
Journey Towards Greatness

A war veteran and an anime fan as well, he got into anime by watching it with his grandson after his retirement, his grandson loved pokemon and so did he also came to like this world of pokemon where people didn't kill each other and people used to have fun with there pokemon, after watching Pokemon with his grandson and playing with him all day he got back his childhood which he could never experience due to the cruel war, and as of now our MC has turned 82 years old he was very satisfied with his life with no regrets and waiting for death to take him away but will death be is end or will it start a new beginning, a new legend. __________________________ Support me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/zarakh

Evil_God_ZARAKH · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1375 Chs


Yesh's victory was clear as a day, Julian, on the other hand, was just a little disappointed that the battle didn't last more than one move, but he is still impressed by Yesh, Julian doesn't know if he would have done any better than what just Yesh did.

Yesh sent his Toxicroak back to his Pokeball and made his way out of the stadium, Julian also didn't stay around, he returned back to his hotel, the preliminaries were over and the qualifiers are about to start in two days.

Julian trained his pokemons a little and got them in perfect shape before the qualifiers, Julian was not worried about the qualifiers at all, he just wanted to see if he will be able to see any good battles.

Since they won't be just a one v one battle, he might be able to get a better read of trainers.


Soon the day of the qualifiers came, and Julian was once again battling very early, and once again his opponent was some random trainer, now Julian started to suspect that the league is making sure that Julian doesn't face any big-name early in the league, but this was not new to him.

This happened in Sinnoh league as well, he never faced strong opponents in the beginning as well, the league needs to cash in for all the things they arranged and they wanted to attract big amount of people for other battles that don't involve Julian so they made sure that Julian doesn't face any big names before the finals.

Julian's first battle in the qualifiers was as easy as the ones in the preliminary, he used his Excadrill and eliminated both of his opponent's pokemon with one hits one after the other and advanced into the top 32.

Just like Julian, Dhrago also did the same, he only used a single pokemon to end his battles, Yesh did the same, Ash, Glen, and Karl switched pokemons but they didn't lose any pokemons in the process.

There were also others who won easily without losing any pokemons.

The day came to an end with the top 32 already selected.


The next round of the qualifiers was the same as before, Julian faced another random opponent who showed a lot of promise and his pokemon survived against Julian's Archeops for three moves straight, his opponent had quite a buff pokemon, his opponent's second pokemon then got destroyed with another single hit.

Which meant that Julian is moving forward to the top 16.

The other trainers who made it into the top 16 were Dhrago, Ash, Yesh, Glen, Karl, Virgil, Dino, Cameron, Ramone, Katharine, Russet, Antonio, Stephan, Flora, and Kelly

These sixteen trainers are going to battle each other and eight of them will move on to the finals and battle inside the grand stadium.


Julian returned to his hotel room and waited for the third round of the qualifiers to begin, night fell and a new day started meaning the final round of the qualifiers is up and people are excited.

Julian woke up and looked at the league's website to see who his opponent is today and noticed that it was someone named Cameron, he remembered Cameron as he saw his battles and he was quite good, but he is still lacking behind the other trainers that are battling in the league.

He also noticed someone he completely forgot about when he checked who Dhrago is facing, its a girl named Kelly, he remember meeting her in the battle institute, the girl who claimed that she would have won the Johto league if her pokemon had not slipped and fallen because of a pebble.

He hadn't noticed her before because he didn't see her battles at all and he was focused on only a few trainers in the league, now that the number has been cut down to only sixteen, he couldn't miss her.

He had battled her once, and she proved herself to be a very strong opponent, this got him excited because she might be able to push Dhrago into a corner and make him battle her for real.

Julian had battled her Dragonair and if she has evolved it into a Dragonite, this battle between her and Dhrago might be an interesting one.


Julian headed towards the south stadium as this is where he will be battling Cameron, from what he has seen Cameron won't be able to do much against him, he also wants to end this battle soon so that he can watch the battle between Dhrago and Kelly.

He walked into the waiting room and waited for his turn to come, he will be going in second so he has to wait for the first battle to end which seems to be between, Virgil and Russet.

Julian has been watching Virgin for quite a while now because his team is very strong and an interesting one because he only uses Eeveelutions in his team.

He watched a Russet from his waiting room making his way to the battlefield, he then watched Virgil making an entrance to the battlefield as well on the tv.

The battle started and it lasted for a while, since this is a three on three pokemon battle, it ran longer, Virgil came out victorious out of it and is now in the finals.

Julian's wait was also over because his name was called, seeing that he is up next he got up from the couch and headed towards the battlefield to face his next opponent, Cameron.