
Journey of the strong

Sam got betrayed by his big brother when he was fighting for a heavenly treasure. but he returned 10 years before he died. Join Sam on his journey to getting revenge and becoming the strongest in the world

Adham_Omar · ไซไฟ
4 Chs

Journey of the strong-start of the disaster

Three days had passed since Sam started cultivating in his room. Despite the lack of Qi in the environment, his diligence and mastery of the all-devouring Technique allowed him to make impressive progress.

The world around him seemed dull and lifeless, devoid of any visible energy or movement. But as Sam closed his eyes and focused his mind, he could feel a faint energy pulsing through his body. He concentrated on circulating the energy through his meridians, letting it flow in a steady and controlled manner.

Sam's cultivation speed was nothing short of remarkable, almost supernatural. He absorbed the minuscule amounts of Qi in the air with ease, and his chaotic combat meridians and heaven-defying dan tian helped him store and refine the energy with great efficiency.

Despite the scarce Qi in his surroundings, Sam's mind wandered to the possibilities of cultivating in areas with denser Qi. He could only imagine the incredible speed at which he would progress and the immense power he would eventually attain.

After three days of arduous cultivation, Sam's body was coated with a layer of sticky black impurities that had accumulated within him. However, despite his disheveled appearance, Sam couldn't help but beam with pride and satisfaction.

As he emerged from his room, he was sweating profusely and breathing heavily, but he felt more alive and invigorated than ever before. The intense training had paid off, and he had achieved the eighth level of Qi refinement.

Sam's smile grew wider as he realized that the black substance coating his body was the physical manifestation of the impurities he had expelled from his body during his cultivation. This was a clear sign that his efforts had not gone to waste, and his cultivation speed would only continue to accelerate from this point on.

Eager to cleanse himself of the impurities, Sam quickly took a shower, and to his surprise, he noticed that his skin had become whiter and smoother than before. As he examined himself in the mirror, he realized that his body had become more muscular and toned as well.

All of this was due to his chaotic combat meridians, which had not only refined his Qi but had also nurtured and strengthened his body during the cultivation process. Sam couldn't help but feel grateful for this newfound power, and he was excited to see where his training would take him next.

Sam stepped out of his room, feeling refreshed and energized after his cultivation session. As he walked towards the living room, he saw his little sister Jasmine in a lotus position, her eyes closed in deep concentration.

But what caught Sam's attention was the glowing aura surrounding her body, indicating that she had already reached the third level of Qi refinement. Sam couldn't help but feel amazed at her progress, especially since it would take an average person several weeks to a month to reach that level, even in an area abundant with Qi.

He could see the determination in her eyes, the same determination that he had when he first started his cultivation journey.

As Sam approached her, Jasmine opened her eyes and looked up at him, a smile spreading across her face.

"I've been practicing the Flower Petal technique from the book you gave me, and it's been helping me a lot," she said, excitement evident in her voice.

Sam nodded, impressed by her dedication and progress. He couldn't help but feel proud of his sister for taking the initiative to improve herself.

He knew that he had an advantage with his cheat-like meridians and dan tian, but he also knew that Jasmine's determination and hard work would eventually lead her to success.

He didn't know if his sister had a special constitution that is helping her in cultivation or not but that isn't important at the moment.

What's important right now is the disaster that is going to occur hours later.

Before the disaster that Sam had experienced in his past life, the world was beset by tremors and earthquakes that were merely a prelude to the chaos that was about to unfold.

The ground split apart in some areas, and from the depths of the earth, grotesque monsters began to emerge. These creatures were unlike anything anyone had ever seen before, and they seemed impervious to traditional methods of warfare. Even the most advanced weapons in the military's arsenal were barely able to scratch their skin.

As the situation grew more dire, people began to panic and flee for their lives. The once-bustling cities were now ghost towns, and the streets were littered with the remains of those who had fallen to the monsters' onslaught.

In the midst of the chaos, strange blue portals began to appear all over the world, and people started to speculate about their purpose. The government initially wanted to send in teams to investigate, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the relentless attacks of the monsters.

As desperation set in, the remaining civilians scrambled to find safety in these portals, hoping to escape the ravages of the monsters. What they found on the other side was beyond their wildest imaginations - a new world that they never could have imagined.

Now, as Sam was in the kitchen packing some food and cutlery, he could feel the ground shaking beneath his feet, this was a reminder of the disaster.

Unlike in his previous life, Sam had a big grin on his face.

he was clearly excited about what would happen next.