
Journey to become Omni Lust God

Davis was given a chance to reincarnate by the creator of Cosmos. He chose to get reincarnate back in his universe, but that wasn't possible. In the wheel of reincarnation he got chance to get reincarnate in [Cultivation World] named Five Origin Realms. As he was getting ready to reincarnate, The god gifted him [Omni God Gacha System] which will reward him with a spin ticket of Gacha every time he achieves something related to Cultivation. He was reincarnated as an Orphan in 'Yin Yang Palace Sect' a Dual Cultivation Sect where he found many loving beauties and wives. Watch him rise from worthless Mortal to ruler of the Five Origin Realms as Omni Lust and Love God.

SlaveofSociety · ตะวันออก
6 Chs

Ch2 Friendship or Relationship?

"There might be a way," Father said.

"What way?" Davis hurriedly asked with hope.

"You have to do multiversal travel. I will slow the time of the whole universe, so you can find a way to come back before Eva's mortal lifespan got over." Father explained.

Davis pondered about this solution in silence and found it reasonable, but he has some doubts which he wants to clear.

"You talk about some 'balance', will it not be broken?" Davis asked.

"No it will not, you see, balance is maintained at a universal level, so If I slow the whole universe's time it will not be affected, but if slow down the time of an individual or place, then universal balance will be broken." Father explained.

He was enjoying this conversation as he had no one to speak face to face, even though it has been not even two minutes.

"This is all good, I am thankful, truly thankful" Davis said with gratitude and respect.

"You don't have to thank me, I am doing all this because of my daughters requests." Father said, waving his hand.

"I mean to ask from the start, why I am getting this chance?" Davis asked curiously.

"Well, you have killed over 16 trillion monsters in the last six years, which is more than all inhalants of the Milky Way galaxy have killed combined and gather so much Karma that you have many special rights that you will get benefits from and because of my daughters requests which is many planets and Milky Way galaxy to reward you I am giving you this chance and any wishes that you have like protecting your wife." Father explained.

After Davis's power awakened at the age of 15, he has killed many monsters because of various reasons, with the most potent in his reasoning that he has nothing to do, so he passes his time by killing monsters and the second reason is he likes the feeling of power throbbing in his veins, that adrenaline rush he feels in battlefield fighting a million all alone is his favourite.

At times, after continuous battle, his gather power equivalent to destroying planets with a single punch or jumping billion of miles in a single jump, travelling to different planets and killing all the monsters there but in all his endeavour was the harsh climate and absence of oxygen because of which he has to come back to his home planet to refills his oxygen stores and repair suits which he uses to resist cold in space and friction when entering as planets atmosphere.

These memories hit Davis with nostalgia, as after marriage he had Eva to take care of and spend time with, so he has not gone on killing after marriage.

"Huh, I didn't think the things I do for fun will get me rewards." Davis muttered to himself, surprised he getting rewarded for things he had done for himself.

"If you don't mind, can I ask you a personal question?" He asked Father, who was now eating some fruit he didn't know about.

"Yup, you can." Father replied in approval.

"Why your name is Father isn't is unusual? No, Like Father is a weird name, you know." Davis asked curiously.

From the time they introduced themselves to each other, he wanted to ask but throw it back of his mind as this was not important, but now they were having a causal conversation he thought he might as well relive his curiosity.

"Well, I don't have any name,their was no one to call me or talk to me, but then I have child's, and they all call me Father, so I take it as my name." Father explained.

After that, both of them sat in silence and ate food that Father created out of thin air, and for Davis it was the most delicious meal he ever had.

"So now I get reincarnated?" Davis asked after they both have finished their meals.

"Well it's up to you, but I suggest you stay here for some time as according to myself, no 21-year-old grown ass man wants to see himself pooping and peeping while sucking his mother's tits." Father said with a chuckle.

"You are right, I can't handle the embarrassment."

After that, Davis spent time talking with Father and when they had nothing common to talk they started watching movies, shows, and done many things like camping in forest and for Davis it was like he was on long date.

With time, their friendship got established.

At this time, Davis asked for many wishes he wanted from his fantasy which Father denied all of them, saying he will give him a mean to not only complete his past desires but also future desires so don't waste his Karma.

Father explained to him that nothing is free, even for reincarnation with memories he is paying heavy Karma in payment and all wishes that he is asking for will also come with price, so he will give him something with which he can complete all his desires.

After they didn't know how much time, it was time to say farewell to each other.

Davis and Father were again sitting in front of the same table and on chairs.

"It was a good time, and all good times end." Father said, remembering his time with Davis.

"Ahh… no need to be sad." Davis said while he was also reluctant and sad about leaving his first friend.

"One last thing, take this and don't forget me while enjoying your time with your 'small' harem or kids and goodbye". Father said of creating a golden, glowing ball and pushing it into Davis's soul.

"What you mean hare…"

Before Davis can say anything, Father waved his hand and Davis disappeared from his chair.

"Please don't forget me again." Father said in a monotone and sad voice.

He stood for his chair and the same gate for which Davis came to this beach appeared, and he walked toward it.

While walking towards Father begin changing like illusion was removing and changed into a beautiful woman with the same looks but this time her gender was clear as her beauty.

Holding the knob of the wooden door, she turned and looked at the chair where Davis was sitting and said "Hope you come back again and this time alive." before entering the door going to a red planet from which blue and brown planet can be cleared seen.