
Journey Towards Greatness

A war veteran and an anime fan as well, he got into anime by watching it with his grandson after his retirement, his grandson loved pokemon and so did he also came to like this world of pokemon where people didn't kill each other and people used to have fun with there pokemon, after watching Pokemon with his grandson and playing with him all day he got back his childhood which he could never experience due to the cruel war, and as of now our MC has turned 82 years old he was very satisfied with his life with no regrets and waiting for death to take him away but will death be is end or will it start a new beginning, a new legend. __________________________ Support me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/zarakh

Evil_God_ZARAKH · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1375 Chs

Kadabra Vs Gengar

Julian gets ready and stands at one side of the battlefield as he waits for Sabrina to take her stance, Sabrina's father decides to become the referee as Sabrina heads towards the other side of the battlefield, Ash and his friends walks to the side as they also want to see this match

Sabrina's father "Are you guys ready?"

Julian/Sabrina "Yes"

Sabrina's father "Then I will tell you the rules, both the challenger and gym leader will use one pokemon each, the pokemon who is unable to battle loses and henceforth the ending of challenge"

Sabrina "Go Kadabra"

Kadabra enters the battlefield as he looks towards Julian waiting for his opponent

Julian "Go Gengar"

Gengar enters the stage laughing creepy suddenly turning the surrounding cold sending chills down everyone's spine except Julian as he had already specified Gengar to intimidate the opponent as soon as he enters the battlefield, and it works as Kadabra is a little startled by the creepy atmosphere which suddenly appeared as soon as Gengar appeared.

Ash "Why did the surroundings go so cold as soon as Gengar appeared"

Brock "Gengars has the ability to steal heat from their surrounding and turning it cold, that's why when people who are traveling in mountains when suddenly feel cold and chills running down their spine they know that a Gengar is nearby and quickly try to escape, some even think that if they stay too long near a wild Gengar they might get cursed"

Ash "I see"

Ash stopped talking and started to look at the battlefield where there was a stare down between Gengar and Kadabra

Sabrina "Kadabra use Psybeam"

Julian "Gengar dodge"

Gengar easily dodges multiple Psybeam by disappearing and reappearing in different places

Julian "Gengar use shadow punch"

Gengar suddenly disappears and reappears in front of Kadabra

Sabrina "Kadabra teleport then use thunder wave"

Kadabra just escapes the shadow punch by an inch distance and teleported behind Gengar sending thunder waves towards him

Julian "Gengar go underground"

Gengar suddenly goes right through the ground as the thunder wave hits the ground then get dispelled as Gengar is nowhere to be seen Kadabra looks left and right to find him, Julian, on the other hand, was looking at Kadabra carefully but a little downwards in his shadows, as Gengar was hiding in Kadabra's shadow, seeing Julian smiling Sabrina quickly notice that Julian was looking at Kadabra's shadow as she looked at Kadabra's shadow she saw two red eyes opening, but it was too late

Julian "Gengar use lick"

Sabrina "Not good, Kadabra quickly teleport from there"

Kadabra couldn't teleport out of there in time as Gengar used Lick and paralyzed Kadabra on the spot

Julian "Now use Shadow punch"

Gengar used Shadow punch on Kadabra sending it rolling back on the ground

Sabrina "Kadabra are you ok?"

Kadabra struggles and gets up and nods at Sabrina

Julian "Your Kadabra is strong, I thought that the last move was enough to defeat you but I was wrong"

Sabrina "Thanks for that, but Kadabra and I won't lose so easily"

Julian nods his head as he knew that Sabrina even though was a weird girl but her trust towards Kadabra is at another level.

Ash who is looking at the battle with sparkling eyes

Ash "Julian's Gengar is really powerful"

Misty "That Gengar is indeed strong but waits till you see his Gyarados that pokemon is really scary"

She just shivers when she thinks back about Julian's Gyarados"

Brock "Julian is a very experienced trainer when he fought me with his Bulbasaur which evolved into Ivysaur and it was also powerful than any other Ivysaur I have ever seen, he just used one pokemon to defeat me"

Ash who listens to Brock and Misty gets really impressed by Julian and get the desire to battle him.

Back to the battlefield.

Sabrina "Kadabra recover"

Julian "You think I will give you a chance to recover, Gengar use shadow ball"

Kadabra uses Recover to heal itself but when he looks towards Gengar he sees no one, Gengar being very sneaky and having a great understanding of how to battle which Julian has thought him silently appears behind Kadabra and starts to create a shadow ball

Sabrina "Kadabra behind you"

But it was too late as soon as Kadabra turn around the shadow ball hit him sending him rolling on the ground again but this time he was more injured than the last time

Julian "This time your Kadabra has taken more damage even if he uses recover his health will not fully recover"

Sabrina is now under immense pressure as she doesn't know how to deal with Gengar, she can only hope for some lucky encounter

Sabrina "Kadabra use recover again"

Julian "Well at least it will help your Kadabra last long, Gengar use shadow ball again"

Sabrina "Kadabra counter it with Psybeam"

Both pokemons send out their attack as it clashes causing a huge explosion and dust rising everywhere

Julian smirks and says "Just what I was waiting for, Gengar now use lick"

Gangar using the dust as a distraction quickly appears behind Kadabra and use lick again to paralyze Kadabra, as the dust settles down Sabrina sees Kadabra paralyzed and grits her teeth

Julian "Gengar lets finish this use Shadow claw"

Gengar charges towards Kadabra and delivers a devastating Shadow Claw sending Kadabra crashing down.

Brock "Using the dust raised by the collision and using a sneak attack, not only Julian is an exceptional trainer he also keeps eye on everything going around him to use it as an advantage, indeed a formidable opponent"

Sabrina "KADABRA"

But when Julian saw that Kadabra was not down yes even though he was struggling to get up he was not down even after those powerful attack, Julian was really impressed by Kadabra's willpower and toughness.

Sabrina "Kadabra you are in bad shape do you still want to continue?"

Kadabra nods his head and telling Sabrina telepathically that he wants to fight till the end, Julian also knows what Kadabra is thinking as he sees the determination in his eyes

Julian "I am very impressed by your determination but its really time to finish this, Gengar use Poison gas"

Gengar sprays poison gas everywhere on the battlefield so that Kadabra cannot escape and the attack is really successful as Kadabra is affected by the Gas causing him to become light headed then dizzy

Julian "Finish this Sucker Punch"

As Sucker punch being a very high priority move there is no way of escaping it and it also is a dark type caused a large amount of damage to Kadabra who was already weak and affected by poison, after getting hit Kadabra faints on the spot with no resistance, Sabrina just stays silent as she knew that she could have never won the battle as the person in the front was always thinking two steps ahead of her putting her in a disadvantage from the start.

Sabrina's father "Kadabra is unable to battle so the winner of this battle and the challenge is Gengar and Julian"

Sabrina "Come back Kadabra you did great, now you can rest"

She calls Kadabra back into his Pokeball and walks towards Julian and gives him the Marsh Badge

Sabrina "This is the Marsh Badge proof that you defeated me in a gym battle"

Julian takes the badge and keeps it inside his case and is about to walk out when he is blocked by Ash.

Ash "Julian you and your Gengar are really strong, I want to have a pokemon battle with you"

Julian looks at Ash and doesn't know what to say

Julian 'Oh God this Kid is annoying'

Julian "You still are too weak for you to have a battle with me, when you become more strong in the future then I will think about it"

Ash becomes disappointed after hearing Julian

Brock "Ash, Julian is right you still have a long way to go you should first grow strong then challenge Julian once again"

Misty "Yes Ash you should listen to Brock"

Ash gets back his spirit after being comforted by his friends, then he looks at Julian with determined eyes

Ash "I promise that I will become strong and challenge you again"

Julian "Then I will be going"

Ash "Wait where are you going"

Julian "I am heading to Celadon city to challenge the gym there"

Ash "Can we come with you"

Julian "Well the thing is I only have one bike and walking isn't my foretake so I don't know how that is possible"

Ash "Ah, I see"

Julian "Then I will be going"

Julian walks out the Gym and heads towards the center as he has left his bike there.