to the Senju clan, but others entered different walks of life that didn't involve shinobi work. Those that weren't the immediate family of Hashirama and Tobirama unanimously agreed that as the lead advocate for their new freedom and (temporary) peace, that the Senju clan should be a title that only they and their future lineage should carry.

It technically made sense in a way. After being dragged into a nigh-endless war with another clan for countless decades to centuries, effectively sending their cherished young ones to die and fight for the honor of the clan, when given the chance to opt out, people would immediately take it. Which leaves us with the grand total of six members to the Senju Clan with two of them (Graunty Mito and mother) marrying into the clan.

It was fun reading more about my new life's relatives, but boy…was it painful when I found a couple of my Grandfather's texts. I know he was the meticulous type but man he wrote A LOT. It made hard to read even for my developed mind as a reincarnated 23-year-old man. He goes into detail about everything. Did you want to know the exact time, date, year, location, and possible contingency measures that were made when accepting the Sarutobi Clan into Konoha?

Well, you'll just have to find one out of fifty volumes of his works that were hidden in the very back of the archives to find it. Seriously, he recorded about anything that could benefit and potentially risk Konoha in these volumes during crucial events. However, it might not be a shocker and I've read about 6 of his scrolls and books, but I'm pretty certain a good chunk of them were on the Uchiha clan.

How do I know this because 5 out of the 6 books were all about micromanaging and observing the clan's adjustment to Konohagakure since the first day of it formation. I also…uh…learned some distasteful stuff about my grandfather that I really didn't need to know regarding his views on the clan. I know it was always a vague thing on whether Tobirama was really full-blown racist against the Uchiha or simply saw them as never putting the Village before their own clan. One side of the fandom leaned one direction and the other side leaned the other direction.

Except for this world that I was reborn into, there was never an "or" to begin with. Tobirama Senju did hold his own fair concerns and visible prejudices against the Uchiha clan. Losing two brothers, his father, and his mother (who's identify explained father's Kekkai Genkai and added another well-known distant relative to my branching family tree) to the opposing clan from childhood to adulthood does permanently stained your opinion on them. Also, let's not forget that he witnessed Madara FUCKING Uchiha in the flesh and the amounts of ninja hax that he pulled to stand against his brother.

Being subject to all of that really worsened his paranoia about the Uchiha. Especially his suspicions regarding the one family in the Uchiha clan had taken up the mantle of Clan leader after Madara's defection and the temporary stand-in soon after. It really explained why my father and I were receiving such harsh looks from Fugaku and his father, the clan head.

Family history can really suck sometimes. Did I hate my grandfather for technically being prejudiced against the Uchiha? No. Did it make me any more comfortable just to learn about him this way? A bit, yeah.

It was like in my old world, you have a grandpa and grandma who were born in different times than you and have differing views that in modern times aren't always seen in a positive/ethical light. That was what I could best describe what I felt. It was exactly why I didn't openly question Uncle Cyclops about his views on the Uchiha since he was direct student to Grandpa, and Uncle Cyclops really admired him, much more than his fellow students. Opening that can of worms with that guy of all people just smelt of a very awkward conversation just waiting to happen.

But it did make me curious about asking father on his thoughts about the Uchiha clan…

Still, I found grandpa Tobirama's mindset and actions taken against the Uchiha to be understandable for a guy like him. I don't condone everything, but I can at least say that his behavior wasn't out of left field.

…See what I mean from earlier? Even if the lore had uncomfortable subject matter, it really made me think!

It was just so much fun! I considered writing what I knew from the series into a scroll to be hidden in the archive but decided against that. Both with writing what I knew and hiding it away. The risk of anyone finding such sensitive information would be critically bad for me and lead to some unnecessary questions. Plus, I live in a society with ninjas so they could undoubtedly find whatever I hide in the archives and quite possibly the entire compound.

Look beneath the underneath as old Uncle Cyclops would expound to Nonou and I. Which meant that I had to be creative so that should anyone come across my notebook of detailing (possible) events, they won't be able to decipher what it is. Look beneath the underneath indeed…

The fanfic writer in me stirred at the idea I had hatching in my small brilliant, adorable brain.

So, from my overly long-winded expository feelings about reading you can already tell how much I'm in love with the craft especially when it details content matter that interests me.

Now I'm sure you're wondering: Why tell us ALL of that if you were just going to make that point.

Well, my dear imaginative viewers, the reason for that is because…


"I'm dead…" My back dramatically hit the dining room's flooring as I drearily looked to the ceiling.


"I'm so dead that I can't even hold my pencil, no, I can't even formulate any possible answers for the question."


"N-No…I think I see a white light ahead…my life's passing before my eyes and it's…boring! Blegh!" A good five minutes passed where I just laid on the ground with my eyes shut, my tongue sticking out, and the very audible exhaustive sigh of my tutor.

"If you're done with your theatrics, then finish solving the math problem given to you…" A voice so soft yet brusque that had been gracing my ears for years broke me from my rather childish tantrum to immediately sit up straight, grab my pencil and bitterly fill out the last step to the equation given to me.

"You don't have to be such a buzzkill, Kiyo-nee…" I grumbled.

Yep. My tutor was the very same Kiyohime that I've met and have been consistently meeting these past four years of my life. And I have to say that like my cousin, Tsunade, puberty really hit her like a truck. Not only was it easier to identify her more curvaceous body under the leagues of baggy lab coats and shinobi standard uniforms that she mostly wears, but her facial features were more delicate and beautiful than before.

Plus…*AHEM!* like Tsunade, she was at that age (she's 17) where her *AHEM!* assets *AHEM!* were starting to grow. It was hard not to notice for me because it was another clear difference than what I've witnessed of canon Orochimaru (who did that creepy skin thing with his body to hide the different gender and body types of his possessed hosts). Orochimaru with boobs was already a weird concept I was already trying to come to terms with, but with that different now growing so obvious in my face, it's really making it surreal to come to grips with.

I do know that Jiraiya took notice of this change in the beautiful yet intimidating woman's physical growth, nay, his attention on her must have been nearly constant if the rather saucy knowledge that I've figured out about him in this world was to be believed. To elaborate and give you a better picture, whenever Kiyohime was around to tutor me, seven times out of ten, he would come to the Senju Compound to visit, try (and fail) to provide extra help to Kiyohime's tutoring lessons, and trying to rake ideas from Kiyohime and I for a book that he's trying to publish.

No scratch that, he was mostly trying to get some ideas from Kiyohime while totally ignoring my suggestions. He even promised the woman that he'd even credit her as a co-author in his very first book. Sheesh, the guy really was laying it on a bit thick, huh? Sad for him (hah!), Kiyohime wasn't interested in contributing, and yet the poor sap continued anyways.

He's probably taken her silence and lack of kicking him out as her not minding his presence (much to Tsunade and mother's chagrin). Maybe she didn't care or maybe she did tolerate his presence, four years into my new life and it's still a goddamn challenge to read the snake-like woman. His absence for now was noted but only because he had quite the packed schedule. During his usual bragging, he would reveal some things to us.

Nothing too classified because despite being quite a loudmouth, Jiraiya had grown in maturity over these years, somewhat. He'd just tell us that he has a lot of backlogged missions that he has to complete while preparing for that Kagero place mission. His Mt. Myoboku training really did cut into his duties as a shinobi for Konoha when they stretched out for too long.

If I remember correctly from canon/anime (the manga doesn't show the timeframe when he begins his training there), he's been training there since he was six. Now, he's sixteen (turning seventeen in November) and he's still struggling. Guess learning to be a Sage really will be hard when I start learning under whatever summoned animal that will be in a contract with me.

Well, Naruto did have all the right (and sort of unfair) tools and advantages to learn his in a week, so that's to be expected. *SIGH!* It's also to be expected that despite being limited at the time, he still had the right (bullshit) tools to accomplish what I'm still struggling with to this day regarding my new project.

I tried asking around about Kagero, but no one would elaborate, and the moment I tried to ask Graunty Mito out of desperation, she told me not to worry about it and looked…so sad. I couldn't for the life of me know why because I'm sure that a place like Kagero wasn't in any way associated with Uzushiogakure.

There had to be some form of relation though…

Well, possibly, I'm still left in the dark about the specifics…like always.

…But my helplessness to know the important events happening in the world aside!

Now as for how I got Kiyohime as my tutor, you can thank my father. He believed it would be an enriching experience for the girl to better connect with the village's saplings as future training for when she'll be tasked with mentoring a team of genin of her own. Of course, she initiated the same pattern that I noticed whenever saw her interact with father.

Kiyohime vehemently denies, father insists, she stubbornly denies him, father stubbornly insists, she begins to crumble but still stands her ground, then father breaks her guard by praising her and saying she's more than qualified to teach me. He then continues with his request, and Kiyohime easily (and bitterly) acquiesces to his idea. Then cue mother coming in to laugh at the young woman, who's chakra signature begins to flare up in unrestrained fury.

Yeah…I began to piece things together after seeing this sequence almost every time that these two or three (mother…) were in the same room. Ahem! So, I'll be a man and say that I freaked out when the revelation of my tutor was revealed to me. I was stressed as heck, but the forced interaction with the woman did provide me some time to get to know her.

And she was…like a more…witty and dry version of Danzo. She was more sarcastic and talkative than the old man but was unsettlingly scary with a few of her mannerisms. She was also stern when putting her all into teaching me and didn't pull her punches with her academic expectations for me (which were higher than freaking Danzo's expectations!). I made the mistake of wanting to impress her and blow her disgruntled thoughts on possibly teaching some snot-nosed kid out of the water by acing all of her given assignments.

Such a feat wasn't that hard with my twenty-three-year-old mind and intelligence, plus my impeccable penmanship in Japanese from these continued four years of practice. It worked by the way, she didn't fully show it, but her eyes told me everything. Surprise, intrigue, curiosity, and something quite frightening that I couldn't decipher until the next day when I was given a worksheet with advanced algebra questions.

It only got worse from there. In my foolish attempt at blowing away her low expectations for me, I basically outed myself as a "genius" and have fully caught her interest. Now she won't stop giving me so many advanced assignments and homework to do!

"And you don't have to be making such a big deal about completing such a simple formula…" The woman sharply shot back.

Simple!? Woman, I just completed number 5 out 50 questions on this worksheet for Pre-Calculus! Okay, I might have given some leeway in thinking that, yeah, academy students were so smart (in comparison to my old world) that they needed learned Algebra and other advanced subjects at such a young age because…ninjas. Yet, I'm pretty certain and skeptical that wasn't the case for my situation!

"Now let's move onto question 6 where…" The woman's eyes narrowed at me from across the table. "Pouting will get you nowhere with me, you should know that…"

Pouting? Who's pouting because I know I ain't.

She sighed and shook her head. "Your choice to whine will only prolong how much longer this will take. Should you not finish by the end of today's session, you will have to complete this assignment alongside tomorrow's lesson."

Guh! That's even worse!

"So will you stop acting like a child-?"

"But I am a child, Kiyo-nee!"


"…!" I chose not to stoke the woman's icy ire.

"I asked if you're willing to stop… Are you?" This wasn't my first time being on the end of that terrifying snake-like glare. Usually, she would throw a sarcastic jab back at me, but I figure being a whiny pain about this subject was fraying her nerves.

"Y-Yes, Kiyo-nee…" I chose against using "Snakey-nee" like I did as an infant because for one I was able to get away with a lot of crap by being a baby, and two, I really didn't want to push the woman's buttons any further.

"Then get to it already…" She curtly pushed the assignment page closer to me. I looked at the paper as if it killed my adorable panda plush Po before getting back to work. Ugh, rational numbers? What use would I even have for learning this once become a ninja?

I felt Kiyohime's eyes on me as I begrudgingly went back to work. "I don't understand you."

My eyes and face lit up at the opportunity. "Really because I'll gladly tell you everything that you want to know about me if you want, Kiyo-nee. Starting with this new friend of mine that I made last month at the pa-!"


I sighed. "Worth a shot…"

"What I meant was that I don't understand your reasoning for throwing a tantrum with matters pertaining to this subject than the others." She closely observed me. "You must be aware that all of the material that you're receiving have been steadily growing in difficulty, yes?"

"Hard not to notice…" I grumbled as I impatiently tapped my pencil against the worksheet.

"Then explain your irritant behavior these past sessions." Kiyohime "insisted". "If this were a case of that woman's influencing your study habits and work ethics, then I would believe it. Except that goes against the detailed answers and work that you've put into my lessons. So, talk."

Look, Kiyo-nee, I know that you don't like my mom, but you don't have to diss her like that, y'know. "That's because I actually like what you teach me besides math…"


If it'll give me more time from completing the hellish assignment, then sure. "Kiyo-nee, math sucks. Plain and simple."

No matter if I somehow get reincarnated a thousand of times, math will never be my friend. It's not that I'm illiterate with math, but it comes down to the fact that I have an issue with the little things. Like if I add or subtract a single number then the whole equation falls apart, and I'm stuck wasting minutes/hours trying to find and correct the mistake.

Stuff like that was why I hate math especially during tests where I'm panicking to get everything done, make sure that my answers are correct, re-reading the questions so I automatically bomb a problem, then still fail the test because my editing was unnecessary, and I originally had the right answer. That's why I hate math.

"Chakra theory, science, and everything else is just so much fun in comparison!" Because I can actually apply these subjects to my new life here, especially chakra theory.

Learning about how our chakra interacts with the living world around us and from within our bodies was actually fascinating.

The lessons even helped me get a better grasp over my chakra control and get a couple ideas for how I'll handle a couple of jutsu for the future, and especially for the special projects that I have in the works. I was barely getting into the water surface walking exercise with Uncle Cyclops after proving that I was at least adept with tree walking. Having a goal really motivated me to up my training with tree walking among other things that I'm being pushed to learn from my family.

"So…you actually enjoy the other subjects…but don't quite like this one particular subject, yes?" There was a weird look in her eye that was unsurprisingly hard for me to read.

"Yep." I shamelessly nodded.

"I see…" The woman closed her eyes in thought then nodded. "It would explain why you're excelling in the material that Senpai and I have been giving you." Wait, father's responsible for half of the hell I've been going through!? "The energy that children like you possess is boundless, so for your interests to line up with something actually beneficial for your future is quite the blessing." The woman nodded at her reasoning while I nodded along in the hopes that it'll get me out of learning crappier pre-calc.

"Though such behavior in the first place is odd…" I froze as her eyes deeply pierced into my very soul (okay I was exaggerating but those snake eyes of hers were just that scary sometimes!). "Even among the Nara, such yearning for knowledge doesn't even come close to the enthusiasm that you exhibit for it, especially when around your age." I gulped.


Her eyes lingered on me for a bit longer before deeply sighing with a tired look. "But once again, I surmise such odd behavior to be because of your relation to Senpai…and that insufferable woman." Seriously, I get that you can't stand my mother, dude, and how come as of late being the son to my father is automatically the reason to explain my abnormal actions?

It's not like father is that weird of a guy, right? I mean, he's a well-respected Jonin, he's the student to Uncle Cyclops, he's now officially leading the ROOT organization, he's Kiyohime's cru-I mean admired senior/mentor, and he married mother, shinobi from another hidden village…


…hold on…

…I basically just answered my own question, didn't I?

"Nevertheless, it is…" The sides of her lips twitched as she nodded. *GASP!* Did she just try to smile!? "Not an utter waste of my time to be teaching someone who actually enjoys and wishes to learn." And approval, too!?

Yeehaw! The compliment might have barely been lackluster, but coming from Kiyohime, who rarely gives any pure praise like Danzo, I'm taking it!

"But-!" And like that all the joy bled out of me. "Such a childish outlook is just as well damning to your development if it weren't uprooted now." I felt myself began to shrink as the woman began to metaphorically tear into me. "You do not want to learn math just because you dislike it? You'd rather just focus on the things you like while forgoing the things you don't? Pathetic." I felt like a hatchling being sized up by a cobra. "Do you or do you not strive to become a shinobi? Yes or no."

"Y-." I squeaked.

"Then endure."

The self-same words that everyone in my household and quite frankly in Konoha denoted when describing a shinobi's lifestyle.

"Do you honestly believe that once you've become a shinobi that you'll have the luxury to avert your eyes from what you don't like? If the answer that you're planning to say is yes, then I believe it would be best for me to knock such a bad mindset out of you before it festers within you as you age."

I gulped as I saw her write something down on her clipboard. "K-Kiyo-nee, what do you mean by that?"

She didn't deem to answer me until she was done writing. "From now on, on Wednesdays and Thursdays, I will not be teaching you any other subject matter aside from mathematics, the same will be held for any substitutes that teach in my stead due to absence."


"W-What? Why!?"

She looked me dead in the eye and said, "To teach you the importance of doing a deed you dislike because one day you will be saddled with a responsibility that you just detest but are stuck with because your senpai insists upon delaying whatever groundbreaking projects that you have in que for whatever nonsense that he's planning."

…Wow…she just unpacked a lot there.

But still I already know about being forced to do what you generally hate! I was a twenty-three-year-old who had to work at a couple of unfulfilling full-time jobs just to pay off my college fees! I don't need a lesson to teach me that!

Can't I just hate math for the sake of it? That's all I'm asking…!

"Now resume with the assignment."


I must have looked really distraught as I fumbled around with my pencil because Kiyohime actually looked considerate. "But first, a small break is in order."

S-She really does ca-!

"For two minutes. The three minutes that we used to have this chat should suffice as a part of the five-minute break that we usually have." Never mind, she was just as strict and spartan about her teaching methods as Uncle Cyclops.

"No pouting." She narrowed her eyes at me.

"I'm not." I pouted.

"Honestly." She rolled her eyes. "Unlike you, who can actually comprehend these lessons, you don't see Yakushi throwing a fit." Yep, sometimes Danzo would leave Nonou at the compound whenever Kiyohime came around to tutor me. It actually eased some of the pressure placed upon us when studying together.

You know what they say, misery loves company.

"That's different." My pout grew.

"Truly? Then please be so fortuitous to share how that's different."

"Nonny-chan is just too nice to show it!" Nonou was being raised by Danzo Shimura, who's expectations were higher than the frigging clouds, so complaining wouldn't be a luxury for her to have. Y'know what, no, Nonou was just that considerate that despite everything, she would still keep her lips zipped if she stayed sitting in one place for hours trying to solve a single pre-calc problem.

I might have the mind of an adult crammed in this excitable kid's body, but not even I had that level patience to do that with something I despised with such passion. The only one worse than me that can't even stay in one spot in general would have to be Tsume, and her clan's known for being rowdy with their canine companions.

"That's why I'll also do her share of the complaining to be fair." I proudly crossed my arms and puffed out my chest.

Kiyohime deadpanned. "That only sounds like an excuse for you the whine nonetheless."

"I will neither confirm nor deny that accusation, Kiyo-nee." I pleaded the fifth.

The woman simply laid her hands on her lap and serenely closed her eyes. "Then use your remaining minute to silently reflect upon your non-answer before returning to work then." Crap, all of that was just a minute! Man, time really goes by when you really don't want it to.

Quick gotta think of something that will detour us from this hellish assignment…um…uh…

"Say Kiyo-nee, how did you and father meet!?" There I did it.

"You do not need to scream when I am right beside you." Ooooh, might have killed my chances. She sounds really peeved. "And there is not much to tell you about that either way."

"Come on, no matter how big or small any story can be great!" I was desperate to know the details of how the lady snake became acquainted (and also got her crush) with my father.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling it in the most happiness draining sigh I've ever seen; she begrudgingly obliged my request. "Apart from the few times I've seen of him when he came to pick up Tsunade from our days in the Academy, I officially had the chance to meet him…or to be precise…he approached me."

"Father went to see you?"

She nodded. "It was for a proposal to join the new sub-division corps that he and Danzo-sama formed." Ah, so father recruited her for ROOT. No matter how many times you guys try to avoid saying the organization's name or use those vague colorful to reference it, you won't pull the wool over my eyes.

"It would have been half-witted of me to deny such a proposal since at the time it would have allowed me to fulfill a desire that I've been…sorely seeking to fulfill." I was caught off guard with that far away look in the woman's eyes.

"And that desire was…?" Please don't say some lunatic junk like immortality, sharingan secrets, or child experiments. I don't want to immediately shift how I feel about you if you suddenly go all…well, canon you because I've been starting to like this version of you.

"…" She looked out the open sliding door connecting the dining room to the outside hallway and garden. Those serpentine eyes took in everything that she could see right in front of her, and I followed her eyes to see what she was searching for. The compound's greenery was beautiful to behold but it was a sight I've only grown accustomed to seeing over these four years of my new life.

The koi fish that lived in the ponds were beginning to propagate a little too much this time of the year, so we'd have to find a new home for them like last time. Mother insisted that we could always give the extras to her tiger summons as a nice snack, but both father and Graunty Mito vehemently denied the notion. The koi fish seemed to hold quite as much importance here like they do in my old world it would seem. Too bad I still don't have a clue why.

But I doubt that was what Kiyohime was looking at, and I'm extremely sure that she wasn't looking at the chirping family of birds perched on the tiled walls surrounding the compound either. Aw, the two parent birds were preening the feathers to their little chick.

"Nothing for you to concern yourself with…"

"E-Eh? But why nooot? You just sat there in silence and everything…! You can't just do that build up with no payoff, Kiyo-nee!"

"You have yourself to blame for setting such high expectations, deal with it." Guh! So cold…and it didn't help with my disappointment and slight dread. Was it something so bad that she didn't want to spill it to me? Or was she simply being a jerk on purpose?

…I hope it's mostly the latter.

"Besides, such a desire reflected upon my immaturity at that stage in my life." I raised an eyebrow in question, and she sighed. "Barely reaching the age of seven would do that."

My jaw dropped. "You were seven years old when father recruited you, Kiyo-nee!" My jaw snapped shut at her displeased glare. Right, no shouting and slamming my hands on the table…sorry…

But still I would have thought that she was recruited at 10 or 12 years at best. Really goes to show you how much of a prodigy she was.

"Yes. It took Senpai and Danzo-sama a brief period of time to coax Sensei to allow it, but he eventually caved in." Kiyohime nodded. "It was to be expected after all, I did graduate at the top of my class in almost every category." I don't whether she was being arrogant or factual.

"Almost…?" I asked, confused that she didn't ace every category.

"…" Did one of her eyes just twitch? "Like I've said multiple times, Tsunade's penchant for chakra control and first aid was always one of her few talents as shinobi truly excel."

Ah, so it circled back to the whole rivalry thing going on between the two women. It was so weird to see my cousin and Kiyohime sort of act this way towards each other. At best, I thought Jiraiya would have a rivalry with Kiyohime like his canon self did with Orochimaru. Sadly, his interests towards the ominous lady went beyond wanting a friend and rival. Couldn't be said for Tsunade though.

Their interactions were either professional or tense, and the source of most potential conflicts between the two came from Tsunade and her explosive temper. She wasn't Sakura levels of angry, she was actually reasonably mad whenever she and Kiyohime engaged in topics that really pushed her buttons.

And Kiyohime really wasn't as savvy in terms of holding a conversation (or doing anything remotely social) without setting the blonde off with a wrongly worded compliment or observation. Not to say that this whole rivalry was one-sided because Kiyohime might not fully show it, but there have been instances to where she showed tiny, hard to miss visible reactions whenever her skills as a shinobi is compared to Tsunade's and have been found lacking.

Like right now. "K-Kiyo-nee, I don't think you should keep saying it like that? Tsuna-nee will be mad…"

"I'm only stating a fact. If she's so sensitive to not see that then I fail to see how she can become a better ninja if she didn't consider bettering her other skills."

That's valid, but again, she could have worded it way better without making it sound so condescending. I frowned. "T-That's not what I meant…" I sighed and shook my head. "I guess even the best shinobi can suck at being socially literate."

Which wasn't much of a shocker since Kakashi was the more poignant example…well, after Uncle Sakumo's death, his case became worse.

…Y-Yeah, just realizing that I'll have to think of a way to prevent Sakumo from killing himself. Thankfully, I wouldn't have to worry about that until the advent of the Third Shinobi World War. Now if only I can tell when the Second war will roll around the corner.

"What was that?" Shit, I whispered that last part to myself! How can her hearing be that good?

"I-I said that I guess that I should return to doing my math problems, hehehe…" I weakly laughed and bitterly returned to work without let it show to the scary lady boring holes into the side of my head with her eyes alone.

Ugh…between doing pre-calc and making Kiyohime angry, I'd rather deal with the former.

…Still doesn't make my hatred for the subject any less pure.

Two hours later and I was let go! Freedom! Sweet, sweet freedom!

I ignored the droll way that Kiyome looked at me as I jumped outside to roll about in the dirt like a dog/fool. I was just so happy that I didn't even let the scolding that I received from her and Tsunade (who just returned from whatever mission or errand she did today) for such uncouth behavior bring me down.

Well just a little bit because trying to be completely happy in the face of these two clashing women who actually agreed upon a sentiment made it difficult not to feel a little stupid for my actions.

After apologizing, getting washed and fitted into a new blue yukata top, black undershirt, black pants, and customary blue shinobi sandals (they were surprisingly comfy and unrestricting to the toes), I gave my loud farewell to my stern tutor. With all the energy that I had in this small body, I put my all into my wave and vocal goodbye to Kiyohime.

"Bye, Kiyo-nee!"

Had to really sell that cuteness factor before it wears away with age…


…But like always, Kiyohime simply half-heartedly waved back. However, unlike the first awkward meetings since my first tutoring sessions and earlier interactions, she actually emoted.


The utter gall! I'm not that much of a hassle, and I'm pretty sure that you weren't the one slaving for hours over a single ridiculously long worksheet of pre-calc questions. Well, I stayed positive and thought of how significant it was for the harsh woman to at least emote something around me besides that stoic silent thing that she's liable to naturally doing.

It meant that she's comfortable around me…I think. Again, she's still so hard to read both facial wise and through her chakra signature (whenever it doesn't involve either father or especially mother).

"Thank you for your hard work. Have a nice day." Tsunade bowed to Kiyohime, who responded in kind.

"To you as well."

Sheesh. The words spoken might have seem polite, but there was some roughness between the two women's tones. Cluelessly looking up at Tsunade, who had her hands on my shoulders as Kiyohime left the compound, I frowned and innocently tilted my head. "Tsuna-nee, do you hate Kiyo-nee hate each other?" Her eyes widened at my sudden question.

"What? No, of course not." I want to believe that, but…

"Then how come you two are so mad at each other most of the time?" I allowed her to turn me around and look her in the eye as she crouched down to my level.

"T-That's… It's not that we're fighting or anything too serious…" She tried to explain. "That's just the way things have been between us two, Kisuke-chan."

I raised an eyebrow. "But isn't that still sort of bad?"

"Sort of, but…" She took a deep breath to compose herself and get balanced enough to answer me in a way that would satisfy my young, curious mind. "Kisuke-chan, Kiyohime and I are comrades, you know that, yes?"

I nodded. "With Perv-sama!"

"K-Kisuke-chan, please stop using that word to describe Jiraiya." I "innocently" tilted my head at Tsunade's tired expression.

"But Tsuna-nee, both you and mother call him that all the time? Why can't I?"

"Because it's an adult word that only grown ups should use." Good point, Tsunade…

Counter point. "But mother doesn't mind when I say it. She actually smiles and laughs instead!"

Tsunade facepalmed and the inner little shit in me couldn't help but revel in her suffering. Y'see, father was still strict about my cousins using any crude words in my presence. So, Tsunade and Nawaki have been making it their goal to avoid any further back-breaking punishments by trying to dissuade me and keep me away from hearing any more inappropriate words.

Tsunade was doing a decent job and Nawaki was doing a poor job because he and Koga could just not keep their tempers in check when in the other's presence.

"Well, C-san is…the exception to the rule…" I opened my mouth to retort to that but…she wasn't wrong. "Also, Tanjiro-nii's made it clear that he gets upset when you use words like that."

And there's that point hammered in, so I'll concede…for now (dun~ dun~ dun!). "That's true…"

"Good." She sighed in relief. "My whole thing with Kiyohime is…complicated, but we're far from hating each other. If we did, then I doubt Sensei would have been able to lead our three-man cell as well as he did."

Yeah, that was true, plus, I couldn't see the trio of them not working together as a cohesive unit while under someone like the Third Hokage. Yep, I've met THE Hiruzen Sarutobi. It was for that one time on my third birthday when he and his family visited to give their congratulations. Apparently like so many others, I actually met him when I was still a fresh-faced infant to properly see or remember everything.

His presence was overall comforting and warm for someone with the vaunted title of "God of Shinobi", or to be specific second "God of Shinobi" because the world would never forget the mythical feats that Grunkle Hashirama pulled during the extent of his eventful (and war filled) life to be forgotten as THE true holder of the moniker. He seemed really interested in me the same way that Danzo was if his calculated look was anything to go by.

Except unlike Danzo, I didn't feel all that anxious and fearful. He did go into one of those "Will of Fire" tangents that I knew he would from canon, and to be honest it kind of stoked a bit of my patriotic fervor for Konoha. Not to a "My country right or wrong" or "Danzo" degree, but to a moderate enough one. He was charismatic, funny, strong (sensing his potent chakra signature was bananas), and fun to play with. The exact opposite of Uncle Cyclops who was too straight-laced, rigid, strict, and sometimes a little cold.

While it took a long while (like 2 years) to somewhat ease up around Danzo (with caution), it took me a single day to get comfortable around Hiruzen.

He wasn't as old as he was in canon, as he was still getting into his late thirties, but I can start to see how great of a grandpa that he'll be when he gets older and god forbid get a successor to take that hat off of his aging head without fate reaming him and deciding to kill said successor.

His interest in me was noted but I figured it was because I was the grandson of his deceased mentor and because of how "strange" I was for a three-year-old with my peculiar mannerisms. Can't really pull the wool over the eyes of my new home's leader, who just had to be as charismatic and powerful since those were the credentials to being accepted as Hokage.

Also, I met his and Biwako Sarutobi's son, Hiro Sarutobi, Konohamaru's potential father unless there were some other kids besides Asuma that they had. He's in the same age bracket as Fugaku, nine years old.

"Then are you friends?" I asked and was hoping for some clarification except I received a scrunched up expression from my mature cousin.

"…Y-N-We're comrades and that's far from ever being hated enemies." That didn't answer my question though. "Kiyohime and I…we didn't start off so well in the Academy together and we actually had a rocky start together after being placed on the same team, so what we have right now is a drastic improvement to before."


"Back then I was…" Tsunade trailed off before shaking her head. "I-It's nothing." Doesn't sound like it's nothing. "Look, it's just a girl thing between us so don't worry about it. We get along in our own way…"

Ugh…! That's just a fancy way of saying that you don't want to explain anything because its too much of a hassle. But…I was never a real expert when it came to female relationships. Perhaps my dumb man brain was seeing their whole dynamic in the wrong perspective compared to theirs.

Scratching my head with a sigh, I smiled. "Well as long as you and Kiyo-nee aren't fighting then it's okay then."

She ruffled my already unruly hair. "Good. Now since I'm relatively free for today, let's see your progress with those seals that Grandma Mito's been teaching you."

On one hand, I'm sick of the idea of further having to sit around all day after surviving through a hellish session of math problems, but on the other hand I get to hang out with my cousin, who's barely had any free time as of late to supervise my fuinjutsu training.

So with a resounding "Okay!", I rushed to my room, gathered the typical gifted tools that one would use for fuinjutsu, and ran back to dining room to get scolded by an amused Tsunade for recklessly running around the compound with my arms so full. The time it took for me to gather my ink, brushes and scrolls was evidently enough for Tsunade to prepare the disgustingly sweet dango snacks that she brought home with her after work.

She had bought two sticks for me and Nawaki. Aw…

Well, I had to retract that "aw" since she decided to eat one out of the four treats for herself. "When Nawaki asks how many you ate, tell him one, okay?" She playfully winked and gestured to shush me.

Ah, so I was going to be her accomplice. Nice but this did bring to mind a certain memory regarding the older teen girl across from me delighting in her snack. "But Tsuna-nee didn't you say that you were going on a diet last month?"

She waved me off. "It's my cheat day."

"Y-Yeah, but…" How much was she cheating today…

I stared at the sweet dumpling balls on a stick that laid on the plate between us with a frown. Now I'm not one to hate anything sweet because I secretly had a small, sweet tooth, but I can't handle anything too sweet. The same way that I can't handle anything too salty or bitter. Dango was an on or off sweet for me.

If I'm craving it, I'll have it…then get sick of it after the first stick. If I'm not craving it, then I don't want to see it because man were they too hard to stomach…!

These things were so unhealthy when eaten in huge amounts that the once hot and mysterious Anko Mitarashi from canon…well, she really let herself go. I don't want that to happen to my cousin and so I asked, "…How many of these did you have today?"



We sat together in silence as I slowly felt the temperature of the room drop once again today as Tsunade's once warm and joyful brown eyes turned strikingly lusterless and cold…

Oh balls…

"Hahaha…" My old nervous habit for laughter kicked in. "N-Not that I'm implying anything Tsuna-nee-!" Have to steer the conversation in a new direction! Don't want to piss off my cousin, who can literally flick me through a wall. "I just want you to be healthy and packing in so many sweets is bad for your diet, teeth, and wei-!" I bit my tongue before the words spilled out.

"…" The frosty glare I was still receiving did not stop the bursts of terrified laughter that spilled out from me as I awaited my doom.

"I-I-!" I stuttered in a panic.



"When Nawaki asks how many you ate today, tell him you said three, okay?"

Huh!? Hold on was she going to assign blame for eating his share onto me? That's bullshit! O-Okay, I should have known that I fucked up when I started tiptoeing around the subject of her weight, but this was too petty for just that!

W-Was she holding a grudge over that last prank I did with drawing all over her face, or was it about the huge influx of water balloons that I kept pestering her about getting me after I used up each batch, she gave me? Because she was pretty miffed whenever I asked her for more (and thus cut into her personal savings) especially in father's presence, who encouraged her to keep indulging me as a sign that we were getting along (had no clue why he did it, but I certainly didn't complain.

Gah! I really need to keep track of all the shit I do that piss people off.

"T-Tsuna-nee, are you…holding a grudge?"

"…When Nawaki asks you how much of the dango that you ate today, what will you tell him?"

I'll take that as a yes. "One?" I squeaked out to further test the waters (like a freaking idiot!).

"…" Wait, why she is reaching her hand across the tab-oh shit! "What will you tell him?" I could visibly see the threatening strain of her primed finger lick just an inch away from my forehead.

She was serious-serious about this. So, with as much dignity as I could, I crumbled like a wuss…a manly wuss. "T-Three?" I held my breath and let it go once my cousin relinquished her threat. Though I didn't hide my indignant gape as her hand snatched one of my dango upon it's journey back from across the table.

"Good choice." She then had the nerve to look me in the eye, then eat my snack in front of my face.

[(i) Kisuke will remember this.]

And so after that happened, we began going over my current skills with fuinjutsu right away. Now the concept of fuinjutsu, the act of sealing one thing (which could mean many if not anything) in another thing was a difficult and tedious process. Heck, I've barely even begun physically applying the art around the tail-end of last year to this current year and I'm still trying to get a better grasp of it.

To put into context, while I was learning under Graunty Mito to better my calligraphy, I was given lessons from her and occasionally father whenever he wasn't busy about fuinjutsu, and it's uses. This all started near the end of the year when I turned two. Seriously, I knew that I was a weird infant/kid back then, but they're so lucky that I actually was cognizant and god forbid patient (because most my age back then and now can't sit still for jack) enough to somewhat understand what they're saying.

…But I guess since its because I was progressing so fast that they decided to teach me a little earlier than normal. Pfft! Not like I'm complaining because it allowed me the chance to get a head start and add another skillset to my developing arsenal. The teachings also really helped when Graunty Mito actually began allowing me to apply said knowledge for once after I turned four.

Storage seals. Storage seals. Storage seals.

That's what I've been focusing on this entire time, and you might think it's not a big deal since "storage seals" are super easy, but you're dead wrong.

This issue stems back to the whole tedious thing I mentioned before.

Okay, so first off, one must carefully inscribe the main Kanji in the middle of the tag or scroll that will act as the physical medium for the seal. For an exploding tag, you write kanji for "explode" and for a sealing scroll or whatever that's the medium you write "store". I'm not allowed to make any exploding tags until I'm in my final year at the academy because Graunty Mito, father, and mother didn't want me accidentally killing myself.

Wasn't complaining, I wasn't in the mood to be tampering with slips of paper that acts as bombs.

Anyways off topic, so after you place the main kanji, you'll run into the difficult process of adding specific matrices around it. What are matrices you may ask? Well, you know those squiggly lines around the main kanji in the anime/manga? Yeah, those are it, and they provide the extra function to the very seal itself.

I wanna say it's like programming but I wasn't exactly an expert like that, so…it's like the monkey paw thing with wishes except for making seals. You have to be specific with what you're seal is doing otherwise it won't work or it will work in the most horrible way imaginable. Those squiggly lines are actually a form of special texts for the art that specifies the seals actions.

Don't ask how the texts are special and different from the regular kanji and hiragana because it's complicated and a lot to digest with it essentially being it's own thing special to this world. Just know that if I want to store away a single shuriken, I have to specify the amount, the method to how I wish to unseal it (like if I pour the required chakra into it, the shuriken will appear laying on the scroll or will be ejected/thrown at the direction it's pointed), and etcetera.

The amount of chakra one has to use in order to activate the seal varies based on their skills with seal crafting in the first place. Graunty Mito says that the strain lessens with time as I grow in age (and by extension chakra reserves) and my skills towards making seals.

I probably wasn't as detailed as I wanted regarding this topic, but that would have mean I had to go through the entire slog of information that I was taught since age 2 to give a full explanation. So, to sum it up Fuinjutsu is difficult, tedious, and kind of fun.

Sure, it was frustrating the first couple of months when I accidentally sealed an item and forgot to add the function matrix to either "eject" or "release" the object afterward, but the process itself was exciting. It also provided me with an enjoyable challenge and some ideas that I wanted to do for the future when making my own original seals. Plus, I get to work more on my calligraphy while I'm at it.

Not to mention, me having to expel a specific and steady amount of my chakra to activate the seal ended up being beneficial to my water walking training and secret project.

So, all in all, I was taking to fuinjutsu like a fish to water for one of my age. It could be the Uzumaki in me coming from my paternal side of the family, but I didn't know if that came down to genetics. But I do acknowledge that learning under one like Graunty Mito has made the process of understanding fuinjutsu that much easier for me. Which also inadvertently meant I was given more complex material to study and learn from, from mostly father than Graunty Mito. More work, entertaining work, but still work. Welp, one of the downsides of showing how oddly intelligent I was when I was still so little.

So, for the past hour or so, I stayed inside and worked on nothing but storage seals while under the watchful eye of Tsunade. She was helpful with addressing my mistakes while giving me pointers to improve upon my own developing methods. Like with there being ways to use less matrices to lessen the time of activation for a seal by being concisely specific with dual functions.

Like the nice tidbit about me not having to separately write both "eject" and "release" for the sealed item. She says that I could simply use "eject" and the amount of chakra that I put into the seal will cause it to lamely release the object (low amount) or shoot it out like a bullet (high amount).

It was so nice to learn about all of these shortcuts especially with loved ones so skilled to teach you these tricks. Goes to show how lucky I was to be born in this clan…family despite the type of horrific world that we're in.

"Tsuna-nee…" I looked to my older cousin.

"Hm?" She looked up from the mission report that she decided to get over with during my fuinjutsu training.

"Thank you." I grinned.

"Don't mention it." She waved it off and lazily let her eyes fall back onto the scroll.

"No, Tsuna-nee…" I shook my head. She must have thought I thanked her for her tips and guidance with seals (which did earn my gratitude) instead of the true (hidden) meaning of my gratitude. "Thank you."

"…?" As expected, she gave me a weird look for my unspecified bout of thankfulness and leaned forward with her finger to-oh no was she about to-! "Bap."

I blinked and watched her stone-walled expression slowly break into a bright smile. D-Did she just-? Puzzled, I touched my nose and felt some wetness to it. Pulling it up to look, I found that it was fresh ink, but that didn't surprise me.

No, it was the fact that Tsunade just pulled a "me" by booping my nose!

"Weirdo…" She huffed and returned to finishing her paperwork.

I-I don't know how to feel about this…

But I just laughed anyways since I couldn't deny that the warmth in my chest made it hard not to.

And so, we continued on with our individual activities in peace and seren-! Wait, I detect a chakra signature that was so bouncy and vibrant…is that-?

I jumped in place as the sliding doors leading to the room sharply opened.

"Kisuke!" It was Nawaki and he looked out of breath. "I-It's time!"

"Nawa-nii?" I blinked in confusion as my 13-year-old cousin strolled into the room towards me. He looked serious.

"Nawaki! How many times do I have to tell you, don't slam open the doors!"

"Huh? O-Oh, sis, welcome back! How was your mission!"

"Don't change the subject, you know we can't afford to keep breaking the doors like that!" Psshaw! Have you seen where we lived Tsunade? I might not know the amount of ryo that every working shinobi in the household held (not even mentioning the inheritance and coffers that the clan had on standby), but we could probably afford 50 rice paper doors and still not cut a big chunk out of the budget.

No, she was most likely referring to freakish strength exhibited by herself, Nawaki, and slowly me. Now Tsunade was a given since I've had canon knowledge of her strength, but Nawaki wasn't a slouch in the strength department either. Guess being Hashirama's descendants come with perks. However, unlike Tsunade, he's still learning to control his natural strength.

As for me, I'm naturally stronger for a four-year-old my age when compared to the other four-year-olds in my old world, but I wouldn't know how to compare myself to Tsunade and Nawaki since I had no clue how strong they were at my age. Certainly, knew I wasn't stronger than an Akimichi like Choza because when we spar, his punches were devastating!

Those guys were pure physical strength personified…closely followed by Tsunade of course if her canon feats were anything to go by.

"Don't worry, sis, it's still working fine! I made sure not pull it off the hinges like last time, so that has to be progress!" It still was a mystery how this kid can alternate between being serious, exhausted, and happy go-lucky all at the same ti-.

Hold on, why was he grabbing the back of my collar? "Anyways, I have to borrow Kisuke for now, so I hope you don't mind."

"Eh?" I could only look at the boy in bewilderment as he casually pulled me up and held me under his arm like a sack of potatoes.

"Wait a minute! Wha-?" Poor Tsunade, she was just as confused as I was.

"Great! See you later, sis!"

"NAWAKI!" Ohoho, she's pissed!

And in a flash, we were already outside scaling the tall buildings of a sunny Konoha. Well, Nawaki was the one doing the whole jump from rooftop to rooftop ninja bit, I was still getting treated like a sack of potatoes. Good to know that he's gotten the Body Flicker Technique down pat. Still, it was lovely seeing the village from this high vantage point. Though being this high up didn't capture the full scale of Konohagakure at all. Made me consider why the place was referred to as a village than a city.

Ah, I should probably ask why my hyperactive cousin was in a hurry to pluck me from home, and before I could put away my tools and equipment, ugh, father's going to be so mad, and Graunty Mito so disappointed… To take my mind off that heart breaking sight, I asked, "Nawa-nii, what's happening?"

"A reckoning, Kisuke. One that will finally decide everything." Yeah, that doesn't really answer my question.

"A reckoning?" I did my whole annoying, innocent question thing, but it had no effect on my knuckle-headed cousin.

"Yeah. For too long, this stalemate has gone on for too long…" Oh…I see what's happening here. "But today-!" In one more burst of speed, we arrived at a very familiar park. "We're deciding things. Once and for all!"

He placed me down and…oh god…he was doing that serious cross-armed pose that he thought was cool.

His eyes were starkly glaring ahead at something or should I say someone.

Yep, standing across from us on the other end of the park there stood two individuals with two of their loyal canine companions. One Koga Inuzuka, who was doing the same exact stupid pose as my cousin with his ninken, Hachika, that was now as big as a medium sized Golden Retriever.

And the other was…a close friend of mine, who was doing her best to balance the resting wolfish ninken pup that's laying atop her crazy, untamed mess of brown hair. Noticing the strange, rigid disposition of her older brother, her gaze turned over to us and despite the distance between us I could still see the utter elation behind her dark eyes.

Too be frank, I couldn't restrain the joy I felt to see my childhood friend too.

"HMPH, SO YOU'VE RETURNED SENJU!" Seriously, do you guys have to be so loud every time we do this? We're not that far from each other.

"THAT'S RIGHT YOU BAST-!" I looked up to Nawaki, who worriedly glanced down at me.

No, don't mind me continue with what you were going to say. I innocently blinked at him.

"I'VE RETURNED, KOGA!" Nice save…


"SHOWS WHAT YOU KNOW, MUTT! WE'VE TRAINING FOR THIS MOMENT FOR AGES!" Actually, I've just been doing my usual training with mother and father, clan etiquette studies, tutoring with Kiyohime, extra training with Uncle Cyclops, sparring with my friends, calligraphy and fuinjutsu lessons with Graunty Mito, and my secret training project for the Rasengan. I've literally trained for everything else except for this.




"OH, YEAH!?"




Okay, I've officially had my fill of screaming.



So, I just decided to excitedly wave to my friend, who was enthusiastically doing the same back much to the deflated disappointment to our older relatives, who just had their little (ridiculous) moment ruined. They even facefaulted as we ran over to each other despite the whole epic, grand challenge dealio that they were trying to set up.

I'd call this fair trade for getting carried around the village so recklessly.

"*SIGH!* For a couple of eager overachievers that want to convince me to consider applying them to Chunin Exams, you two certainly have a knack for wasting time through arguments and asinine distractions than actual training."

Oh, and Uncle Sakumo was here too. So at least the usual formula for these challenges will be shaken up with his presence.

Hello, everyone, I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter. Yeah, the pacing will still vary, I don't want to take forever with this arc, but I also don't want to be too fast with it. I want to build things up and have fun with the overall concept of writing a Naruto fic set in the years before canon. Wrote interactions with the SI and two-thirds of the future Three Sannin. Wanted to write his interaction with Jiraiya, but he's currently busy with important stuff. A lot of things are happening in the background. To clarify, this chapter takes place a month after last chapter in case you all got confused.

For the whole subject regarding the SI's rate with learning the Rasengan, it won't be super easy, but it also won't be super hard. It's difficult, but it won't take years. I'll show it through the story along with a possible extra chapter detailing his first month taking a crack at the jutsu. Well, that's all I have for now. Maybe in the possible future for this arc I could at least write the conclusion to Nawaki's possible Chunin Exams if it even happens. After all, I'm certain that Genin can be promoted either through the exams or through their contributions on the frontlines in the general war itself.

Anyways, I'm Out so Peace Out and have a lovely day!

Retribrutuscreators' thoughts