
Journey towards the ORIGIN

The_TRUE_ONE · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Talk With Professor

We arrived infront of professor cabin and nock the door .

Come in, comes the female voice behind the door .

I open the door and walks inside .

As I walk inside the cabin I can see a person sitting on the chair behind the large desk .Her name is Cristina Tears .She is a beautiful lady who looks in her late twenties. She has the long black hair with golden eyes .she is currently wearing her glasses and reading some documents.

She look up and said in a somewhat soft voice.

Ohh...Asher you are here and Sarina is with you too. She said with a sly smile.

I greeted her and asked. Hello, professor I am here to collect my result card.

Well here it is and congratulations for being in top again .

Thanks,I replied and takes the result card.

When your birthday ,she asked.

Next week ,I replied.

I am comming to observe you on that day.

So tell your mother about me comming, she get pissed of last time and not even talks to me ever since. She even blocks me so I cannot contect . Cristina said while pouteing like a little girl .

Well you pissed her of that time. I replied, amused by her pouting face .

On the sides Sarina is observing us and the way she is talking to me. She must be wondering about our relationship and since when do we this close.

Well you can go and enjoy your time with your little girlfriend.

I am not his girlfriend. Sarina yelled with red face.

Stop teasing her and settle your accounts with mother ,she is really angry at you last time. I replied while walking away as Sarina follows me in hurried footsteps.

Cristina looks at the walking back of the duo

and smiles softly.

As we walk across the corridor Sarina keep staring at me.

Aften some walking she ask in a low tone

You seems very close with her . She asked in a somewhat jealous voice

Well we cannot call it close but she is a good friend of my mother and comes my home regularly. I replied

She is surprised by my word because professor Cristina is very famous and friend of professor must be famous as well.

So you are really not a commener, she asked.

Oh..you mind if I were a commener, I asked

N- N-No, I wasn't mind that she hurriedly replied.

I chuckled softly seeing her reaction.

She stops in her tracks and stood there motionlessly ,while looling at me

What's the matter ,I asked

She regain her thoughts and asked , you just smilled.she said with widen eyes

What you thought I can't smile.

N-No ,but it was my first time I sees you smilling.

Well that's true ,I really not smile much in front of others because I can see the true nature of other easily. When they talk there always a ulterior motives whenever they talks . So it became somewhat natural to me to ignore others.

Well that I don't know, she replied and then looked at me and asked with somewhat red face ,that means I am now not considered outsider to you.

Well that is true , you don't have ulterior motives In comming to me .

Oh,she said spectically.

She asked me where he is going.

Well, going to rooftop to sleep, there is some time till the academy ends.

then I accompany you since I have nothing to do.

I agree and walk to the rooftop .

He lays down at his usual spot and closed his eyes while Sarine sat beside him looking at him with a loving smile.