
Journey to Obscure

Hello guys, I got bored reading those reincarnation and transmigration novels, so I decided to write something new for myself and for others. Hope you like it. The first volume will is all about how Rudra(MC)got his skills. You can consider the first volume as prologue ( Biggest ever.) for the upcoming volume 2. You can directly start reading volume 2 if you are a fan of academy arc but you will miss out on the details of character of mc. Volume 2 My first day at the academy. I saw a commoner beating up a noble. A girls next to me handed me some popcorn without even looking at me. I ignored her and went straight for my class, but another group of students blocked my way. They were staring at a silhouette of a girl sleeping peacefully on one of the towers of academy building. With all my will power I ignored them. I somehow made my to the class, I went straight into a corner seat and sat down. Curiously I looked around the class to get a better view of the students who will be my classmates. Guess what, I found the same commoner and noble sitting in the same class as me. The girl who slept on one of the towers of academy was somehow present on the first bench still asleep. The popcorn girl was sitting in another corner with a bored look. I sighed and looked around to find a normal student, but my luck is worse than I thought. Every single one of my classmates had a screw loose in their head. "I wanna quit." English is not my native language, so there might( must) be some mistake, please inform me through comments. Text me on Discord if you have any advice or opinion Discord- Ether7#2296 And lastly, of course, cover page is not mine. If you want me to remove it( Which I am sure no one is interested in) I will remove it.

63 Chs

First Day at the Academy 2

" Good Morning."

I greeted my benchmate who sat beside me as I was feeling a little nervous because of his continuous staring.

" Good morning weakling."

' These bastards just keep pissing me off, don't they?'

" Hey weakling, I heard some bastards bullied you."

" I won't call it a bullying. They were just small fries who I choose to ignore."

I replied with a scoff.

" Oh! Yes! Yes! that's the vigor every man should have. You must never cower in fear before your enemies. I would have been disappointed if you cowered like other nerds- "

" Cut me some slack big guy. I am feeling sleepy after eating all that."

" Just how much breakfast did you have to feel sleepy right after you woke up. Well just in case, but if you don't want to embarrass yourself in front of everyone, then try not to sleep. Our classroom teacher Anand is really strict."

" Oh! Tell me more.'

' It's important to know everything about your teacher for future planning.'

" He is the only teacher we have as other refuses to teach us so we don't trouble him much. He likes to sleep a lot, and often dozes off in the middle of class. But he is quite serious when it comes to teaching."

" Hmm."

" Hey new student. What's your name? "

A raspy voice came from the opposite corner of my row.

' Was he asleep during my introduction?'

" My name is Rudra Reddy."

" Fuck you Rudra."

' I know this style of greeting from my school. Never thought I would meet these kind of punks her.'

" What's your name?"

" James, the joker."

" Fuck you too James."

James is a short black haired skinny young man with black eyes and a lanky build. He Jumped from his seat and sat on the bench in front with one hand on his chin and other one combing his hair.

" So what kind of woman do you like? I heard that you like Maki from Shuri's idol group. "

My passive expression broke at that question. Ethne and Snow who were sitting in the same line were looking at me with wide open eyes.

" I don't know what you are talking about."

" Come on, don't be shy, I know that every man his own tastes."

What do I do to shut this bastard up?

" Shut up."

" Pfft"

" What are you laughing at prez?"

On my question she turned her head away.

" I am not laughing."

I facepalmed myself, there's no saving this dumb girl.

" Khum... everyone, take your seats. I will be carrying attendance, be ready."

Teacher Anand spoke in his usual way with tired eyes. No one noticed him coming in, but they are not that surprised. I guess this is normal for them.

" Evan."

" Present sir."







" Now that the attendance is done, class monitor your turn."

" Yes! Major."

Just like that we carried our daily exercise routine. Running, weight lifting, swimming( except the perverted octopus of course) and all other physical activities to keep our body fit.

I said it on the first day but seriously running the whole track while snoring , who the fuck is that shortie short other than Erika.

After a full hour we came back to the class for our next lecture.


" Since everyone is settled down, I will start our class about ' The Records'."

" Yes."

Our ever sleepy teacher got in serious mode for teaching the subject. No one brings any notebooks or stuff for writing as the teachers always send the daily recorded lectures to students for their study. Though there are also some student who took important notes.

As for me, I prefer writing, so I brought a notebook and a pen to write from my room on planet Earth.

Everyone had weird reactions and some funny comments which I would rather not talk. Anyway, I don't care much as this is how things work in my world. The teacher had a faint smile on his face which surprised everyone but no one pointed out.

" Today we will talk about the restriction one must overcome to ascend your Ascension."

" There are ten Ascension starting from 1st to 10th. But Level 0 is the starting point of every being."

"1. To ascend to 1st Ascension, one needs to create mana paths in your body to assimilate flow of mana through your body. This restriction is applicable for all types of species.

2.To ascend from 1st Ascension to 2nd Ascension, one needs to go through the process of Body Refinement which is considered as an inferior version of Body Reconstruction. This restriction is also applicable for all types of species.

3.To ascend from 2nd Ascension to 3rd Ascension, one needs to go through the process called Blood fusion which allows the flow of mana inside the body, flowing smoothly and unconsciously. This restriction is also applicable for all types of species.

4.To ascend from 3rd Ascension to 4th Ascension, one needs to form the Mana core inside their body. Currently there are two places inside the body which are suitable for the mana core formation, lower abdomen and heart.

Among those who focuses on physical combat, forming mana core in lower abdomen and for magicians, forming mana core in the heart is a conventional practice carried on from the old times. This restriction is also applicable for all types of species.

Up to this point, most of the restrictions are the same for every species, but there are always exception like Dragons and Phoenix.

If anyone has any questions, please ask."

And just like that our class continued with questions and answers.

I also had some question, but I figured it would be better to ask Evan than to the teacher. So I continued writing down the important stuff.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

HERECTICGODcreators' thoughts