
The calm before the storm

We're all in it, this storm of life. The boats differ though. Some have rowing or paddle boats, some have cruisers, some have yachts.

We're all in it though.

It's calm before a storm.

Too calm, you can feel the tension build.

You can feel the storm brewing.

You can feel the air stew.

Heat rises, damp sits, earth crumbles, nature dies, water evaporates.

The mind boggles. A catastrophic phenomenon to say the least. It can take lives as easy as it can make them. And it really can make them, run.

The protagonist of this journey is named quite nobley "Jimmney Cook". Mr Cook is a bold old chap in his early twenties. Canny lad. Can chatter however he looks sad. This story is about his journey through the storm up the mountain down the molehill and into the school of life. The companion in this story is the most sophisticated young lass "Samantha Stradtcaster" also in her early twenties.

This is a story of love, prosperity, happiness, health, wealth, longevity, Godspeed.

Over the next few chapters the story develops into chaos and catastrophe. Distance and disaster becomes prominent, heartache and hellfire elopes. Join us on the quest of learning and loving until the heart can only yearn for more!

Jimmney had multicoloured eyes 👀 firey amber burnt wood rust on the outer rim. Intertwined came the blues and the greens with whisps of titanium white and deep dark purple onyx pupils.

Samantha had heart melting, soul lifting, pain healing, warm, smooth, silky blue eyes with rough mysterious outers, whisps of titanium white and deep dark purple onyx pupils 👁️

She was his blue eyed dragon.

He was her jester.

The only man in the land mad enough to try and tame that dragon. 🐉