
Journey to You

----- There are secrets never meant to be disclosed. A mystery never meant to be solved. Questions that never meant to be asked… But things will just naturally unfold... ----- Little Oracle Eu's identity is always shrouded in mystery. A mysterious man dropped her off to the Oracle Clan Grand Elder's house, saying she is his granddaughter. Divine Lord Foeni of the Mystic Spirit Realm found something familiar in her. The Silver-haired stranger even mistakes her for someone else. Even the Divine Witch Circe of the Middle Realm seems to know her too. She can wield the forbidden element and knows forgotten Ancient spells at ease. Break Seals without restrictions. She is someone like totally out of place. She is over talented to be an Oracle. So, who is she exactly? What is her connection to all the things that are happening? How is she intertwined with everyone's fates and destinies? The story is set in the Fantasy World of Astra~ ------------------------------------------------ Content: Fantasy World, Adventure, Slow Romance, Drama, Comedy, Action, etcs~ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ *I know my grammar needs improvement, and I am working hard on it. ^^ (and typos too...) *I'm using Grammarly to proofread my work. *I am currently slowly rewriting the story and fixing errors. I'll update as much as I can, hoping to finish this book again. *English is not my first language, so my vocabulary is not very comprehensive. Still, I'm trying my best to widen and learn. I do hope you understand. Despite my flaws, I hope you'll enjoy and find my story interesting ~ ^^ Thank you ------------------------------------------------

Lumiciere · แฟนตาซี
90 Chs

Chapter 55: Unexpected Encounter

Eu, disguised as her male identity, Euer, decided to postpone her plans and accompanied Noite. He might not disclose anything, but she could get valuable information about him.

She wanted to understand them.

"You don't look enthusiastic. You want to go somewhere and talk?" Eu asked.

Noite looks at her and sighs. He doesn't find her presence alarming, but instead, he can't help feeling relieved.

He somehow felt his presence familiar in a way, as well. He wonders if he met him before by any chance.

Noite decided to head to another location with her so they could talk in private. The streets are crowded, after all.

Eu brought him to a secluded restaurant that serves hearty meals. The ambiance is homey and not too crowded, unlike those from the main streets.

Noite is surprised by the location his new friend brought him. This place reminds him of his childhood and his home— simple yet elegant.

He can't help himself feeling melancholy of the thought. He smiles as he decided to shrug off the feeling.

It was his choice to follow his brother and no one else. He didn't force him to choose his side.

He simply wanted to be with him just like when they are young, and things were less complicated.

If he could only turn back time...

Meanwhile, Eu is somehow relieved he is pleased with the place. She doesn't know what he might like or dislike after all.

Though, she can't help sensing his remorse behind his smiles. She wanted to inquire but hesitated.

She feels that it is something she still can't discuss with him. She needs more time if she wants to probe into such delicate matters.

"Do you want to eat something specific?" Eu inquired.

"Grilled meat and steamed vegetables... and a mug of butter rum..." he quickly responded.

It has been ages since he had a decent meal with someone. His brother loves to do things alone and lock himself. In a way, it's sad.

He simply wanted to take this opportunity and enjoy someone's company for a change, just like the old times.

Eu ordered for both of them and took his choices to consideration. The young waitress bows and left them while the order is being prepared.

"You must have brought your girlfriend here often, Euer. This place is great and private." Noite said teasingly.

Eu almost spit her drink when he commented that.

"Girlfriend...?" Eu asked quizzically.

She almost forgot she is currently disguised as a male.

There was an awkward silence. Eu doesn't like the topic fearing they'll discuss something inappropriate if they continue to proceed.

"I don't have one. You see. I am still young. My grandfather is really strict..." she replied dryly.

Noite knits his brows and starts to wonder. How old is this person to consider himself too young to date?

"How old are you... exactly?" Noite carefully inquired.

"I just turned seventeen." Eu honestly discloses.

Noite was in shock. Counting the years, he doesn't even remember how old he is.

He didn't expect this person is indeed young. Then again, isn't that a decent age to go out? Some even get married around that time.

"You are human...? Mortal...?" Noite asked in disbelief.

He can sense Euer is not just a mere human, after all. She is someone more.

Meanwhile, Eu heaves a heavy sigh and nods. She can't believe he considers it is unbelievable to be single at such an age.

After all, she is swamped because of the disturbances they are causing around Mystic Spirit.

She genuinely wanted to complain and air her grievances.

Then again, she forgoes the thoughts instead.

Noite and Eu started to discuss random issues. He can't help feeling at ease around him.

It somehow reminds him, the comforting presence of Lady Emilia as well. He wryly smiles at the thought.

If it wasn't for his complicated situation, he could probably be more honest, as well. Then again, finding someone who can alleviate his worries is already a blessing.

He is beyond thankful.

"Your brother is fortunate to have such a loving sibling like you, Noite..." Eu finally commented.

Despite sounding peculiar, she truly admired him for looking out for his elder brother. Though, she hopes that he will also care for himself as well.

They parted ways as they decided to carry on with their businesses.

Noite heads back to Celesea, while Eu is on her way to the Central's, Arcane Palace to meet with the Divine Lord. There are matters to discuss with him.

They have a feeling they will meet once again someday...

"Let's head to Arcane Palace now, Lumina." Eu said as she summons her Majestic Beast.

She quickly complies and transforms. The beautiful deer-like beast is elegant and imposing at the same time.

Eu gets on her back as they flew straight to Arcane Palace. She can't help thinking of Noite and his complicated situation.

"What do you think of him?" Eu asked.

'Truthfully, he seems sad...' Lumina straightforwardly respond.

Noite's voice always has a tinge of loneliness as he mentions his brother. He also keeps on changing the subject every time he is mentioned.

Eu hopes that the Divine Lord Foeni can give her more insights regarding these two mysterious brothers. That way, she can plan things accordingly, as well.

It's a cloudy, snowy day in Mystic Spirit, while sparkling snow occasionally falls. The descend of these specks is simply magical.

Eu and Lumina easily have broken into the barrier and alerted the Palace guards of their breach. They are unexpected guests and considered hostiles.

They landed at the beautiful Western Gardens filled with Winter Roses while the alerted guards and welcomed them.

The Palace Guards assemble to apprehend the intruders. Then again, Lumina's mere presence has taken them aback. How can a mere beast be so powerful?

All looked at them with a mixture of marvel and surprise. They are wondering how she effortlessly manages to enter the Arcane Palace barriers.

Eu can't blame them for acting so cautious towards them. After all, she suddenly dropped by the palace unannounced.

The Guards started to surround them as she tries to explain the situation.

Unfortunately, they didn't give her an opportunity to explain.

She stared at these poor palace guards wondering, should she let them capture her or fight back?

She heaves a heavy sigh hoping they will all reconsider and listen.

Lumina has already transformed back to her cuddly appearance, and Eu is standing in the garden alone.

"I wish to meet the Divine Lord Foeni… Please announce my arrival…" Eu calmly said.

"How did you manage to break into the barrier? Are you an enemy? Do you wish harm to the Lord?" the Captain of the Palace Guards asked.

"Do you think I will bother to ask if I wish to harm him?" Eu responded with a question.

She can easily break the barrier. Why would she bother asking if she could harm him in secret?

Does she look like an attention seeker to require an audience in order to fulfill such a dreaded task?

She shrugged at the thought.

They started attacking without further delay. They consider her a threat, and she refuses to cooperate.

"Hey, stop! That is dangerous! Don't make me fight back, or you will regret it. I only wanted to meet with the Divine Lord. It is urgent." Eu said, and she easily parries.

"Silence!" the leader shouted as he continues, "You will not be harmed if you surrender peacefully."

Lumina sneer at his comment.

'Harm? Harm my Mistress? You must be delusional!' Lumina thought.

Meanwhile, the aides heard the commotion at the Western Gardens and quickly informed the Divine Lord. He knits his brows as he wonders, who has the audacity to create a disturbance in his Palace?

The Divine Lord Foeni decided to check the incident as he hurried to the scene. He can't help sensing the presence familiar as he knits his brows.

He is hoping it was a mistake and correct at the same time.

The Divine Lord arrived shortly and witnessed the unbelievable sight.

All the responding palace guards are already beaten to the ground.

The familiar girl is in the middle of this dreaded scene. The bodies are neatly piled up around her.

'Did they attack her at the same time?' he thought as he looks around and examines the surroundings.

He was speechless. How can she beat them all down?

"What happened?" the Divine Lord asked one of the surviving guards.

He is more shocked than worried about the situation.

"My Lord! You have to run. The palace is being invaded by this ominous, evil girl and her beast!" he reported.

The Divine Lord looks at Eu, but there is no beast around. He can assume she came in riding Lumina, but all the bodies are her handy work.

He is trying to urge him to leave the scene and let everyone take care of the matter. Then again, he highly doubts they have the slightest chance to win against her.

He was speechless while his head starts to ache because of everything. He starts massaging his forehead as he looks at the casualties.

'How did it end up like this...?' He thought.

Meanwhile, the girl nonchalantly approaches him as she avoids the body on the ground. She is obviously upset about the unwelcoming incident.

"Took you long enough. We need to discuss how poor your defensive barrier is and how weak your palace guards are! How can you let them defend you? They can't even defend themselves!" Eu coldly said.



*Noite- the Master of the Shadows younger brother.

Lumicierecreators' thoughts