
Journey: Revenge of a Lost Soul

"When the ordinary becomes extraordinary, one man's quest for justice ignites a legendary adventure! Kael Ivo, a humble editor, is ripped from his mundane routine and hurled into a realm of magic and mayhem. After a fiery confrontation with a god, Kael awakens with no memory of the encounter, but a burning desire for vengeance. With his world turned upside down, Kael must navigate treacherous landscapes, battle formidable foes, and unravel the secrets of this fantastical world. Along the way, he discovers hidden strengths, forges unbreakable bonds, and uncovers the truth about his own destiny. As Kael draws closer to confronting the god who upended his life, he realizes that his quest for justice is not just about personal revenge, but about saving the entire realm from destruction. Will he find the courage to overcome his doubts and fears, or will the journey consume him? Dive into the epic saga of "Journey: Revenge of a Lost Soul" and experience the thrill of adventure, the agony of loss, and the triumph of the human spirit!" 10 power stones = 1 bonus chapter 20 power stones =2 bonus chapter

lit_ISV · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Forging Bonds and Blades

As Kael entered the dorms allocated to the sword faction, he was greeted by the sight of a massive building with a sense of anticipation. Walking up to the counter, he was assigned room number 1125 and handed the keys. The receptionist informed him that it was a four-man room, and he made his way to find his new living quarters.As he opened the door to room 1125, he was met with the sight of three people talking animatedly. They all turned to look at him at once, their expressions curious. The first to speak was a man with striking red hair and a fit figure."Are you the new guy?" he asked, a friendly smile on his face.Kael nodded, stepping into the room. "Yeah, I just got assigned here. My name's Kael."The man grinned. "Nice to meet you, Kael. I'm Adelheid, and these are Lana," he gestured to the only female in the group, a stunning woman with blue hair and eyes that seemed to contain a galaxy within them, "and Marc," he nodded towards a brawny man with spiky hair."Nice to meet you all," Kael said, feeling a sense of camaraderie already forming. "So, what are your affinities?"Adelheid spoke first, a flicker of flames dancing in his eyes. "I have an affinity for fire and wind. Lana here," he nodded towards her, "has an affinity for water and space. And Marc," he looked at the brawny man, "has an affinity for earth.After a bit of warming up to each other as they chatted with each other for the rest of the night.However, the next day, he woke up to a scene of chaos as Adelheid and Marc panicked, realizing they were late for class. Lana had already left, leaving them to hurry and get ready. Kael quickly realized that he must have overslept, which wasn't entirely surprising considering he had just spent 15 days in the wild, constantly on alert. He hurried to take a bath and get ready, putting on the uniform provided by the academy.The uniform consisted of a simple leather breastplate made from the scaled wing of a horse, along with hand guards. The breastplate and hand guards had an array that could protect the user from three sure-death strikes before losing power. Once dressed, Kael picked up the new sword the academy had given him. As he held it, he felt a strange resonance with it, similar to other swords but not with other weapons. He holstered the sword and headed to his classThe teacher, a middle-stage mind manifestation warrior named Alistair, was slightly annoyed with Kael's tardiness but understood after Kael explained. Entering the class, he noticed Adelheid had saved a space for him to sit. The teacher emphasized the importance of learning basic moves and not relying too heavily on techniques from others. He explained that when one enters the mind manifestation stage, they need to build a path and style that is suitable for them. Alistair took them outside for a sparring match to check on their progress, and Kael was to stay back and watch for the day, as he didn't yet have a style of his own. As Marc faced off against his opponent, a water affinity user named Rylan, the differences in their fighting styles became apparent. Rylan's movements were fluid and unpredictable, mirroring the ever-changing nature of water. He would evade Marc's strikes with ease, slipping through the air like a fish in water.Marc, on the other hand, relied on his strength and the weight of his greatsword to overpower his opponents. He swung his sword with precision and power, aiming to land a decisive blow. However, Rylan's mastery of water allowed him to counter Marc's attacks with precision. He would use streams of water to deflect Marc's strikes or create barriers to block them altogether.The match was intense, with both warriors pushing themselves to their limits. Marc's attacks were relentless, but Rylan's defense was formidable. He used his water affinity to create swirling currents around him, making it difficult for Marc to get close.Despite the difficulty of the match, Marc remained focused and determined. He adapted his strategy, using his affinity for earth to anchor himself to the ground and increase the weight of his sword. With each strike, he aimed to wear down Rylan's defenses, slowly but steadily gaining the upper hand.As the match continued, Marc's determination began to pay off. He started to anticipate Rylan's movements, finding openings in his defense. With a series of well-timed strikes, Marc managed to break through Rylan's defenses, landing a decisive blow that knocked his opponent to the ground.The match was a testament to Marc's skill and determination. Despite facing a difficult opponent, he never gave up, pushing himself to his limits and emerging victorious in the end.

With the next fight showcasing Adelheid, as Adelheid stepped into the sparring area, his presence was as commanding as the flames that flickered around him. Across from him stood Elara, a wind affinity user known for her speed and agility.Elara wasted no time, immediately launching into a flurry of attacks. She moved with the grace of a dancer, her movements fluid and unpredictable. Adelheid countered with his own attacks, his swordplay enhanced by the flames that danced along the edge of his blade.Adelheid tried to use his wind affinity to match Elara's speed, but he found it difficult to control. The wind around him became erratic, sometimes aiding his movements and other times hindering them. Despite this, Adelheid pressed on, using his fiery aura to drive Elara back.Elara, however, was a formidable opponent. She used her wind affinity to create whirlwinds that buffeted Adelheid, making it difficult for him to maintain his footing. Adelheid gritted his teeth, focusing on his dual affinities to keep up with Elara's relentless assault.As the match wore on, Adelheid began to find his rhythm. He used his wind affinity to create small gusts that disrupted Elara's attacks, giving him openings to strike. With each exchange, Adelheid's control over his wind affinity improved, allowing him to match Elara's speed and agility.In the end, it was Adelheid's determination and adaptability that won him the match. With a final, well-placed strike, he defeated Elara, proving that even the fiercest wind could be tamed by the flames of his determination.As Lana entered the sparring area, her presence was captivating. She moved with a fluidity and grace that seemed almost otherworldly, her sword dancing through the air like an extension of her own body. Her opponent, Rylan, could only watch in awe as Lana twirled and spun, her movements a mesmerizing blend of art and combat.Rylan knew he was in for a challenge. Lana's style was unlike anything he had ever seen before. She moved with a precision and skill that belied her years, each strike and parry executed with flawless technique.As the match began, Rylan wasted no time in launching his attacks. He summoned jets of water with his affinity, sending them hurtling towards Lana with impressive speed. But Lana was unfazed. She moved with a grace that seemed to defy physics, dodging and deflecting the water with ease.Lana's responses were as beautiful as they were deadly. She used her water affinity to create illusions, confusing Rylan and forcing him to second-guess his every move. At one point, she sent a wave of water crashing towards him, only to have it split into multiple smaller waves at the last moment, catching him off guard.Despite Rylan's best efforts, Lana remained in control of the match. She pressed her advantage, her attacks coming in a relentless barrage that left Rylan struggling to keep up. With each strike, Lana seemed to be telling a story, her swordplay a narrative of skill and finesse.In the end, it was Lana's mastery of her affinities and her unparalleled swordplay that won her the match. With a final, elegant strike, she defeated Rylan, leaving him gasping for breath and marveling at the sheer artistry of her technique.As Kael watched the matches unfold, a fire ignited within him. He saw the diverse styles and techniques of his fellow warriors, each one unique and powerful in its own right. Adelheid's swift and precise strikes, Lana's graceful and fluid movements, Marc's strong and unyielding defense—all of them inspired him in different ways.As he observed, Kael began to form a vision in his mind, a path that he wanted to follow. He saw himself blending the speed and precision of Adelheid's style with the grace and fluidity of Lana's, adding his own touches to create something entirely new and his own.With each match, Kael's determination grew. He knew that he had a long way to go, but he was eager to begin. As the matches came to an end and the warriors began to disperse, Kael remained behind, lost in thought.He knew that the path ahead would be challenging, but he was ready to face it head-on. With his affinities for temperature, time, and the mysterious third affinity that lay dormant within him, Kael was confident that he could carve out his own style and become a master swordsman.As he made his way back to the dorms, Kael felt a sense of purpose and excitement. The journey ahead would be difficult, but he was determined to succeed. With his newfound inspiration, he knew that anything was possible