
Journey: Revenge of a Lost Soul

Kael Ivo, an unsuspecting editor, is thrust into a fantasy world while on his daily commute. His journey takes a dramatic turn when he confronts a god who transports him to another world after a heated argument, erasing Kael's memory of the encounter.Determined to seek justice, Kael sets out to find and confront the god, leading him to Soale's Town, home of the warrior academy, Regalia. Alongside his companions, Kael faces challenges and battles."Journey: Revenge of a Lost Soul" is an epic saga of adventure and discovery as Kael navigates a world filled with magic, danger, and wonder. His quest for truth and justice leads him to confront powerful foes and unravel the mysteries of this fantastical realm. 10 power stones = 1 bonus chapter 20 power stones =2 bonus chapter

lit_ISV · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Triumph and Rewards

He had been walking for several hours now, his senses on high alert. The mission to hunt down the Inferno Drake was not to be taken lightly. The beast was known for its fierce temperament and powerful fire affinity, making it a formidable opponent even for experienced hunters.Suddenly, he heard a loud roar echoing through the forest, followed by the sound of crackling flames. He knew he was getting close. With renewed determination, he quickened his pace, eager to face the beast.After what seemed like hours of tracking, Kael finally caught sight of the Inferno Drake. It was a massive creature, its scales shimmering in the dim light. Flames danced along its body, casting an eerie glow in the surrounding area.Without hesitation, Kael drew his sword, readying himself for the fight ahead. The Inferno Drake noticed him and let out another deafening roar, flames spewing from its mouth.The battle was fierce and intense. The Inferno Drake's fire attacks were relentless, forcing Kael to constantly dodge and weave to avoid being burned. But he held his ground, using his agility and skill to stay one step ahead of the beast.Kael knew he needed to end the fight quickly before he became overwhelmed. As the Inferno Drake reared back for another fiery attack, Kael saw his opening. With a burst of speed, he closed the distance between them and delivered a series of quick, precise strikes to the beast's underbelly.The Inferno Drake howled in pain, but it was far from defeated. It retaliated with a powerful swipe of its claws, narrowly missing Kael and sending him sprawling to the ground. But Kael was undeterred. He quickly regained his footing and launched himself back into the fray.With each passing moment, Kael could feel the heat of the flames growing more intense. The Inferno Drake was becoming more desperate, its attacks more erratic. But Kael remained focused, his determination unwavering.Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Kael saw his opening. With a swift and well-aimed strike, he plunged his sword into the beast's heart, bringing it down for good.As the Inferno Drake fell, Kael felt a surge of triumph and relief. He had done it. He had successfully completed his mission.

As Kael began his journey back to Soales Town, he felt a sense of accomplishment and relief. The weight of his recent battles lifted from his shoulders, replaced by a feeling of satisfaction at having successfully completed his mission. However, he knew that the journey back would not be without its challenges.As he made his way through the dense forest, he remained alert, wary of any potential threats that might lie ahead. The sounds of the forest surrounded him, the chirping of insects and the rustling of leaves creating a soothing backdrop to his thoughts.Suddenly, a loud growl broke the silence, causing Kael to stop in his tracks. Before he could react, a group of wild beasts emerged from the underbrush, their eyes fixed on him with predatory intent.Before he could react, a group of Forest Stalkers burst from the underbrush, their sleek bodies blending seamlessly with the foliage around them. Their eyes gleamed with hunger as they circled around Kael, their movements synchronized and predatory.Kael knew he was facing a formidable foe. With a swift motion, he drew his katana, the blade gleaming in the dappled light. The Forest Stalkers wasted no time in attacking, lunging at Kael with razor-sharp claws and teeth.Kael dodged and parried, his movements fluid and precise. He used his time affinity to predict their movements, slowing down time just enough to gain the upper hand. With each strike, he aimed for their weak spots, aiming to incapacitate rather than kill.The Forest Stalkers, however, were relentless. They attacked in coordinated waves, their speed and agility making them difficult targets. Kael found himself on the defensive, his focus split between multiple opponents.But Kael was determined to prevail. He channeled his energy, his movements becoming more focused and controlled. With a series of quick strikes, he managed to take down the first few Forest Stalkers, but more kept coming.As the battle raged on, Kael felt a surge of adrenaline. He knew he couldn't let up, not against foes as skilled and determined as these. With renewed vigor, he continued to fight, his blade flashing in a deadly dance of steel and shadow.Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the last of the Forest Stalkers fell, defeated. Kael stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, his chest heaving with exertion.He took a moment to catch his breath, wiping the sweat from his brow before continuing on his journey.As he finally reached the outskirts of Soales Town, he felt a sense of relief wash over him. He had made it back in one piece, ready to rest and sell the parts of the beasts he had haunted. As Kael arrived at the bustling marketplace, the vibrant colors and lively chatter of the vendors greeted him. He laid out the spoils of his hunt on a makeshift table, carefully arranging the claws of the Forest Stalkers, each one sharp and gleaming with a faint metallic sheen. The pelts of the wolves, infused with wind affinity, billowed gently in the breeze, drawing the attention of passersby.Merchants and traders quickly surrounded him, their eyes gleaming with interest as they examined the quality of his bounty. They haggled over prices, each trying to outbid the other to secure the valuable materials. Kael, though inexperienced in the art of negotiation, held his ground, knowing the worth of his hard-earned trophies.After some back and forth, he struck a deal with a grizzled merchant, exchanging the claws and pelts for a generous sum of credits. Satisfied with the transaction, Kael pocketed the credits, feeling a sense of accomplishment at his successful bargaining.As he was about to leave, a familiar face caught his eye. It was a friend of the person from whom he had bought the spacial pouch earlier. The friend, a middle-aged man with a kind smile, approached Kael and examined the monster parts with interest."These are impressive," the man remarked, nodding approvingly. "I know someone who would be interested in these. How about I offer you a slightly higher price than what you've been offered so far?"Kael, surprised by the offer, hesitated for a moment before agreeing. The man handed him a pouch of credits containing 8000 credits, which Kael accepted with gratitude. As he watched the man walk away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Not only had he made a good profit, but he had also made a new connection in the marketplace.With his business concluded at the marketplace, Kael made his way back to the mission hall to claim his reward for hunting the inferno drake. The receptionist greeted him warmly, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the inferno drake hearts."These are in excellent condition," she remarked, handing Kael a pouch of credits as his reward. "You've done a great service to the town by ridding us of such a dangerous creature."Thanking the receptionist, Kael left the mission hall, his heart swelling with pride. He had not only proven himself as a skilled hunter but had also contributed to the safety of Soales Town. As he headed back to his dormitory, he reflected on his journey, grateful for the experiences that had helped him grow stronger and more confident. As he felt happy with what he had made in the past 2 days as he has got 18000 credits altogether, which will allow him to stay for longer in the inner region of the academy.