
Journey to You

----- There are secrets never meant to be disclosed. A mystery never meant to be solved. Questions that never meant to be asked… But things will just naturally unfold... ----- Little Oracle Eu's identity is always shrouded in mystery. A mysterious man dropped her off to the Oracle Clan Grand Elder's house, saying she is his granddaughter. Divine Lord Foeni of the Mystic Spirit Realm found something familiar in her. The Silver-haired stranger even mistakes her for someone else. Even the Divine Witch Circe of the Middle Realm seems to know her too. She can wield the forbidden element and knows forgotten Ancient spells at ease. Break Seals without restrictions. She is someone like totally out of place. She is over talented to be an Oracle. So, who is she exactly? What is her connection to all the things that are happening? How is she intertwined with everyone's fates and destinies? The story is set in the Fantasy World of Astra~ ------------------------------------------------ Content: Fantasy World, Adventure, Slow Romance, Drama, Comedy, Action, etcs~ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ *I know my grammar needs improvement, and I am working hard on it. ^^ (and typos too...) *I'm using Grammarly to proofread my work. *I am currently slowly rewriting the story and fixing errors. I'll update as much as I can, hoping to finish this book again. *English is not my first language, so my vocabulary is not very comprehensive. Still, I'm trying my best to widen and learn. I do hope you understand. Despite my flaws, I hope you'll enjoy and find my story interesting ~ ^^ Thank you ------------------------------------------------

Lumiciere · แฟนตาซี
90 Chs

Chapter 33: Confrontation

Everyone can't believe to see a familiar face. He was once their friend and companion, yet here he is looking at them with disdain eyes and a sinister smile.

This person is the perpetrator from two hundred years ago. Still, what are his intentions for committing such a dreadful act?

Many of their people died because of this man. He infiltrated their ranks and caused discord against them.

Indeed they all wanted to ask a thousand questions or more, yet they can't form any words to convey their thoughts. Simply, everyone can still feel their anguish that fateful night.

Watching their peers fall before their eyes, and they can't do anything to stop the tragedy from ever occurring. They can't help blame themselves for their negligence.

'If only...'

"Oh, I wasn't expecting you will ally yourself with a lowly witch. You have rejected the Oracles before. Don't you detest cooperating with others? What change?" he chuckles mockingly.

The four Guardians can't deny his accusations. Their pride indeed has clouded their judgments, and they intend not to make the same mistakes as before.

Grand Elder Eiteilla only means well when she approaches them. It is not entirely for selfish reasons why she wants to save everyone.

Meanwhile, Gwyddien heaves a heavy sigh, trying to calm his nerves. Last night, he had a crash course with Little Eu learning this Themis counterspell.

It is a simple and yet highly effective spell. He can't believe the girl knows handy spells he could easily enforce.

Meanwhile, the man in black garbs didn't find it suspicious. The witch is using this unique spell from the Oracle Clan, breaking the Themis restrictions temporarily.

Oracles and Witches spell resemble in one way or another. Only a few can truly understand and distinguish their differences.

"Little witch, give my thanks to your Mistress for lending me her mirror. I truly didn't wish to upset her. Give my apologies for dropping unexpectedly to retrieve it. I know my men were somewhat harsh. I hope the body didn't pile up too much..." He spoke in a cold, sarcastic tone.

He is trying to agitate him but to no accord. Gwyddien ignores his taunting as he continues to concentrate.

In truth, Gwyddien is gritting his teeth. He is trembling in terror before this menacing presence. This is his first time on a real battlefield, and yet he doesn't want to disappoint.

He needs to stay calm and focus on maintaining the spell. He shouldn't get this person to distract him from doing anything else.

"Now, shall we finish what we started two hundred years ago?" he casually said.

Without further delay, he jumps off to face them head-on and starts the attack. The shadows come closing in as well.

Hoards of Shadows advance, and their numbers are truly overwhelming. Thank's to Gwyddien's spell. They were kept at bay and giving them enough time to retaliate.

"Vermilion!" Azure shouted as he noticed the mysterious perpetrator targets the youngest Guardian.

He was busy fending off the Shadows together with Tiger. They need to protect and maintain their ground as well.

So far, Gwyddien is indeed holding his ground well. Little Eu's spell is highly efficient and helpful. He can still cast his support spells to help them.

Turtle decided to join despite his weakened state. He can't watch and drag everyone down because of his condition.

"Don't worry. I got this!" Vermilion responded as she looks back at them.

Even though she can't guarantee her success, she knew that she has to try. She can't be a liability.

This person is different from the man they knew. He is menacing, dark, and very aggressive. His amber eyes glow in excitement at the thought of their demise.

Who is he? Why does he hold such a grudge against them?

He casts powerful dark arts against her, which she quickly blocked with a flare spell. He snorts at her effort as he throws another one.

Freya is a gifted Sorceress, but this man is breaking her expectations. She doesn't know how long she can keep up with him.

They are at a disadvantage against this ominous person. With his Shadow army on their tails, just one mistake can gravely cost them.

He knows about their predicament as his smile mockingly. He casts one more powerful, aggressive spell against Vermilion to continue intimidating her.

"Die!" he murmured mockingly with a sinister smile.

Vermilion responded with a powerful spell. Even if she knew that she is not in par with his abilities, she has to try and continue to hold her ground.

She grits her teeth at the dire situation. She needs to think of something to change their circumstances. Everyone's life depends on it.

Much to her surprise, her spell was highjacked by someone else.

The blazing, fiery magic is intertwined with another spell. It's not uncommon to mix different spells to create a much powerful combination.

It just happens the spell is the forgotten element void. It's a rarely use and wielding it highly complicated.

"I am not aware the little bird knows how to wield the forbidden element…" he is now the one gritting his teeth and holding his ground.

"What I know, and I don't know is none of your business!" Freya refuted.

She can't admit she is no longer in charge of the spell. She knits her brows as she looks at him in disdain.

"Who are you exactly? Why are you causing so much trouble?" Freya inquired at the struggling man.

He snorts as he refuses to give in to her intimidation. His eyes continue to glower at everyone as he takes a step back.

As powerful as the Holy Guardian Lord Vermilion, he knew that she couldn't possibly push him back like that. He suspects someone is helping them like what happened two hundred years ago.

But who?

There is no 'Oracle Grand Elder' as powerful as the late Grand Elder Eiteilla. She failed to pass all her knowledge to the future generation.

The Divine Witch Circe can't possibly involve. This is simply out of her expertise.

The Divine Lord Foeni has entrusted this duty to the Guardians while he takes responsibility for other matters as well.

He grits his teeth as he drowns himself in contemplation. No one in this world could oppose him head-on!

Meanwhile, two mysterious presence is hiding above the dark clouds looming over the sky. One is protecting the smaller one who is discreetly casting multiple counterspells.

The thick, ominous clouds have concealed their presence quite well. No one has detected their presence ever since their arrival.

As a precaution, the man has cast a spell to continue shrouding their presence. For some reason, they need to hide their involvement in this series of events.

Azure, Tiger, Turtle, and even Gwyddien are all doing their part to keep the hostile Shadows at bay. They need to control this unfavorable situation in their favor.

"Darn you all!" he shouted aggrievedly.

He uses his anger to continue fueling his spell. Using emotions to empower one's magic is not uncommon.

Vermilion enhanced the spell as well. She can feel the caster has reached her limit and wanted to help whoever he is. That is the least she could do.

The fiery, blazing fire combined with a void spell is truly overwhelming. It slowly engulfs his dark magic as it continues to empower it.

'This is madness!' the ominous entity thought.

He can't possibly lose fairly against the Holy Guardians. He can only suspect someone is helping them to outwit him.

He looks around as he observes his surroundings. Despite the normalcy, there is definitely an anomaly.

Who is interfering with his plans?

He decided to unleash a series of attacks hoping to hit someone who is concealing himself on his blind spots. That is the only logical explanation on his mind.

Meanwhile, beyond the looming dark clouds, the tall man cast a counterspell to reflect his advances. He won't let him discover their interference.

His smaller companion, on the other hand, is concentrating on helping the little Lord Vermilion. She is indeed at her limit, but thanks to the Holy Guardian, she can continue holding her ground.

Watching his distress and troubled face made Vermilion wonder about his suspicions. Was there someone beyond the sea of dark clouds looming around them?

Who is helping them? She knew very well that someone else was there, but she can't confirm his presence.

Only someone much more powerful than any of them has the ability to conceal themselves. Still, she can't think of anyone who will risk himself to save them.

Everyone is drowning own their assumptions and speculations. They can't possibly be winning against this ominous person by sheer luck. Someone indeed is helping them.

The Holy Guardians can only look at each other. They can't openly discuss their suspicions in front of their enemy.

The situation only agitates their enemy. Despite knowing the possibility, he can't confirm any of his suspicions.

He can't believe these Holy Guardians have allied themselves with a much more powerful entity. They don't trust anyone but themselves.

How could they and who?

Still, the possibility of having such changes never left his mind. That is the only constant thing in this world — Change.

In the middle of his contemplations and hesitations, he was engulfed by the fiery void spell. He can only regret underestimating his enemies as he throws curses at them.

The magic has caught him off guard and restrains his advancements. It will inevitably delay him several years before he could fully recuperate.

"Darn you! I will never forget this! You will pay a hundred folds for this! REST ASSURED. I WILL DEFINITELY COME BACK!!!!! ARRRRRRHHHHGGGGG~"



*Gwyddien- The witch in training who is currently helping them to retrieve his Mistress' Magic Mirror.

*Holy Guardian Lord Turtle, Gaust- One of the Mystic Spirit Guardians who is detained in Themis. Lord of the Mystic Spirit Northern Region.

*Holy Guardian Lord Vermilion Bird, Freya- The youngest and witty Little Lady of the Southern Region. She physically resembles a five-year-old toddler but in fact, she is a couple of thousand years old sorceress.

*Holy Guardian Lord Azure Dragon, Jin- The eldest and leader of this group. Lord of the Eastern Regions.

*Holy Guardian Lord White Tiger, Rean- The boyish Lady of the Western Region. Master of projectiles.

*Mysterious Perpetrator- he disguised himself as an ally to undermine their relationships.

Lumicierecreators' thoughts